Tom Goes to the Mayor (TV Series 2004–2006) Poster


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Classic Tim & Eric
13Funbags12 May 2017
I love this show in small doses.While it's very funny and just bizarre, I seem to be only able to watch three or four episodes before I fall asleep.The animation(if you can call it that) is extremely strange.They just use still pictures of people and then paint them blue and white.The people's mouths never move and somehow that just makes it funnier.I'm always amazed by the amount of guest stars this show had.Tim and Eric clearly had lots of connections in Hollywood even though they have never had any success.Even though I called this classic Tim and Eric, it's also classic Bob Odenkirk.He is in almost every episode(maybe all of them, I didn't really keep track) and he usually plays a different character each time.He's extremely funny and it's too bad most of his "fans" will never even know this existed.If you like to laugh, you should really watch this show.
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voodoomoose23 May 2005
Tom Goes to the Mayor is quite possibly one of the best shows on Adult Swim. I was pleased to see that Adult Swim had more on their mind than simply ratings. They must've noticed that their late night programming was getting stagnant and repetitive with the hours of anime, and the line up of retro animation that everyone loves to duplicate. Tom Goes to the Mayor breathes new life into Adult Swim by integrating jokes that make no sense at first, but really grow on the viewer. Unlike Super Milk Chan and Robot Chicken, TGttM does not heavily rely on simply calling someone "a dumbass" repeatedly for laughs, and it doesn't focus on sexual innuendos and testicles to get people to enjoy the show.

The low-quality animation makes the entire show seem more real, especially since it's actual people who are being photographed while making strange expressions. But what I enjoy about TGttM is that you really feel for Tom and his plight.
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Truly, you will absolutely LOVE or HATE it
stargunner30 March 2005
It goes about half and half, but with Tom Goes to the Mayor, you'll either love or hate it. I don't know anybody that thinks it's just O.K. There are two types of Tom Goes to the Mayor viewers.

The first are those who absolutely despise creators Tim and Eric, think they are absolutely humorless, have no talent and think Tom Goes to the Mayor is the worst show on the planet.

Then there are the others, who find Tom Goes to the Mayor a very funny and entertaining show, and don't mind the strange and "choppy", you might say, animation it sports.

I am the latter. I love this show, and I think the expressions that Tom Peters, the Mayor, city council, extra portray are hilarious as well as the dialog. It's just as strange as any other show on Adult Swim, so I don't see a problem there.

It's a different kind of humor though, and for some it really clicks, and others will never, ever get it. If you haven't seen Tom Goes to the Mayor before, give it a try. I can't guarantee you'll like it, and you can't get your 15 minutes back, but you never know which side of the fence you'll be on.

Though Tom Goes to the Mayor is in the beginning of its first season, the seven episodes I have seen are great, including the pilot - so I think if it stays consistent it will continue to be excellent.

