Without a Trace (TV Series 2002– ) Poster

(2002– )

Anthony LaPaglia: FBI MPU SSA Jack Malone, Jack Malone



  • Martin : I think he's sleeping with her. The way he talks about her and she's climbing that corporate ladder pretty quick.

    Jack Malone : He may be in love with her, but he's not sleeping with her. Never even thought about it.

    [Martin looks quizzically at Jack] 

    Jack Malone : He's gay.

    Martin : What, because he called her a "fireball"?

    Jack Malone : No... 'cause he was checking you out.

  • Jack Malone : According to the groom, she was an angel.

    Martin : I guess love is blind. And deaf. And very, very dumb.

    Jack Malone : Spoken like a true romantic.

  • Martin : You still believe in that?

    Jack Malone : Yeah, marriage, kids, the whole nine yards.

    [Martin looks at him] 

    Jack Malone : I didn't say I was good at it, but I'm a huge fan.

  • Jack Malone : [introducing the 'new guy']  All right, as you all know, we have a new member of the team joining us today - Martin Fitzgerald. Let's make sure we give him the frosty welcome that all rookies deserve.

  • Samantha : Think a fresh change of clothes will make up for a lost night's sleep?

    Jack Malone : Well, if I looked as good as you in black, I wouldn't need to change.

    Samantha : [laughs]  Jack... your collar.

    Jack Malone : You're starting to sound like my wife.

    Samantha : You should listen to your wife.

    [Sam fixes the mussed collar] 

    Jack Malone : You do this for Dr. Fred?

    Samantha : Sure.

    Jack Malone : How is Dr. Fred?

    Samantha : Busy and unavailable, just the way I like 'em.

  • Jack Malone : I was surprised that your father didn't call me about you.

    Martin : I asked him to stay out of it. I don't want any preferential treatment.

    Jack Malone : Good, 'cause you're not getting any.

  • Samantha : [about a missing person's father]  He's barely got a pot to piss in and he's taking his daughter to a $300 dinner on a Saturday night?

    Jack Malone : Well, think about it. He abandons her when she's a kid. He doesn't know how to deal with it. Now he wants to be her best friend. It's classic guilt.

    Samantha : Is it guilt or romance? You don't go to Carmine's unless it's valentine's day or you're going to propose.

    Jack Malone : How would you know?

  • Samantha : Is that from your infidelity handbook?

    Jack Malone : Chapter three.

  • [Talking to a fake kidnapper who called in a fake ransom] 

    Jack Malone : Easy money. Didn't occur to you that we'd be all over this?

    Guy : I told her not to call the police.

    Jack Malone : You are hands down the biggest idiot I've ever met.

  • [On internet dating] 

    Jack Malone : This is what I have to look forward to. I'm going to take one of these out. What do you think of this: Uh, Jumpin' Jack Flash. Divorced, two kids, bad knee, grumpy workaholic. It's a pretty good sell, right?

    Vivian : My husband's looking better everyday.

    Jack Malone : Yeah, I'll bet.

  • Jack Malone : [waiting on a suspect]  Sometimes I wish I'd never quit smoking.

  • Jack Malone : [after two suspects leave a building]  There's Frick and Frack now.

  • Jack Malone : There's a lot more than pain here. There's a lot of secrets in this marriage.

    Samantha : Aren't there secrets in every marriage?

  • [Talking about a re-united marriage] 

    Samantha : So, what do you think their odds are?

    [Sam doesn't get an answer] 

    Samantha : Are you all right?

    Jack Malone : Marie and I separated.

    Samantha : When?

    Jack Malone : Three months ago.

    Samantha : Three months.

    Jack Malone : Yeah.

    Samantha : Well, I don't know what to say.

    Jack Malone : Well, you know, we were trying to work it out, and, uh we're in kind of, uh... limbo.

    Samantha : I'm going to go home.

  • [Jack tells Chet that a lead on his son was a dud] 

    Chet Collins : Feels like drowning, Jack

    [starts to cry] 

    Chet Collins : ... like drowning so slowly you don't even realize what's happening.

