Emily the Criminal (2022) Poster

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Aubrey Plaza and Theo Rossi are Terrific Together
tkdlifemagazine3 November 2022
Aubrey Plaza and Theo Rossi are Terrific Together in this drama and thriller rolled into one. Plaza shows great acting acumen as a "down on her luck" artist who becomes swept up in a crime spree to earn extra income. She is sweet, vulnerable, and relatable in this roll. She plays it really well. Rossi is terrific as her crime mentor. He plays a savvy non-violent criminal with a softer side. The film reminds me of another great film, Uncut Gems, in all the right ways. The acting is sharp. The Direction is first class. The Cinematography is very good. The movie is small in some senses. But it evokes many emotions- from anxiety to sadness, and more. This so worth watching for the performances alone.
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Holy moly what a surprising gem...
MovieCriticOnline27 December 2022
Holy moly what a surprising gem... with soooooo many terrible movies coming out and finding a decent, let alone, a good movie is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Reminded me a bit of "Good Time," (Safdie brothers film) and I am certain the director was inspired by Good Time, from the opening of the interview to all the very tight shots of everything, documentary style, to the music. Also "Straight Time" (Dustin Hoffman) with the authentic style and BELIEVABLE acting. Never a dull moment from beginning to end, and this is coming from someone who basically gives 98% of movies coming out a bad review, and deservingly so.

From the cinematography, camera work, and music, this was just excellent and Audrey was amazing.

I literally had zero expectations of liking this, since I've been hitting 99 to 1 on finding good movies.

The story was unique and surprising.

This is what other indie filmmakers like Sean Baker should aspire to do. They have great natural approach to filmmaking, but lack story and excitement, as they have in this one.

The movie got better and better, which was even more shocking.

What a breath of fresh air that a movie has a great plot but never forgets about the characters and relationship, and most important, approaches it with such authenticity.

Emily certainly wasn't the most likable character nor brightest of the bunch and they may have made her a bit too dumb, which seemed a bit inconsistent to the rest of her interactions, like going against their simple instructions of what not to do. Usually, that is the writer being lazy or unable to come up with a better way to create drama and/or conflict, so that is my minor criticism.

Other than that, it was really good. In summary, I had know idea what to expect, but every minute was pleasantly surprising.

I can't give it ten stars, because it wasn't without any problems, which I normally would list, but since there are so few good films out I will leave it out because I do recommend this.
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what other movies try to be . . . and . . . fail at dismally.
jmccrmck-6517215 August 2022
Gripping , poignant , acting as good as it gets and a story that keeps you wanting to see more. I keep this review brief because if you don't see this move you will be the one missing out. Best thing I have watched at home or in the movie theater for some time.
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An anti-hero for our times and a superior actress.
JohnDeSando14 August 2022
Emily the Criminal stands next to Maverick for the best thriller of the year. That's because of Aubrey Plaza, who plays the anti-hero for our times

The eponymous bad girl of the Sundance breakout Emily the Criminal is as much a victim of society's neglect as she is of her own self-centeredness. Yet Emily (Aubrey Plaza) is self-sufficient and capable of kicking serious butt, not in a professional, martial-arts way, but in a way that mirrors her determination.

It's not difficult to see why she is easily seduced from food-delivery work to credit card scamming given the $70K in school loans, half a degree, and her permanent record of aggravated assault and DUI. The clarity and tension with which writer/director John Patton Ford unfolds Emily's arc are admirable--anyone in the audience can immediately identify with her dilemma-to remain poor or to make enough to erase debt and live comfortably.

Emily's only real friend is her old college chum, Liz (Megalyn Echikunwoke), who gets her an ad-agency interview with a mean womansplaining exec (Gina Gershon) that serves as the last testament to what Emily will suffer for every job she interviews: facing her criminal record and being offered, in this case, an internship for almost a half year without pay.

Hooking up with an enterprise that scams credit cards is almost a given; hooking up with the middle manager, Yusuf (Theo Rossi), is also a given, given that he is handsome, charming, and warm hearted. The drama actually comes alive when she begins scamming, showing a natural talent and aggressive enough, unlike other modern heroines, to escape by wit or just smarts with the help of a taser or boxcutters.

Throughout Emily the Detective, Plaza plays a decent millenial who has been buffeted by fate and her own stern affect to find salvation in accelerating crime, for which she has talent. Emily is not really the criminal that Yusuf's colleagues are; rather she's a bright woman caught in a social satire both trenchant and scary.