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tons of haters, but don't let them turn you away
mastaloo121 March 2008
there's been a lot of comments on the how unfunny TGTTM is, and how it's a complete waste of time. But, to enjoy the show, you have to have an open mind when watching it. No, it's not going to be a "roll on the floor laughing" show, but it has its own droll type of humor. everything about the show, the dialogue, the characters, the animation (yes, which I happen to enjoy) is completely unique and enjoyable to watch. the sheer ignorance and childlike mannerisms of the mayor are enough to make the show funny, not to mention the off-the-wall dilemmas and hilarious guest appearances (Michael Ian Black, e.g.). If you're thinking about watching the show, don't let all of these negative reviews turn you away; you don't know if you'll like it until you watch it. At least give it a chance.
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Mixed Feelings About This One...
Bumblevivisector3 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
One of Adult Swims bumpers called TGTTM, "...the most polarizing s@% of a b!#*$^ we've ever aired", and they weren't just trying to polish a turd by labeling it controversial. I simultaneously love and hate this show. While it was on, I couldn't wait for them to cancel it because I somehow knew that I'd like it more in hindsight. I didn't like it as a straight-up comedy, but it grew on me once I learned to see it as partly horror. The show follows the Tom Peters, the nicest, most normal guy on earth. He's just moved to Jefferton to try and make a living while making the world a better place, in spite of the town being populated mostly by degenerate mutants bent on torturing him to death, his new wife and 3 stepsons chief among them. Other viewers will call "mutants" an exaggeration, but the fact that only Tom was concerned about the town being completely submerged from a broken dam in "Bass Fishin'" makes me think Jefferton was a mid-western Innsmouth. As much as I hated the first season, I respected it for its uniqueness and took in every episode. And since seeing it, I've seen more and more things in everyday life that bring the show to mind, convincing me that it really has captured the zeitgeist, from the nightmare of finding a decent job in suburban America, to the stupidity and pretentiousness of local news programming and advertising in general. It also captures awkward moments without fixating on it like Seinfeld. The funniest parts are little commercials and visual gags, like trough-style breakfast-flavored instant meals, satirizing how fat we're allowing ourselves to get in the States. The basic pattern of each episode involves something terrible happening to Tom, usually the entire town turning on him because he was the only one sane enough to foresee and try to prevent something terrible from happening. The Mayor normally tries to help Tom, either accidentally of intentionally worsening the catastrophe of the week. So the recurring theme of the show's humor is misanthropy. Now, this next statement might only convey that I've been spoiled by living a nice, sheltered life in a first world country, but the reason this doesn't work is that misanthropy is only funny when people are randomly slaughtered left and right (Robot Chicken). The stuff that happens to Tom on the other hand seems so plausible that it's more horrifying than anything. The Porcelean Birds episode in particular put the entire 18-35 demographic on suicide watch for a half hour after it first aired. The show gets the viewer to empathize with Tom so strongly, that in the second season, when several stories see Tom accidentally kill and maim much of Jefferton, it became truly cathartic and hilarious, partly because Tom is the last guy on earth who'd hurt a fly, yet he truly deserves to eviscerate every last Jeffertonian. I actually laughed aloud at "Jeffy" when Tom, piloting a fake sea serpent, crushed several boatloads of people, and later (though not the last episode), we get our happiest moment as Tom is finally granted the sweet release of death, and takes half the town with him. Sure it implies he goes to Hell, but at this point it's been made clear to us that any Hell would be a step up from his life in Jefferton. Since cancellation, "Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job" has shown that their sense of humor is more suited to A.D.D. sketch comedy (Robot Chicken again), though I'm still sometimes at a loss as to whether I want to laugh of just smack them. Still, Tom is so adept at messing with your emotions while mocking our society that it's worth watching once. And if nothing else, it makes other unpleasant but good entertainment more enjoyable. Try watching "New York Ripper" right after an episode.
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Dark , Adult , Political Humor
lambiepie-21 August 2006
I didn't expect much from a show called "Tom Goes to the Mayor" but after watching a few episodes I got hooked. This is one crazy show. Funny and downright sick sometimes, it's a great adult swim addition.

Why is it funny? Well, here's a look into a small town with a semi-clueless mayor (I say 'semi' because I think the mayor knows what he wants with his own agenda) and a do-gooder citizen Tom Peters who - doesn't have one of the best of home lives.

His (second) wife is a lazy cow, his kids are the worst step-children imaginable but here's Tom Peters - who's heart is in a good place - he wants to be a part of improving his town. But everything he brings to this mayor goes horribly wrong. Horribly. So why does he keep trying? Why doesn't he move? Why -- even when the mayor can't remember his name with all the things he's done with him! Why, indeed.

The mayor is mostly to blame for these disasters...but the mayor's council is just as clueless. A skewed view into local politics. And add in live action "married news team" which is one of the most weirdest couples around, you have "Jefferton".

