Clarkson's Farm (TV Series 2021– ) Poster

(2021– )

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Jeremy Clarkson points a TV crew at the brilliance of real farmers
jcmark-6672512 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Many people are criticizing this show already (see the horrendous Lucy Mangan review in the Guardian), but seem to have either not watched the series or completely misunderstood Jeremy Clarkson's goal. Clarkson is a mostly useless tool on his farm and he makes decisions seemingly guided by blind luck and assumption...which is utterly on brand and perfectly reflects the real challenges of farming.

While he spouts a few typical Clarkson-esque utterances that might irk a sensitive viewer, he largely serves the purpose of highlighting an amazing supporting cast of real farmhands and farmers. His efforts in cocking about turn into genuine appreciation and respect. It seems that he set out to make this show hoping to highlight the difficulties of farming, but in actually facing some of the harshest realities in a tragic year for agriculture, Clarkson seems to surprise even himself with how much he learns.

I would by no means consider him a true farm manager yet, but his show was an excellent experiment in detailing the real lives of farmers with more natural, entertaining, and heartwarming stories. He has made overly manufactured television in the past (though great entertainment), but instead, creates a show in which the real personalities of everyone involved with running a large farm are showcased.

People like Kaleb, Charlie, Gerald, Ellen, and Kevin are the highlights of the series, and rightfully so. Jeremy Clarkson will always have enough charisma to draw viewers, but it's the interactions with his friends and colleagues that kept me watching. In unsurprising fashion, Clarkson spends considerable time lambasting government regulation and restriction, but for once it feels much more like he is at least somewhat voicing the pleas of other farmers in regards to the very real consequences of sustainable agriculture. Anyone who has ever worked a farm will enjoy the schadenfreude of Clarkson's naivety; it brought me back to my time as a kid working my uncle's land. But we can all laugh and empathize with his year in a recognizably arduous and important profession. As a TV presenter of motoring shows I have always found Clarkson to be entertaining, but in "Clarkson's Farm" he finds a great group of people during one of the most disastrous year's in recent human history who, together, create a series that presents the watchable realism of a lovely, virgin farmer.
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Pure gold!
ngyrjzqmrb14 June 2021
I don't know what else to say than pure gold. Clarkson at his best, surrounded by great people. 10/10. Haven't written a review before, but this deserved it.

  • have a great day whoever reads this :)
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Clarkson did a thing.
idiocracy_l13 June 2021
I binged this over two days, and i loved it. The best part was that Gerald had no subtitles, no one has a clue what he is saying.

In my country we have similar shows, but i really enjoyed watching this. I hope there's going to be a season 2.
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Love him or hate him , this is still pure genius
horton-7836712 June 2021
For some reason Clarkson gets a lot of hate from social media , when in all honesty, the man is quite simply brilliant, thoroughly entertaining series , watched all 8 ep in one sitting , please don't go back to London, we all want a series 2 then 3 and so on until you hand the farm to kaleb and I'll no doubt watch him too 👍
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Top quality entertainment
scottedwards-8735914 June 2021
Think about this. There are no specially built sets, no actors, no extras, no special effects, no CGI, no green screen, no costumes, no make-up, nothing. Some of it is even filmed on a mobile phone ! This is the genius of Clarkson, he's created the highest rated show in the history of Amazon. Out of basically nothing. Incredible.
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Well that was a surprise.
Sleepin_Dragon6 July 2021
I have to swallow humble pie here, I'm not a fan of Clarkson as a rule, I was told I'd enjoy this, in truth I absolutely loved it, it's a wonderful series.

From the very off, it's engaging, informative, and generally rewarding. Clarkson comes across as very intelligent, and very willing, the people on the farm are utterly incredible.

I cannot believe how big that farm is, and just how hard the people on it work.

Don't be put off because you're not a fan of, or unsure about Clarkson, this is a great watch, 9/10.
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Binge watching heaven
sheikhmansour12 June 2021
Absolutely brilliant. Has had me in hysterics and had me on the verge of tears. The Top Gear buffoon but also the personal emotional side of the man who does love nature and animals. Farming through the eyes of the rank amateur is great for the vast majority of us who know nothing about it.

Caleb is perfect foil for Jeremy who is a brilliant substitute for May and Hammond's absence.
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Sad to see it over so quick
gd-parry13 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's one of those shows - like James May In Japan - that you can just zip through without realising. Seeing so much going on and then it's over.

Hoping there's a second season and Kaleb learns to obey the satnav if he should ever venture into London again.

This is what reality tv should be - not showcasing the pampered lives of people who are so far removed from reality.
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Shows what an actual backbreaking work it is to run a farm
ilcool9012 June 2021
Absolutely love the show. Clarkson's humor is of-course epic. But this show actually shows what utter hard labor it is to produce the food we eat and how much annoying bureaucratic nonsense farmers have to jump through because politicians that know diddly-squat about farming introduced it based on advice from some hippies.

And you really can see that Clarkson wasn't just doing shots on camera and then going off and doing nothing, he actually worked his behind off.