You'll love Plaza in this role. Just pray she can move from her deadpan characters to a variety of strong women. Like Ryan Gosling in Drive, she's impossible to ignore. She's that good.
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Very good BUT.... it's a remake.
sebastien_debande3 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love everything about that movie, especially the fantastic performances of the 2 main actors, BUT, this movie is a untold remake (so, yup: plagiarism) of one of my favorite french movie "Not for, or Against (Quite the Contrary)" {Original title: Ni pour, ni contre (bien au contraire)}, directed by Cédric Klapisch in 2003.

Emily the criminal follows the exact same plot, and offers several similar scenes from the beginning to the end.

The only 2 slight improvements are:
  • Emily is a more compelling character than Caty, more tortured and strained by her student debt.

  • The big depot heist at the end of "Not for Nor Against" is toned down to a more "human scale" robbery, somehow more realistic.

So Emily the Criminal is indeed a good effort, and overall a good movie, but I hope Cédric Klapisch will be mentioned some day, because his original movie is a masterpiece.
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Plaza breaking bad
ferguson-611 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. Aubrey Plaza proved during "Parks and Recreation", and most every role since, that she is nearly unmatched in her ability to deliver blistering one-liners. However, over the last few years, she has expanded her repertoire and has become a fascinating, multi-talented actress who is exciting to watch. The feature film debut of writer-director John Patton Ford provides the opportunity for Ms. Plaza to push her dramatic chops into the world of crime. She not only doesn't disappoint, she excels.

Emily (Ms. Plaza) is a struggling gig worker delivering lunch orders to office buildings. She has $70,000 in student loan debt and an assault conviction on her record that blocks her from any "good" jobs. We see how that past haunts her in an interview, and it's also our first peek at her natural instinct to bow up and fight back in any situation she views as unjust. Emily is a Jersey girl living in L. A. with a bucket list that seems like a distant dream. One day a co-worker hooks her up with an opportunity to make $200 in one hour. Of course, the opportunity turns out to require her to do something illegal, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

The 'training' class is run by Youcef (Theo Rossi, "Sons of Anarchy"), a man with a gentle approach that disarms most attendees. Emily gets up to leave, but an exchange with Youcef (and a need for money) convinces her to stay and partake of the ridiculously easy money to be made from credit card fraud. The 'dummy shopper' approach can only go so far, and Youcef mentors Emily to take more risk for more reward. Additionally, their relationship escalates causing consternation from Youcef's brother Khalil (Jonathan Avigdori), who points out that Emily is not the best at following rules, which puts her and the entire operation in jeopardy.

Liz (Megalyn Echikunwoke), Emily's friend from art school, finagles an interview for her at the big-time marketing firm where she works. Gena Gershon has one scene as the hiring manager, and Emily proves yet again that her interview skills are a bit lacking. Only this time she's chin deep in running crime with Youcef. One thing that is glossed over here, is that Emily surely has an advantage being an attractive white woman, while most of the others are people of color - automatically causing alert. Ms. Plaza and Mr. Rossi play off each other very well, but this is clearly her time to shine in a crime thriller. Although the story is actually very simple, and I'm not a fan of the ending, it's certainly fun to watch Aubrey Plaza spread her wings as an actor.

Opening in theaters on August 12, 2022.
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Good enough
MK_Ultra_16 November 2022
Aubrey Plaza steals the show in what is, a by the numbers crime thriller of sorts. I stayed away from all the hyperbole and trailer and has a fresh look at it. It's paced well, acted well by both Plaza and Rossi, but kind of rides the mediocrity line much like many other unmemorable crime sagas that we've all come to watch and know. Maybe it's the predictability in the third act that takes away some of the gritty edge developed early on? Seemed almost half baked down the stretch and kind of sealed it as a good---not great film watching.

Worth a look but hard to get all that excited about as a whole.
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Solid 21st Century Underworld Crime Film Shot With Strong Influence of Michael Mann and Heavyweight Performances by Plaza and Rossi
RightOnDaddio12 August 2022
This film runs at a tight hour and a half. It is not a breathless thriller but a film that gives you room to breathe and absorb your surroundings of gritty Los Angeles and the goings on that maybe most in the vicinity are not even aware of.

This is a tale of loneliness and desperation. One of a ticking clock in a life that has increasingly fading ambition and looming, seemingly never-shrinking, never-ending debt.