A very dark humored adult show.
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I don't understand this show.
Spacetree3 June 2006
I've heard from a lot of people that this show is hilarious. But every time I watch it, it's not funny. Sure, there's some chuckles here and there, but for the most part it's slow, boring, and too weird and silly for my tastes. And I like some crazy stuff (like most of the stuff on Adult Swim), too. So am I missing the point of this show? Is it too high brow for me? Is it too funny to be good? Is it too good to be funny? Is it meant to be weird, but not funny? Is it not meant to be "ha-ha" funny, but satire? I don't know, but I do know that it's not funny when I watch, not funny afterward, and not funny before. So if I'm missing the point of this show, sorry. But it's just not humorous at all. Every time I watch it, I just end up asking myself "What the hell is wrong with this show?"
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100% worth giving a try
ayumikoyanagi7 June 2006
You can't just ask one person about this show and expect to get a well-rounded answer. It seems to be pretty black and white with most people, whether they end up loving or hating it. Personally, I'm infatuated with it. Tim and Eric are amazing with the awkward, dry humor. So amazing, that one might not think it's funny, but just poor acting. DO NOT BE FOOLED. These guys really just are that good at it.

In the beginning, I didn't just immediately love it, but it was such a curious show that I kept tuning in. It took me a few episode to fully comprehend the humor, and once I did, I discovered they're true genius. A bit of advice, pay attention to detail, the magic is in the subtlety. For those who feel they can't get past the stylized characters, blue and white people, choppy animation, mouths that don't move, try their videos at Maybe once you've been exposed to the same humor in a different form you will come to see what TGTTM is trying to say.

The second season is expected to incorporate more live-action creating a healthier balance for the show. Like the first season, you can expect to see just as many celeb cameos. Those who have already decided they don't care for the show may want to re-evaluate their stance.
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1 is too good for this show!
dj_blue_plasma10 November 2006
I have seen this show three times, the first time was because I was flicking through channels and I thought it was a really stupid commercial. I soon realized that it was in fact a TV show, and I could not believe that it was possible to have a show this awful on television. The second time I watched the show was again out of disbelief because I still thought it was an animated short whipped up by the network during a commercial break. The jokes are not funny, too much live acting, and no story makes this show the perfect recipe for failure that any creator/producer would have nightmares about being part of. The third time was because I knew that it was an actual show by now, and I realized that there must be an audience. So, I sat through it to see what was great about it. I didn't laugh once; there was no story, no plot, nothing! Not even any animation! It's like someone just took pictures of each page in a children's book with illustrations, and recorded themselves reading it, and then called it an animated production. However, a children's book has a plot, and effort.

I am not exaggerating the slightest bit here, if you don't believe me, watch it for yourself. It was obviously bad enough that I went out of my way to make an account on this website, just so I could comment on how appalling this show is. Watch it for yourself, and if you have any appreciation for animation, you'll make an account on here too.

Someone please start a petition to get this show canceled so that real animated productions can take its place!
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As great as Adult Swim can be at times, this show is terrible.
kicking22216 January 2005
I understand this show's attempt at dry humor. I get the interesting, unique animation style based on Tim and Eric's web cartoon. I like the voice acting, and the guest voices by celebrities are consistently well-done. With all of that said, "Tom Goes to the Mayor" is awful. I've watched almost every episode shown thus far (after all, it is between two of the best shows on television in "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" and "Sealab 2021"), and I think that literally the ONLY time I laughed was at the weird sounds being made by Jack Black in the first episode. Not just are the jokes few and far between, but those that exist aren't funny. It's worth it to give this show a chance... once. Afterwards, you'll realize that the writing is crap and the animation simply gets annoying. With so many hits on Adult Swim, it's a shame that they don't immediately get rid of the misses. "Tom Goes to the Mayor" is definitely a miss.
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What an adventure.
AtypicalAdventurer28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is bloody brilliant. Tim and Eric are absolute comedy geniuses, and it's cool to see that they were like that from the start. I believe they were around 25-26 years old when they wrote the very first TGttM, and even from such a young age they had already established their unique brand of humour with great competence.

This show is also tremendously bleak, and almost feels post-apocalyptic at times. I honestly can't tell if the mayor is a complete airhead or a megalomaniacal genius who has the town under his thumb, using Tom to do his evil bidding and then making him take the fall for it.

Tom Goes to the Mayor is a must watch, whether you're a T&E fan or a lover of dark humour, dry humour, and satire.