    [Chet stands up] 

    Chet Collins : Well, I-I have to go. I can't let Sean go, but... you know, each time... each time I'm scared that I might not be able to hang on.

    Jack Malone : You can hang on to me.

  • [an ex-veterinarian takes over a high-school type boarding school] 

    Jack Malone : With what qualifications, looking after animals?

    Samantha : Well, high school's pretty rough these days.

    Jack Malone : Hilarious.

  • [the suspect is heading home and Jack is trying to warn Martin and Danny] 

    Jack Malone : Spaulding's on his way back. Get out of there.

    Martin : Danny's in the house.

    Jack Malone : What the hell... what are you guys doing?

    Martin : He thought he heard something.

  • Jack Malone : What kind of ambiguity?

    Paula Van Doren : The ambiguous kind.

  • [after the missing boy is found] 

    Graham Spaulding : Do I get my 15 minutes now?

    Jack Malone : Your 15 minutes are over.

  • Jack Malone : Five a.m. Danny's up early.

    Samantha : That's assuming he went to bed.

  • [Jack brings Sam a cup of coffee] 

    Samantha : Ah, thank you.

    Jack Malone : Looks like I should have brought you eye drops.

    Samantha : Yeah, and you look like a million bucks.

  • Jack Malone : Everybody's skeptical of you white-collar guys.

    Martin : Yeah, I've noticed.

  • [after interrogating a suspect] 

    Jack Malone : The head butt was a nice touch.

    Danny : No... head "bump". That was a head "bump", not a head "butt".

  • Jack Malone : Martin?

    Martin : Yeah?

    Jack Malone : I know.

    [Martin doesn't say anything] 

    Jack Malone : About you, and uh...

    Martin : Okay.

    Jack Malone : Good luck with it.

    Martin : [nods]  Good night.

    Jack Malone : Night.

  • Jack Malone : I meant what I said before, Graham. You care about these kids. That's why you took Andy under your wing. He was confused, vulnerable. You were the only one who understood him.

    Graham Spaulding : Is that right?

    Jack Malone : I think so. But then he turned on you, didn't he? I know how that feels. Know how... painful that can be. You pour yourself into someone - your time, energy, and devotion. You give them everything they need to grow and then they just abandon you.

    Graham Spaulding : Are you speaking from experience?

    Jack Malone : Sure. You love someone... you make love to someone... you give your life to them and then they don't even look at you.

  • [Looking through videos the missing girl made] 

    Samantha : I've been sitting here all night looking for clues, looking for suspects. I mean, I'm not just seeing her I'm seeing... everything she sees and I keep thinking that if I get to know her maybe that'll help, you know? And then I think maybe I'll get to know her and it won't make any difference at all, it just...

    [Starts to cry] 

    Samantha : ... God, I'm sorry.

    [Jack puts a hand on her shoulder] 

    Jack Malone : This is... well, you're not supposed to get used to this. You're not. When you do... it's time to hang it up.

  • [about the mayor of a small town] 

    Jack Malone : Must be the town snitch.

    Martin : Well, he is a politician.

  • [Two restaurant workers find the ransom money in the dumpster] 

    Jack Malone : [into mic]  Oh, please. Danny, get rid of them.

    [Danny takes out ear piece and tucks it into his shirt. He moves from his spot and approaches the two restaurant workers who have opened the bag and start pocketing the money inside] 

    Danny : Hey. Hey, you want to live to see tomorrow? Don't be playing with my livelihood, you got me?

    [Danny lifts his shirt and shows them his gun. He pushes them aside and grabs the bag from them. The workers leave. Danny puts the bag back in the trash bin] 

    Jack Malone : Nice work, Serpico.

    Danny : I grew up on Pacino.

  • [an eleven year old has been surfing porn sites] 

    Jack Malone : Geez. I didn't know what girls looked like when I was his age.

    Danny : I was all over it. My brothers were good for something.