Left alone, what choices would we make if given an opportunity of little risk but great and immediate reward?

In addition to the monster roles of Aubrey Plaza and Theo Rossi, there before our eyes is Gina Gershon.

Gina Gershon in a small, but impactful part, setting the screen ablaze if not but for a brief moment. But it is a delightful moment, nonetheless.

Director. John Patton Ford brings L. A. crime to life, as only Michael Mann did generations ago. Ford is a new force in film and you will leave eager to see his future projects (please, don't be a comic book or Star Wars film!) Two incredible actors, one legendary cameo, and a talented director with a bright future in storytelling.

This movie will not rob you of your time.
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Aubrey Plaza shines in hard-nosed crime drama
paul-allaer11 December 2022
As "Emily The Criminal" (2022 release; 97 min) opens, Emily is at a job interview. When it becomes clear she won't get the job due to her prior convictions, she leaves midway. Back at her regular job as a food caterer, a co-worker leads her to an opportunity as a "dummy shopper" that pays $200 in the first hour. Desperate for the money, Emily signs up... At this point we are 10 minutes into the movie...

Couple of comments: this is the feature length debut of writer-director John Patton Ford. Here he brings a hard-nosed look at what it takes to survive, let alone thrive, in the cut-throat business that is credit card fraud. Along the way, it examines why someone like Emily is driven to do this in the first place. In and of itself none of this is revolutionary but for the fact that Aubrey Plaza features is just about every single frame of the movie, and shines along the way. She is completely believable in this role, and she seems to be everywhere these days (currently also starring in Season 2 of "The White Lotus" on HBO). For some reason, this movie made me think of Michael Mann's "Thief" (1981). Probably the score by Nathan Halpern helped that association, but frankly also the overall non-sentimental tone of the movie too.

"Emily the Criminal" premiered at this year's Sundance Film Festival to immediate critical acclaim. It is currently rated 94% Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, and for good reason. I missed it during its brief US theatrical run earlier this year, but it is now streaming on Netflix where I caught it last night. If you are in the mood for a hard-nosed crime drama featuring an outstanding Aubrey Plaza, I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.
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Definitely best performance of Aubrey Plaza!
UniqueParticle10 December 2022
I wanted to see in theater but it only lasted a week at the theater I go to and was sick at the time glad it's on Netflix now. Emily the Criminal is intense, spectacular, and thrilling; very much worthy of praise! Hard to put 600 characters in about this movie some don't need it but I'll try. Anyway the acting/directing is magnificent throughout especially since it was written and directed by John Patton Ford a not known by himself that's always impressive to me. A great example of someone willing to do a lot for money even if it's risky, law breaking or life threatening. This movie stays enjoyable and perfectly suspenseful for some of it.
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Theo and Aubrey show
AfricanBro14 August 2022
It's not as dramatic or quick paced as I thought it would be but that made it a somewhat more believable story. Both Aubrey Plaza and Theo Rossi played their characters really well, nothing over the top which made sense for the characters. However it is quite anticlimactic, not very imaginative so there's not much specifically to remember the movie by. I'm caught in two minds because Aubrey and Rossi did an amazing job but didn't have a imaginative story to match, then again the lack of overblown extravagant schemes is what made the movie feel believable. I like it because it's about relatively small time criminals, it's not about some big time drug dealer, elaborate heist, or wall street schemes which usually get the limelight when it comes to movies, it feels like regular people just trying to get by, not get big. It sorta reminds me of Rosamund Pike's "I Care A Lot" in that sense, but difference is she went from committing subtle crimes to taking over the world by the end. This isn't as good or thrilling as it could've been but it's good enough for a watch even though it's just about better than mediocre.
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This surprised me.
GypsyJJJ17 September 2022
Decent movies are becoming rarer nowadays. They're produced like junk food. On an industrial scale and with very little intrinsic value, soul or art. This little gem is definitely not one of those and I'd comfortably place in the fantastic category. Aubrey is outstanding! She's still the same actor you'll recognise instantly but also manages to pull off something completely fresh and unexpected. The story is a cracker. Excellently shot. Pacing is on point. Cast is spot on.

One of my favourite films this year so far, and after being disappointed so many times that's a very pleasant surprise!

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Aubrey Plaza the criminal is bae.
stylss20 August 2022
Compelling, engaging, well-paced, well-acted, believable, tense, solid, surprising, simple, short, and effective.