Also, fair warning: some of the episodes are flat out hard to watch due to how much suffering Tom goes through, to the point where it's actually depressing. Despite that, I'm already excited to re-watch it in the near future!
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Where it all started
Pukeonthestreet11 February 2020
Honestly this might be better than tim and eric soley for the fact that it doesn't get as dark and creepy.
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poor poor cartoon network
cjmccall5 April 2007
This show is appalling. It features sub par animation, as well as sub par writing. Now I know this show probably equates its self to a modern day Pythagorean Z, but at least Pythagorean held the audience in thrall with Rick Bakers stunning dialogue. This show is a disfigurement on the cartoon network as a whole, not just Adult Swim. The chance of seeing an advertisement for "Tom goes to the Mayor" was a risk I was willing to take to view other programs, but eventually I was forced to change the channel every time the show came on. Unfortunately it has gotten so bad now I do not even bother to watch Adult Swim on Sundays anymore so there is no chance of me being subjected to the travesty.
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Easily the greatest comedic animation ever created.
Darkazmdubz3 June 2021
The genius in this is too good. I have watched all of these many times. Each episode is gold. Tim and Eric created a new style of humor one that has not been replicated even with their later endeavors. The writing is too good poking fun at small town obese America and the stupid often ridiculous nature of government officials. Cameos from all of your favorite comedians. I wish they would make more of these but I'm afraid it would never be the same. These were golden years for weird comedy.
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I once lost the nail on my big toe
burtandivy23 May 2006
And that was funnier than any single moment on this show. I mean the nail came back and all but for like four months it was exposed. I wish this show would go he way of my original toenail -- thrown away in a dirty tube sock.

This certainly can;t be considered funny by anyone -- can it? I mean it's like the kid in your 7th grade class who sings songs into his dad's tape recorder, then he brings them to school and he laughs while the rest of the class just sits there feeling pity and shame for hating someone so much, knowing he's trying to bring laughter to the world, but to spend so much time on something so inconsequential feels karmonically wrong.
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Hell personified
kinghenry-7844030 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
TGTTM is a series about Tom peters, the newest resident of Jefferson, and the mayor of Jefferson. The episodic cycle goes like this: tom presents an idea to the mayor, well intentioned for the benefit of others/the town, and the mayor manages to mangle that idea so horribly that tom suffers from it. It may be bold to analyze a goofy show like this, but I'm going to because it's plagued my mind.

Tom is spending eternal torment in hell, for god knows what. His home is awful, consisting of his wife joy who is toxic and makes tom's life worse, and joys three kids who are mostly innactive but still frankly suck. Even the house and property itself are in shambles.

Toms friend gibbons repeatedly makes life worse for him. Gibbons even once pressured him to buy him and expensive gift, which forced Tom to steal, which gibbons punished him for. Gibbons also goes on to present at his birthday that while Tom did get him the gift he pestered him for, he got the mayor to get him a more expensive one, making Tom appear a bad friend.

The mayor selfishly twists most of tom's ideas to make his own gain, or to simply make Tom suffer. Everyday tom walks into the mayors office, the mayor asks his name, as if he's never met him before. It seems like a "you're forgettable" power play.

Tom is a good, kindhearted man. He is the only one in town to have a moral compass that steers him right. He's the only person to time and time again act for others. Despite having a toxic wife, he still loves and adores her. Despite having step kids that show little to no interest in him, he loves and would do anything for them. No matter how many times he gets knocked down, he keeps trying to help the community.

Two episodes shook me to my core in this series. Two episodes went to the next level and made me come to my conclusion. Those episodes are: Season 2 ep 7 spray a carpet or rug, And Season 2 ep 15 puddins.

I hate how those episode names or so inconspicuous.

In spray a carpet or rug, the mayor has him replace the piorneer park grass with spray a carpet. This results in the death of many citizens and lands Tom, and only Tom, in prison. Overtime another inmate sells Tom the idea of hanging himself, which Tom does. He then sees a white mayor's office, where he meets the mayor. The last thing Tom says to the mayor is "what about my family, my friend said something about life insurance." The mayor just says "sorry buddy" and becomes a scary demon.