  • [about to teenagers having an argument] 

    Jack Malone : This is all over a key chain?

    Danny : It's the South Bronx, Jack. Kids get shot for a whole lot less there.

    Jack Malone : The cops don't have time for it, right?

    Danny : No, but I do.

  • [Jack brings in the Joint Terrorism Task Force in about the Arabic doctor] 

    Samantha : Jack, I, um... I think you're making a mistake. I think... that you have jumped the gun bringing in JTTF.

    Jack Malone : Yeah, well, that's my call.

    Samantha : You're right, it is your call. But just... think about it. I mean, after this investigation, do you think Anwar will be able to get a job in his field? Forget the CDC. He'll be lucky if the INS renews his VISA.

    Jack Malone : It's not my problem. Look, if any of this is making you uncomfortable I can transfer you to another case.

    Samantha : [coldly]  No. I can manage.

  • [the missing father has $500,000 in his bank account] 

    Danny : He's got an ex-con working for him. Maybe this whole Laundromat, dry-cleaner thing is a front.

    Jack Malone : For what?

    Danny : I don't know. Drugs, diamonds, illegal ferrets.

  • Jack Malone : Are we not talking? Is that, uh, is that what's going on here? You know, it's been two weeks. You still haven't unpacked the boxes at your desk.

    [she looks at him] 

    Jack Malone : What's that for, is that for my benefit?

    Vivian : Don't flatter yourself, Jack, please.

    Jack Malone : You know what, Viv? I understand that you're upset. Just knock off the whole martyr thing, will you?

    Vivian : Me? A martyr? Look who's talking. You walk around with the weight of the world on your shoulders. You know what? As far as I'm concerned, you should be back in Chicago doing what's right for your kids.

    Jack Malone : You know what? You want to take a shot at me about my work, that's one thing. But just shut up about my personal life, all right? It's none of your business.

    Vivian : Yeah, well, stop bringing your personal life into the workplace, Jack.

    Jack Malone : What the hell is that supposed to mean?

    Vivian : It means you screwed Samantha and dumped her like garbage. You go back to your wife, but you don't really try and make that work. You recommend me for a job, then you take that back. Then you come along and you say sorry, like I'm supposed to go back as if nothing happened. Well, you know what? You need to take responsibility for the things you do, Jack, and grow up.

  • Jack Malone : Okay, I want you to take Martin with you.

    Samantha : No, Jack, I can do this on my own.

    Jack Malone : Yes, I know. I want you to take him anyway.

  • [Talking to a found missing person] 

    Vivian : Go easy on him.

    Jack Malone : Don't I always?

  • [about an Arabic doctor who disappears] 

    Jack Malone : You notice how he went from respected doctor to suspected terrorist in the space of a five-minute conversation?

    Martin : I guess that's the world we live in.

    Jack Malone : I guess.

  • Martin : Was that obstruction?

    Jack Malone : No. That was frustration.

  • [about a missing father] 

    Jack Malone : No. Pillar of the community, coaches little league. The whole nine yards.

    Vivian : That's a mixed metaphor.

    Jack Malone : Indeed.

  • [about domestic abuse] 

    Jack Malone : No, no history and history is written by the victors.

    Vivian : Winners... and that's a cliché.

    Jack Malone : It's an adage. And it's an adage because it's true

  • Jack Malone : Perfect husband, perfect father, perfect life.

    Danny : Sounds like perfect denial.

    Jack Malone : Yeah, we'll see.

  • [Danny is giving Jack grief] 

    Jack Malone : What? Did I take you away from a date?

    Danny : Actually, yeah. You?

    Jack Malone : Please.

  • [Talking about a father-to-be] 

    Jack Malone : My wife was nuts about all this baby stuff, too. A lot of bedside reading. "Daddy, Who Are"..."Prepping Papa". This guy was really committed.

    Samantha : [flatly]  Yeah, he's a real saint. Eight-and-a-half months pregnant and she's waiting on him hand and foot.