Nice little crime drama that doesn't overstay it's welcome, doesn't go overboard, and is a nod to the struggle of the working class.

Aubrey Plaza the criminal is bae.
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Aubrey is awesome
FeastMode25 August 2022
I'm having difficulty rating this movie. On one hand, it's a mostly well-made movie with a good performance by Plaza (who I've always liked, especially in Legion and Parks). I was never bored and there isn't anything I disliked.

On the other hand, nothing about it stands out. It's mostly average. The story is regular. And in the end the intrigue doesn't amount to anything.

It's fine. Maybe more than fine. But I don't feel satisfied. So 5 stars it is. (1 viewing, 8/24/2022)
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Pretty Good & Unconventional
adxpitz14 September 2023
Most movies are about something getting rich quickly and amassed a fortune but then someone waylaid them out of nowhere to bleed into the old boring theme of "CRIME DOESN'T PAY". Well, this isn't about that.

It's really refreshing to see a timid girl growing fast and getting start quick in the game without accepting any defeat whatsoever.

Even though the storyline is vague and isn't deep into the criminal acts, which is the most interesting part of any crime movie, the progress is paced well enough.

I was quite afraid that the movie would go the get rich quick to lose quick theme but then it went the other way which all movies should for a change, atleast for the next decade.
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Watch it for Plaza
Leofwine_draca25 May 2023
EMILY THE CRIMINAL is a film that stands out above the usual glut of low budget thrillers taking place on the mean streets of Los Angeles. Its biggest asset is Aubrey Plaza, somebody who made no impression on me when I saw her at the outset of her career, but who really wows with an intense performance in which she really captures a burning anger inside. She's very good, and Theo Rossi - one of the more interesting characters in LUKE CAGE - matches her. I would have liked a little more about the credit card scamming as this turns into a more traditional thriller in the second half, but there's no denying the suspense here.
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Aubrey Plaza is very good
r96sk5 May 2023
Aubrey Plaza is very good in 'Emily the Criminal'.

I've predominantly seen her in comedic roles, so it's good to see her act in something thriller-ly. I enjoyed her performance from beginning to end, no complaints whatsoever. Theo Rossi also puts in a strong performance, while the rest of the cast are solid.

It's an entertaing story, one that wraps up in a different way to what I would've predicted - but that's not a bad thing. Elsewhere, the music is decent - even if one bit of the score sounds straight out of 2011's 'Drive'. The run time is pleasantly short to boot. Rewatchable, in a word.
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Intriguing and tense plot
gtmail7710 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A portrait of desperation and guts. We watch Emily grow into her life of crime and run with a hard crowd. The simple storyline carefully blends her relationships and temperament, guiding us to imagine various possible conclusions and fates. Unfortunately, the final sequences fail and disappoint, practically elevating Emily to anti-hero status instead of concluding with an open-ended scene, retribution, shock, tragedy or something else. Typical case of a good script falling down just on before crossing the goal line. Worth watching, esp for Plaza's range and physical demeanor. Just dont expect an ending worthy of a discussion.
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Good frog in boiling water hides as an engaging thriller
SnoopyDogDog28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
On the surface, this is a thriller about gig worker Emily (as in: the lower classes) with a gigantic student loan debt of 70K dollars, and an assault conviction, ensuring she won't ever get a decent job. One day she's offered an opportunity to do credit card fraud: 200 dollars for one hours work. From that point, she gets deeper and deeper into the criminal business.

But the film has deeper layers, it also shows how she, through an unfair justice system gets the mill stone of the assault conviction around her neck, when she was trying to get away from an abusive boyfriend. And when she finally sees the way out via a job, she actually studied for, she gets held back by the fact that Big Corp in America has the power to demand unpaid labor from anyone. They got that power via bribing Senators, changing laws so workers have no say whatsoever. The working class are wage slaves, pure and simple.

Then again, most viewers, reviewers and Americans do not even see the problem. They are like frogs in slowly boiling water, who don't notice the gradual temperature rise and won't jump out, until it's too late.

They've been brainwashed from birth to accept this as their lot and all poverty is 100% their own fault, lucky breaks are handed down from God. Meaning, rich people are picked by god to be rich, and it's useless, even blasphemy to resist that. This is the same what Iran says about women: Allah made you a 2nd rate person, accept that.

7 oth 10

The Melancholic Alcoholic.
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The Making of a Criminal
Minnesota_Reid19 May 2022
This is a very engaging movie. Plaza is good, and Rossi, as her mentor in crime, is even better. They have a good chemistry together, which makes all the difference.