In puddins, tom shares with the mayor that his stepson brindon died from eating too much. The mayor is unperturbed. The mayor attends Brandon's memorial and eats food in the back. Afterward the mayor compliments tom's poem, and tries to feed him to calm down. He has this sort of disconnected support. He then goes to puddins where Brindon was supposed to have his birthday dessert. He gets tube fed a great deal of pudding then on the bench outside he eats from a tub, with brindon's picture beside him, whom he's been talking to. The mayor comes by and knocks the photo down to sit next to Tom, and goes on to suggest that Tom is therapeutically eating the pudding, and that he supports him in doing so. Tom goes on to eat an unhealthy amount of pudding and everything goes down hill. He falls into a nasty depression in which joy kicks him out for his brindon shrine, and lives in the dumpster behind puddins. He leaves a message at the mayors phone inviting him and saying "call me back please, I need to talk to someone". He sounds and looks broken. At the end of the episode Tom breaks down in the mayors office and weep on the floor. The mayor soon leaves him there on the floor, returns home and here we see the first empathetic and caring action the mayor has ever shown. He prays at dinner in thankfulness of his family, and for help towards Tom in his grief. It's also revealed that on the mayors mantle, and two of the four photos contain Tom. The episode ends with a montage of Tom crying on the mayors floor for months. Partway through he's given pillows and dog food.

I think this show is fantastic and hilarious. It will drive you insane if you let it and it's hard to go more than 3 episodes in a row. Each episode makes you so upset that you want to say "hey, that's not fair" but Jefferson doesn't care. Toms experiences are an exaduration of the injustices, unfairities, annoyances, and coldness of the real world. You want things to go right for Tom but they won't.

Rats off to ya.
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Ugly, unfunny nonsense. So, it's Tim and Eric.
myopiczeal12 February 2022
More of the same from the unfunniest men in comedy. I thought maybe a through story would provide these idiots some structure. Nope. But hey, if you like ugly, cringey anti-comedy, go for it. I guess making weird faces is easy.
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Worst Adult Swim Show...EVER!
tracerbullet0035 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched two episodes of this series...and that was two more than I should've watched of this pathetic excuse for a series. The animator seems to come from the David Rees' (from the comic strip "Get Your War On") school of pasting clip art on a white board and calling it a cartoon. But while Rees tries to actually send a message in his strips, this cartoon doesn't send any message whatsoever other than "this is the funniest show ever...provided that your blood-alcohol count is over 1.5!" Here's an example: In one of the episodes I watched, the town of Jefferton (the town Tom and the Mayor live in) is about to host Toodles Day, which involves a dog chosen to play matchmaker for other dogs in the town! Get it? Wait, here's another joke: Tom tries to train the matchmaker dog by teaching him to sniff the anus of another dog! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a riot! I haven't seen comedy this funny since the live-action movie version of "Dudley Do-Right!" Oh, and here's another joke: the town's local news team is "the only married news team," because they're both stereotypically gay! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Stop it, you're killing me! This series should've been axed a long time ago. Adult Swim has other good cartoons: Harvey Birdman is a funny show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force is a randomly hilarious show. Tom Goes To The Mayor is, to put it bluntly, just plain retarded.
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greatguyinmi24 September 2006
can't give it a zero, bad acting, no plot and too much subversive homosexuality,CANCEL THIS CRAP..........other shows on as are funny but I think that this is one of those where you have this friend on the inside and he gets your show on.There promos are not funny and the show is dumb and choppy. Too much junk like 12oz mouse with no plot, adult swim is good for some laughs but only when the show actually spends some money on production and writing. Tim and eric? who cares about you and jefferton, cross dressing isn't funny anymore, HINT HINT SNL. there's a message in this show, I hope there is no third season, Bill Cosby did better with a roller.
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Lazy, strange, occasionally funny.
daftnate28 February 2022
People either love this show or hate it? Meh. I didn't feel strongly one way or the other. Some good cameos, a few clever jokes and, at times, it works. Often it's not good. At all. Forget the lazy animation, clearly that was deliberate. The characters can be annoying as heck, the characters (aside from Tim and Eric) are just lame and overall this show just doesn't work.