    Jack Malone : She brought him breakfast. He didn't ask her to go downstairs and rotate the tires on his car.

  • [after the husband has an outburst in which he threatens someone's life] 

    Samantha : Wow. Well, that's refreshing. He's got the FBI in his lap and he still says whatever he's thinking.

    Jack Malone : Either that or he just can't control himself.

  • Vivian : Jack, you are not responsible for everything and everybody.

    Jack Malone : Are you done?

  • [Chet is giving Jack a Saints pendant] 

    Jack Malone : St. Jude.

    Chet Collins : Yeah. I got it from a priest about a year ago. I don't know if the man gave it to me because he thought I was a lost or because Sean was lost. Either way...


    Chet Collins : I don't need it anymore. But maybe, I thought, you know, maybe you could use it.

  • [Checking out missing person's internet 'profiles'] 

    Vivian : How is the wonderful world of internet dating?

    Jack Malone : Well, there's no better way to get to know your victim than to hear what she has to say about herself.

  • [Tricking a suspect's roomie to let them in the apartment] 

    Jack Malone : Does that look like a water pipe to you, Agent Fitzgerald?

    Martin : Oh... certainly looks like one.

  • [about a missing vet's war medals] 

    Jack Malone : Distinguished service medal... Bronze Star... Purple Heart... Silver Star... Vietnam Service Medal... Liberation of Kuwait.

    Samantha : Are they in order of importance?

    Jack Malone : Uh... no. If they were, it would be Silver Star first, then Bronze Star. It appears that they're in chronological order. Maybe the timeline of his career.

    Samantha : Well, then I think I know how his career ends. His service pistol's missing.

  • [Martin's dad is some head-honcho in the government] 

    Victor Fitzgerald : [to Jack]  So, how's my boy doing? They giving him a hard time because of his old man?

    Jack Malone : Well, I don't know. Are we?

    Martin : Constantly.

  • [after Jack has had an argument with Victor Fitzgerald] 

    Jack Malone : Didn't even wait for me to say, "yes, sir."

    Martin : He never does.

  • [Heading in to interrogate a suspect/congressman] 

    Martin : Sure you don't want to wait for my father?

    Jack Malone : I left word at his office.

    Martin : [dryly]  It's a shame we missed him.

  • [after Martin and Jack come back from a trip] 

    Danny : How was Washington?

    Jack Malone : "D.C.," As in "Didn't Cooperate." I did get a free pen out of Whitehurst's office, though.

  • [Looking at a service pistol] 

    Jack Malone : It's a Russian Tokarov.

    Danny : Yeah. Jack knows his guns.

  • [about Jack's army expertise] 

    Jack Malone : I was in the 82nd airborne, first battalion in the 504 in '79.

    Manny Ayabar : Red devils, huh?

    Jack Malone : Yeah. Baggy pants.

  • [after Danny's been shot at] 

    Jack Malone : [into phone]  How's he doing?

    Samantha : [into phone]  Well, he'll never admit it, but he's a little amped up.

  • Danny : [hugging Jack]  I am so sorry about your Dad.

    Jack Malone : [trying to escape Danny's hug]  What are you doing?

  • Vivian : [about a kid who has been kidnapped whom they don't know anything about]  We've got a decent sketch...

    Jack Malone : [deadpan]  Great.

    Vivian : Hey, it's a start.

    Jack Malone : Not much of one.

  • Jack Malone : There was no way I was going to leave that boy to die.

    Paula Van Doren : You made your own bed on this, Jack.)

    Jack Malone : You know, I used to think that this job was worth it. Giving up my life, my family, my friends, but today I almost sold my soul, and you know what? Not worth it. Here's my letter of resignation.

    [Note: Jack DOES NOT quit his job] 

  • [a drop off has turned into a hostage situation, in which Sam is one of the hostages] 

    Paula Van Doren : What the hell happened, Jack?

    Jack Malone : We had a drop go bad. There's a suspect across the street in a bookstore. He's holding about a half a dozen hostages.