Her initial state --- student debt, no good job available, shared housing, etc. -- makes her desperation for something else understandable. Her step-by-step descent into crime feels credible, as do the details of the criminal schemes themselves.

Well worth watching.
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masonfisk31 August 2022
Audrey Plaza stars in this recent release. Plaza works a menial job trying to make ends meet (she has art school debt) as a caterer but one day after covering a co-worker's spot (he needs to take his kid to a school event) she gets repaid w/a chance to make a quick buck w/a shady outfit giving their minions duped credit cards to purchase big ticket items (big screen TV's) for resale. Getting increasingly frustrated w/her day job & the promises from her airy, irresponsible friend, Megalyn Echikunwoke, to get her a position in her ad firm, she decides to go whole hog on the illicit activities (prompted by her mentor & soon to be lover, Theo Rossi) but when Rossi gets robbed of his funds by his partner (as a rebuke for Plaza getting caught on security video), Rossi & Plaza devise a plan to get the funds back. Plaza has been getting much press for her dramatic turn & the film does deliver in some areas w/some lapses in story construction (something someone like Michael Mann may've ironed over) but Plaza is always watchable. Also starring Gina Gershon as Echikunwoke's boss & John Billingsley (the doctor from Enterprise) as a job interviewer.
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Pretty Solid performance.
bostonct13 August 2022
I think the reviews give you the overall gist of what this movie is all about but what's very striking, and entertaining is when Emily goes a little psycho. Not a ranting or dramatic psycho but a very focused, calculating one. Very solid performance, and the co-lead is a very good complement. If you liked Atomic Blonde, Anna, Salt and any other strong female lead that refuses to let the world get the better of them, you'll like this one.
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Xstal14 September 2022
What would you do, if your debts overwhelmed you, kept on rising like the tide, with nowhere, to run and hide, all you earn is washed away, that's the price you have to pay, as the currents pull you under, an exponential rising number.

Would you take a little chance, to adjust, your circumstance, chance your arm with a small gamble, that may put you through the mangle, your quite desperate so why not, so you take a little shot, doesn't seem to be that hard, it's just a plastic credit card.

Not the worst film about an individual's descent into worlds they would otherwise have never imagined, brilliantly portrayed by Aubrey Plaza.
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Emily the Criminal boasts two phenomenal performances from Aubrey Plaza and Theo Rossi, but its by-the-numbers crime-thriller narrative lacks creative ideas.
msbreviews21 February 2022
If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free thoughts, please follow my blog to read my full review :)

"Emily the Criminal boasts two phenomenal performances from Aubrey Plaza and Theo Rossi, but its by-the-numbers crime-thriller narrative lacks sufficiently creative ideas to make it more than just an average viewing.

The actress proves her immense talent once again, but it's actually the actor who surprises in a more grounded role that breaks many stereotypes related to this particular type of character.

A good ending may leave the audience with an opinion more positive than what the film warrants, but it's admittedly entertaining and interesting enough... for a home release."

Rating: C.
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"You will earn 200 dollars in the next hour. BUT you do have to do something illegal".
imseeg28 August 2022
Cant pay the bills? Here is a story about a woman who found a quick (but illegal) solution to all her money problems.

The good: This is a really solid and impressive directing AND writing debut, with a terrific leading role by Aubrey Plaza. It's true to life, bleak, gripping, suspenseful and dramatic. Excellent photography, editing, soundtrack, the works.

Any bad?

My only (minor) criticism would be that the VIOLENT character of Aubrey Plaza isnt 100% believable. Aubrey Plaza is a wonderfully gifted actress and she can play coldhearted characters well, but this time around she does not only play someone who turns to crime, she also turns to extreme violence. And I must say that Aubrey Plaza just does not come across to me as someone who has it in her to be extremely violent as a character.

Therefore the biggest problem I have with this movie is with the writing of the leading character of this story. But perhaps many folks wont mind this at all. And as far as the dialogues are concerned, they are excellently written.

More bad: the first half hour there is a great slow build up in tension and suspense, but halfway through, this story looses momentum and suspense. There is a small romantic part (15 minutes) in the middle, which feels a bit superfluous.

The final is thrilling and dramatic again though, so please do have the patience to watch this movie untill the end, because it is one of the better true to life movies I have seen recently.

Thank you for reading my 1700th review for Imdb! Enjoy the movies!
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