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From a farmer's perspective
AbhiSh4ke2 August 2021
This show is pure gold and I hope that more seasons follow because I have been continuously laughing like a maniac watching this. The small things the knee injury, the lever, the sheep it's all premium television. Anybody giving this a negative review either has a bias against Clarkson or has no sense of humour at all. Just watch it one hour and you'll be hooked especially if you are a farmer because you literally see yourself in Caleb & Kevin and notice everything. Again this is television GOLD.
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One of the best shows I've seen in a long time
djurrepower11 July 2021
The show stays close to its roots in 'top gear' and 'grand tour'. The humor and overall culture, that difines the feel of top gear, is presented in it's best form. Biggest difference here is that there are far less pranks. Although the humor is still mostly the usual what you would expect from Clarkson. But the show does take itself a little more serious. And I would say it turned out great.

Only critism is that the forced 'drama' and provoked overreactions are still present, and tend to be a bit eyerolling from time to time. But these moments aren't common, and the show overall is just really enjoyable. And no episode felt like filler. Each one felt interesting with great pacing and structure.

Honestly, if you even remorely like 'top gear' or 'grand tour' this is right up your alley. And if you haven't watched those shows, I would reccomend watching this show first, since it tends to be a bit more serious and grounded.

9/10: yes, please more.
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hamid454512 June 2021
It was very Entertaining and funny, I wasn't Expecting too be this good, honestly whatever Jeremy doing is cool and entertaining, I LOVED IT!!!!
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Truly entertaining the Clarkson way
oceans_expat3 December 2022
Love the farm, love the support but Clarkson doesn't do himself any favours. You can see some of the scenes being set up before it hit's it's someone anticlimax or miserable failure.

Would love if he was more real with the realities of farm life for a non-farmer without all the scripts. It's not just entertaining but very informative of how the farming community works and the real challenges they face to bring food to our table. Would like to see him engage positively more with the community. His wife also needs to be featured more. Overall love having him on my TV and look forward to the next season(s).
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Oh well.
clumsiecodi21 July 2021
This could have been an incredibly beautiful thing about modern English farming - 10/10. But Jeremy Clarkson is such a genuinely insensitive and rude person, that it just left me with a sour taste in my mouth in most could-be-beautiful moments of the show.
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Clarkson's humanitarian side : An enjoyable, witty, and from-the-heart Farming adventure
83ubi12 June 2021
This is some of the best, most meaningful programming Jeremy Clarkson has ever done. He decides to purchase and run a large farm, and gets right in there trying to be a helping hand. He introduces us to cool farming machinery, including his Lambo tractor - yet at the same time, Clarkson takes on the responsibility of not only growing corps, and employing workers during COVID, but Clarkson also grows food to feed the community, opens a local food market and raises farm animals that he cares for and protects. His wife Lisa is charming, and Jeremy's sidekicks are genuine, and hard-working. Very impressed !!!
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This show will probably go into my top 3 favourites of all time.
amritsreenivas12 June 2021
Farming is difficult, is a torture and if there isn't any govt. Aid, you'd be stuck in a debt trap and resort to suicide that happens so often in India. Very few lucky next generation people like me were able to get a college education is able to come out of this vicious cycle because your previous generation sacrificing so much by dealing with all the beauracracy and politics.

This show while takes a humourous approach with focus on Jeremy who is undeniably one of the best presenters ever, does give a lot of deep insights as to how much exactly goes into farming and if it weren't for govt. Grants and farming at scale, you'd no longer have anyone doing farming because it's such a thankless job though it is the most important job of all jobs in the entire world if we nees to put food on everyone's plates.
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Could of been tedious....
tzarhusky12 June 2021
But wasn't.

I was afraid that it would just be Jeremy being Jeremy and we'd watch him blundering around for the entire series. After an episode I was afraid I was right.

But his learning curb was steep and it turned into a witty but REAL experience. Great supporting on camera crew. Especially Kaleb Cooper. A 20 year old who had never left chippy forging a believable friendship with a 60 year old. Well done everyone involved.
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This was not as expected
dabraham-7207812 June 2021
I watched it because it had Jeremy Clarkson and I am a huge Top Gear and Grand Tour fan. I did not know this show was going to be so great, not only is it entertaining and funny, but it shows exactly how hard farmers work and the issues they face. Most of us, do not know or care where we get our veggies and produce from, but after watching this, I will be more inclined to pay extra for the local farmer over some big farmer. I have a huge respect for farmers and hopefully a good farming year is to come. Thanks for all you do behind the doors we never see.
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I could watch this every day of the year
bevshackles13 February 2023
Full confession - I've always detested Jeremy Clarkson and have never watched Top Gear (so no clue why I didn't like him).

Then I watched season one and fell in love (NOT just with Jeremy but I think he's a great entertainer. I fell in love with all of them. Kaleb, Gerald, Charlie, Lisa and, of course, Pepper the cow.

What a fantastic programme. I love the beauty of the farm and the decency of people involved. I love the explanations of why things happen on farms. I love the way that no matter what happens they just keep trying.

Probably I most of all love the way this show highlights the crap that farmers have to go through. Ridiculous pettifogging and childish behaviour by the local Council . They should be hanging their heads in utter shame and embarrassment.