    Paula Van Doren : And Special Agent Spade is one of these hostages?

    Jack Malone : Yes.

    Paula Van Doren : Mm-hmm. Have you achieved contact with the suspect?

    Jack Malone : [sighs]  Not yet.

    Paula Van Doren : Then Drummond should step in and be the negotiator on this.

    Jack Malone : With all due respect to you and Drummond, I am knee-deep in this. I have background on the suspect. I know a lot about the person he kidnapped. I have tons of experience in hostage negotiation, not to mention the fact that there's one of my agents in that bookstore.

    Paula Van Doren : Which is what makes me doubt whether or not you have proper objectivity - particularly because it's... this agent, Jack.

    [Martin looks over and appears to be eavesdropping] 

    Jack Malone : [lowers his voice]  Which is exactly why I should do it. Because if she tries to communicate something to me covertly, I am the best one to interpret it. I know her. Drummond doesn't.

  • [On the phone with Barry Mashburn] 

    Barry Mashburn : I-I-I don't need anymore false promises.

    Jack Malone : What are you talking about? We just started talking. There's no false promises here. What are you talking about?

    Barry Mashburn : Let's just say people are liars, Jack.

    Jack Malone : Okay, let's just say that people are liars. Let's just say that. But I'm not, okay? You know why I'm not? Because I have to keep my credibility. If I lie, I lose my credibility with you and that's not good, because we have to work this out together. You understand? We have to work this thing out together.

  • [On the phone with Barry, after Sam's been shot] 

    Jack Malone : Barry, what's going on in there?

    Barry Mashburn : Nothing. Everything's fine.

    Jack Malone : Well, I heard a gunshot.

    Barry Mashburn : It was an accident. Everyone's fine.

    Jack Malone : So nobody's been shot?

    Barry Mashburn : No, no, no.

    Jack Malone : Well, then, what happened?

    [Barry doesn't answer] 

    Jack Malone : Barry, what happened?

    Barry Mashburn : One of the idiots tried to jump me. My gun went off, but it, uh, it-it shot into the floor.

    Jack Malone : Okay, okay. Uh. Let me talk to somebody else in there.

    Barry Mashburn : What, you don't believe me?

    Jack Malone : Well, two minutes ago, you were talking about shooting people.

    Barry Mashburn : I-I never said that.

    Jack Malone : Yeah, that's what you told Samantha to tell me.

    Barry Mashburn : Well, she was just nervous. She-she-she wanted to get out of here.

    Jack Malone : Okay, well, let me talk to her.

    Barry Mashburn : No! No, you got to take my word for it. I don't want to talk right now.

  • [Once again, on the phone with Barry] 

    Jack Malone : Yeah?

    Barry Mashburn : Okay, look... We need a doctor.

    Jack Malone : What for?

    Barry Mashburn : Somebody got shot.

    Jack Malone : Who?

    Barry Mashburn : Samantha.

    [Martin lets out a breath] 

    Jack Malone : How bad is it?

    Barry Mashburn : It-it was an accident.

    Jack Malone : [hard]  I didn't ask you what happened. I asked you how bad it was.

    [Van Doren sends Jack a look. Martin doesn't move from the headphones] 

    Jack Malone : You've been jerking me around for 45 minutes, Barry.

    Barry Mashburn : What are you talking about? You lied to me! You've been lying this whole time!

    Jack Malone : What the hell you talking about?

    Barry Mashburn : I found her badge, Jack! She's one of yours.

  • [after that last conversation with Barry] 

    Jack Malone : We're not sending in a doctor, we have to send in the SWAT team.

    Paula Van Doren : [softly]  Jack, when I asked you if you could keep your objectivity with Spade inside there, you said you could. Now, she said it was an accident. She said it was a through-and-through.

    Jack Malone : Yeah, and I think she's not telling the truth. For all we know, he had a gun to her head. We can't take anything she says at face value.