I'm a fan of Tim and Eric Awesome Show in small doses. These could have worked as 3 minute shorts, sadly the show is so weak even an ATHF timeslot feels far, far too long.
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Someone knew where the skeletons at Williams Street were hidden
EndlessBob2 January 2005
This program reeks. But, I suppose if you found the humor stylings of "Fernwood 2Night" hysterical, and then thought that a poorly animated version of it would be even better, then this show is for you.

Actually, "animation" is too strong a word here, since hardly anything in a shot ever moves: "South Park" looks like "Finding Nemo" in comparison.

Because of the nature of a bell curve, you can be sure that any offering, no matter how poorly-executed, will find an audience that finds it "groundbreaking." "Tom Goes To The Mayor" is no exception, but don't be fooled by that tenth of a percent of a standard deviation of the Adult Swim population that is enthusiastic about it.

It's just not funny at all, and we can only hope that Adult Swim finds something worthwhile with which to fill its spot.

Perhaps a spin off of "Super Milk-Chan"?
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DutchOompaLoompa23 December 2004
This show is a show made out of paper. The basic outline is a loyal civilian, Tom Peters, has great ideas to help the city; however, whenever he presents the idea, the mayor makes it take a turn for the worst.The new episodes appear on the 10:30 adult swim slot, and I haven't missed one since the show started. Celebrities constantly have a guest appearance. I will admit though that a lot of people may not get the show's humor. The mayor and Tom make a unforgettable duo that will not be forgotten in years to come. The writer's for this show have a different set of mind frame that you won't want to miss. All in all this is a great, funny show that you will have to see for yourself at sometime.
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Worst Show Ever.
toastygod7 June 2005
Tom Goes To The Mayor is the worst Adult Swim, nay television as a whole, has to offer. Adult Swim should be ashamed to run this terrible excuse for entertainment alongside such greats as Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Family Guy. I pity anyone whose first exposure to Adult Swim is this show, they would have very low expectations of the network. To get truly great in anything there is a lot of experimentation involved. Through this you get the best and worst any given medium has to offer. Tom Goes To The Mayor is easily the worst animation comedy has to offer.

For shame Adult Swim, for shame.
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Bizarre, yet shockingly refreshing
kioberry3 March 2005
I know not how the idiot mayor of Jefferton was elected, but he would do well to listen to Tom's advice. Tom is a character to sympathize with. His ideas are creative, if not inspired, but the mayor has a way of ruining everything. For some reason, though, Tom goes back to the mayor. And for some reason I keep watching. As for the animation, I love the realism of the paper cut outs of the people, and the expressions on their faces mismatch so extremely with those people usually make, that it hard not to laugh. Though this show is bizarre, it is not so in the uncanny way other adult swim shows tend to be. However, I do find this show shockingly refreshing. Yet, I cannot find what component of this show, that for intents and purposes is simply un-humorous, actually makes me tune in and laugh.
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A pretty pitiful show even by Cartoon Network standards. lol
MovieCriticMarvelfan18 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
That about sums up the show in it's entirely "Tom Goes the Mayor" is not the best show on Adult Swim as some few fans might say, it's the WORST thing on Adult Swim's lineup. Even "American Dad" looks a masterpiece compared to this garbage.

When I was reading other reviews, I noticed how exaggerated these reviews were and how even the positive reviews couldn't really give any clear examples of a plot or positives.

The show is about a guy who is the Mayor, that's about it, but most of the characters are pretty loud and obnoxious.

Even as I snuck a peak at the Behind Scenes footage for the show, I noticed even one of the writers get up and say "THIS IS NOT FUNNY, THERE IS NO WAY THIS WOULD SHOW ON TELEVISION" and his right 100%. It's interesting how that confession is left out of people's review.

This show doesn't breathe new life into Adult Swim, it takes it away. It's boring, it's dull, and most important it's not funny at all. In actuality it's annoying like trolls on the internet.

The budget is nonexistent, the animation sucks, and the voices are all uninspiring.

"Robot Chicken", "Sealab", "Aquan Team " and "Family Guy" are all shows worth your time, this show is not. I gave it a shot for two episodes and NEVER laughed. It's about as bad if not worse than Venture Bros. another lame Adult Swim toon that should be canceled.
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