Can't wait for season 3.
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King of Chaos 1 - Village idiots 0 (Season 2)
mcshane36515 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Jeremy Clarkson is a force of nature. Larger than life, (possibly due in part to all that glorious farm food) with the energy of a raging toddler, the optimism of a Ned Flanders, the mouth of a sailor on his fourth case of Hawkstone beer, there appears to be no stopping him. Except there is.

I'm pretty sure that anyone whose dealt with a rural local council over anything more difficult than getting missed bins picked up took one look at the face on the presiding council chief and knew the answer to Jeremy's most reasonable request for planning permission was going to be a big fat "No!"

There are some fantastic people living in the area, many of whom are struggling farmers who deserve every helping hand they can get. But no. Because Jeremy is not considered a 'real farmer' the whole lot can go to the wall with him as far as the council is concerned. Bye bye to the co-opertive they were organising together that could have gone a long way to save them all. A local nameless resident even had a bitter spiteful nasty little lawyer read out a bitter nasty spiteful statement calling Jeremy every bitter spiteful nasty little name in the book. This is small minded Britain at it's worst.

Jealousy is a terrible blight on the character & it seems the area Jeremy is trying to make a go of farming is heaving with it. Because he is well known & has the audacity to be wealthy, he has no business calling himself a human being, let alone a farmer. Everything has been done, above & beyond the call of spite, enforcing policies that are applied normally without the draconian penalties of hatred levelled at him.

I live rural so I get it. You're either in or you're out & if you're out you might as well live on the moon because you'll never ever be accepted as part of the 'us' that is deemed so spectacularly full of wonderfulness. Sadly for Chadlington Oxfordshire, the public really like Jeremy Clarkson evidenced by their willingness to travel miles to visit his shop. There's little chance there will be any purchases made in that village as they journey thru, or anything more than deliberately driving over the no parking cones lined up like Daleks all along the road to make everyone's life a misery & some rubbish thrown out car windows for good measure on the high street. All I can say is, you asked for it.
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Classic Clarkson
gina_gemini12 June 2021
Great show with that classic type of entertainment this man has gifted the world with for all these years.

Thanks to Amazon for giving us an additional dose of Jezza.
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Entertaining (Obviously) and Educative
40milesanhour11 June 2021
One of my relatives had quite a farm in the old village and he used to invite us there. One time when I've got there, first thing I've thought about that farming is a hard and tiresome work and I'll never be interested. This series have the honour to make me feel interested in farming.

Jeremy Clarkson once said in the Grand Tour Seamen episode that he is a big blundering idiot that can't wire a plug. Well you will see him being clumsy or incompetent but he is keen on learning this stuff. It is, I think, both educative and funny.
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Kaleb is the star!
csm-7811929 August 2021
This is much better than you might expect if, like myself, you are not really a fan of Mr C. There are a few obvious contrivances and some ridiculous scenes, but overall it's very entertaining and does demonstrate the craziness and difficulties of the market in which farmers have to operate in. Much of the entertainment comes from the interactions between Clarkson and his right hand man in these endeavours, the young early 20's, going on early 60's, Kaleb Cooper, who is such a unique and refreshing character with a great penchant for putting Mr C down. Well worth a viewing.
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A Staggering Achievement
sharansrinivas-g12 June 2021
I was never about Jezza's own show having seen The Great Escapists in which the easily sellable Hamster failed to create an entertaining spectacle while May on the other hand now has two great shows on Prime. Having seen the entire show, I can now proclaim that Clarkson's Farm is the finest show I've seen in the last decade. It's not too pretentious, it's not too dull or technical. It's simple, honest and great fun. From the crops to the sheep to the chickens, there's a great variety of animals and the human contributors (especially Gerald) are also great.

Sheeping, Wilding, Pandemicking and Harvesting were all stunning episodes that elevate the show to a greater heights. Can't wait for Season 2.
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Subpar Reality TV
thisisforspam57912 June 2021
One could hardly make up the top review at time of writing, which gives it 10/10 at "quite good" before going on the defensive at phantom "feminazis."

Take it from someone who generally likes Clarkson's work from Top Gear to his books and documentaries: this show is proper early-morning BBC9+1 drivel. Neither particularly entertaining nor researched and informative, it comes across as a third-rate, highly scripted reality TV show. Were it not for Clarkson's ability to draw in a sycophantic crowd, this show would and should not ever have been made.

The cinematography and editing are "good enough" - as in, it's coherent, but the show never manages to capitalise on the few moments of humour or drama peppered sparingly throughout the series - the real issue seems to be Clarkson himself, who seems no longer able to engage with anything beyond the limits of his buffoonish media persona.

Ultimately, what is the point here? An important topic is given an idiotic treatment. Climate change violently intrudes in the first apisode but the best Clarkson can muster is mumbling "nothing I can do." Food security is stressed while he is intentionally useless and ruins his crop. Every important moment is similarly undermined by the feeling that, for a rich man in the closing stages of a life spent for the benefit of himself and himself alone, nothing matters more than hamming it up for the camera..
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