    Paula Van Doren : SWAT is the last resort. Now, do your job and negotiate your agent out of there.

  • [Sydney is the reason Barry's wife died in 9-11] 

    Jack Malone : Yeah, I have a feeling that as long as his wife was dead and Sydney is alive, it was never going to be enough.

    Martin : You know, if this guy did kill Sydney, he's not going to have too much regret about Samantha. I mean, she's just another person who betrayed him.

  • [Phone conversation] 

    Barry Mashburn : They're going to turn me into a maniac, aren't they?

    Jack Malone : Who, Barry?

    Barry Mashburn : The press.

    Jack Malone : Yeah, they probably will do that. Sooner or later, it was going to come out. It's inevitable.

    Barry Mashburn : Look, Jack, Jack, I-I never wanted any of this to happen. Okay, I just wanted...

    Jack Malone : [quietly]  What, Barry? What did you want?

    Barry Mashburn : I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what I wanted. I-I... don't even know what I'm doing here.

    Jack Malone : Listen to me. You've made some bad decisions, but it's not too late. You can get yourself out of this.

    Barry Mashburn : Okay, okay, Jack, please, tell them that it was an accident.

    Jack Malone : Look, Barry, I can tell them all of that, but they're not going to believe it until you let Samantha go.

    Barry Mashburn : T-tell them that-that it... tell the press it-it was an accident and I will-I will... I will release someone else to you. I promise.

    Jack Malone : Why not her?

    Barry Mashburn : No, no, no. She's my insurance.

    Jack Malone : Against what?

    Barry Mashburn : So-so that you get moving on my helicopter.

    Jack Malone : Look, Barry, Samantha's life is no more important than anyone else's, but she's the one who's been shot.

    Barry Mashburn : No, th-this is not negotiable, Jack. She stays.

    [Martin and Jack share a look] 

    Jack Malone : Who do you want to give me?

    Barry Mashburn : Okay.

    [looks at Richard] 

    Barry Mashburn : The Idiot.

  • [the SWAT Team has just retrieved Richard from the bookstore] 

    Richard : What the hell did you handcuff me for?

    Jack Malone : Standard procedure. For all we know, you could've been an accomplice. We had to check you out.

    Richard : W-wait, you're investigating me? While I've been doing the whole time trying to stop the guy?

    Martin : And you got one of our agents shot because of it.

    Richard : [defensively]  Well, maybe, if you guys weren't sitting around here with your thumbs up your asses, we wouldn't have to be in there trying to take the fight...

    Martin : Why don't you just settle down, all right?

    Jack Malone : Do me a favor? Just tell me how she is.

    Richard : [quietly]  She's bleeding all over the place. She's going to die in there.

  • Jack Malone : [quietly]  Grab that.

    [Martin takes the gun] 

    Martin : What are you doing?

    [Hands Martin his wallet] 

    Jack Malone : Hold down the fort.

  • [Jack crosses the street, and heads towards the bookstore] 

    Jack Malone : [yells]  Barry!

    [Barry grabs of the hostages] 

    Barry Mashburn : Come here.

    [Barry drags the hostage to the door and puts the gun against his head] 

    Jack Malone : Come to the door. I want to talk to you! Come on, Barry, open the door!

    Jack Malone : [shouts]  Open the door! I want to talk!

    Barry Mashburn : [shouts]  Who the hell are you?

    Jack Malone : I'm the guy you've been talking to.

    [flashes his bade] 

    Jack Malone : Jack Malone, FBI.

    Barry Mashburn : Well, what do you want?

    Jack Malone : I want to come in.

    Barry Mashburn : No way!

    Jack Malone : Yeah, yeah, come on, let me in...

    [Jack takes off his tie and throws it aside] 

    Jack Malone : Look, I got nothing, all right? Nothing!

    [He takes off his jacket and drops it to the ground] 

    Jack Malone : Nothing! No gun. I'm not wired...

    [Jack lifts up his shirt] 

    Jack Malone : Nothing, see?


    Jack Malone : Nothing!

    Barry Mashburn : [yells back]  What do you want?

    Jack Malone : I want Samantha!

    Barry Mashburn : And why should I give her to you?

    Jack Malone : [shouts]  Because she is bleeding to death... and I know that you're not a murderer!

    Barry Mashburn : Well... what do I get in return?

    Jack Malone : Me. You get me.

  • Jack Malone : What's going on, Barry? What are you thinking?

    Barry Mashburn : Nothing.

    Jack Malone : Come on. It's just you and me. Talk to me.

    Barry Mashburn : Of all the things that happened... you know what consumes me the most?

    Jack Malone : What?

    Barry Mashburn : The last time I saw my wife.

    Jack Malone : What happened?

    [Barry laughs softly] 

    Barry Mashburn : Nothing. It was nothing special at all.

  • [a father refuses to let FBI search his sons' rooms] 

    Jack Malone : Everybody's an expert.

    Vivian : I bet he's searching their rooms as we speak.

    Jack Malone : Yeah, I bet.

  • [In the church of a missing priest] 

    Vivian : Confessional's over there.

    Jack Malone : Not enough time in the day. I'll pass.

  • Jack Malone : I hear you're the bitch of Detention Block C. You'd better tell me what I want to know.

    Convict : Or what?

    Jack Malone : Or you're gonna spend the rest of your life in here, bending over to pick up the soap.

  • Jack Malone : What makes you assume I was a Catholic?

    Fr. Sean Walker : You have the disillusionment of someone that used to believe.

    [Jack nods] 

    Fr. Sean Walker : I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be presumptuous.

    Jack Malone : Hey, presume away.

  • Jack Malone : I talked to Schmidt in OPR. You can go back into the field, under one condition.

    Samantha : What?

    Jack Malone : We want you to see the in-house counselor.

    Samantha : "We?"

    Jack Malone : Okay, me.

    Samantha : No.

    Jack Malone : Samantha, you may not think that I'm the best person qualified to talk to you about this... But this kind of event can have long-term fallout, and you've got to deal with it.

    Samantha : I just feel like you've lost faith in me.

    Jack Malone : Nobody has lost faith in you. Least of all me.

  • [about the fiancé of a missing girl] 

    Jack Malone : Smells like a brewery in here.

    Martin : Yeah, you noticed?

    Danny : What, is he still drunk?

    Martin : Nah, he's just fairly hung over.

  • [Sam is going to Palm Springs with Martin on assignment] 

    Samantha : I might be reading too much into this, but there's, um... no hidden message in you sending me on vacation to Palm Springs, is there?

    Jack Malone : What kind of message?

    Samantha : Like, maybe I'm just getting back to work, and you're trying to get me out of your hair.

    Jack Malone : You are... reading too much into this. You should just take it for what it is: In-flight movie and a little bit of sun... and a chance to interview a convicted felon and a potential murderer. Enjoy.

  • Jack Malone : Define "honestly".

  • [phone call with Martin] 

    Jack Malone : How's Sam?

    Martin : She could use a few driving lessons, but, uh, other than that, she's all right. The sunshine treats her well.

    Jack Malone : Keep me posted.

  • [after Sam's appointment] 

    Samantha : Sorry, I got held up with something.

    Jack Malone : How'd it go?

    Samantha : Pointless.

    Jack Malone : That's good.

  • Dr. Lisa Harris : You want to talk to me about Agent Spade?

    Jack Malone : Yeah, I get the impression that she may be resisting you a little.

    Dr. Lisa Harris : She's been resisting me a lot, actually. Having a hard time even getting her in the room.

    Jack Malone : You want me to talk to her?

    Dr. Lisa Harris : No. No, she'll come around.

    Jack Malone : What if she doesn't?

    Dr. Lisa Harris : They all do. Most of them. Is that all?

    Jack Malone : Mm-hmm.

    Dr. Lisa Harris : Okay.

    [Jack starts to leave] 

    Dr. Lisa Harris : Jack?

    Jack Malone : Yeah?

    Dr. Lisa Harris : If you ever need to talk about anything yourself, my door's always open, you know that?

    Jack Malone : Yeah, I know that, Lisa.

  • [after seeing Jack leave the therapist's office] 

    Danny : Not you, too.

    Jack Malone : No, but thanks for asking.

  • [looking through mugshots] 

    Vivian : If I have to look at one more bearded, 40ish, scary-looking Russian guy, I'm going to blow my brains out.

    Jack Malone : Yeah, I know.

    Vivian : How'd you learn to speak Russian anyhow?

    Jack Malone : Busboy at the Russian Tea Room.

    Vivian : [laughs]  Learn something new every day.

    Jack Malone : Yeah, I know. Lotta fun, isn't it?

  • Jack Malone : Good morning.

    Danny : Is it?

    [looks out window] 

    Danny : Is it? It's morning.

    Jack Malone : Man, you look wired.

    Danny : Wired? Wired is better than tired!

  • Vivian : [finishes up a phone call]  Jack. That was the submissions department from Playboy.

    Jack Malone : They want you to pose for Miss November?

  • Vivian : [tracking a call from a pay phone]  Let's hope the kid's in a chatty mood.

    Jack Malone : Let's hope I spelled Patchogue right.

  • Samantha : Well, there's always Daddy Dearest. This way he gets the money and the girl.

    Jack Malone : You have a chip on your shoulder.

  • [Jack and Martin are chasing a suspect. Martin tackles suspect into a lake] 

    Jack Malone : Where'd you learn that? White Collar?

    Martin : Sixth grade swim class.

    Jack Malone : I was gaining on him, ya know?

    Martin : Sorry about that.

  • [Talking to Barry Mashburn- the man running the hold-up] 

    Barry Mashburn : No one's hurt.


    Barry Mashburn : Yet.

    Jack Malone : Does that include Sydney Harrison?

    Barry Mashburn : Sydney's safe for now.

    Jack Malone : Can you tell me where she is?

    Barry Mashburn : She's, uh, she's, uh, she's with my partner.

    [Martin listens in on the phone conversation] 

    Barry Mashburn : You know, but one word from me and she dies. They don't hear from me by midnight, she dies. You understand that?

    Jack Malone : Okay, Barry, I got it, I got it. It's good that you've kept your cool.

    Barry Mashburn : Yeah, so far.

    Jack Malone : Right, 'cause you don't want to hurt anyone, Barry, because if you do, that's when things are going to get difficult.

    Barry Mashburn : Oh, yeah, well, things are really peachy right now.

  • Maria Malone : When I asked you to move to Chicago, in the back of my mind, I just, I never thought that you would say yes.

    Jack Malone : Yeah, I know.

    Maria Malone : And now I wish... you hadn't.

    Jack Malone : W-what are you talking about?

    Maria Malone : I'm so sorry. I don't want you... I don't want you to come with us.

    Jack Malone : Why?

    Maria Malone : I don't want to be married to you any more.

  • [Jack is bargaining with a suspect for the missing boy's location] 

    Jack Malone : But I tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to give you fifteen minutes with him, if you tell me where he is.

    Graham Spaulding : You'd do that?

    Jack Malone : I'll give you fifteen minutes with him... alone. You can do whatever you want.

    Graham Spaulding : Fifteen minutes.

    Jack Malone : Whatever you want.

  • [Father-in-law of the missing person is a suspect] 

    Jack Malone : He's afraid. He thinks we're on to something.

    Samantha : I'm sure he's quaking in his boots. We got nothing on him, Jack.

  • Martin : How do you know the father took her? Maybe they were kidnapped. Maybe he was killed and then she was taken.

    Samantha : Even a psychotic pedophile is unlikely to target a girl traveling with an adult male.

    Martin : So without any evidence to suggest this guy was dirty you assume, this is a custody thing or incest.

    Jack Malone : Careful, Martin, she's got a thing about men.

See also

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