Mood (TV Mini Series 2022) Poster


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Amihaunts_876 March 2022
I binge watched this on a Saturday morning and I ended the season wanting more.

I hope a second season is on the cards as I want to see the next part of sashas life.

Nothing woke about this show, so god knows what that reviewer is on about.

It's scary how people can get so wrapped up in their "brand" very truthful and modern.

Personally I think there was just a tad too much singing/rapping. But she is very talented so not too much complaint.

I needed something after finishing europhia so it was a nice little fix.
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A good watch but with a strangely judgemental twist
simmsmaggy3 April 2022
Certainly had enough plot for the most part to keep me wanting to watch but the final episode was a little over-long. It's also a good warning to the curious about the dangers of apparently easy money and fair-weather friends, and was not timid about dealing with the toxicity of relationships where power is greatly imbalanced. Sadly the plot ultimately included judgements about the 'fate' awaiting so-called fallen women who are unrepentent, which I thought was odd considering the determined boot-knocking throughout.
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Give it a shot
JustinDahl9 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great show that might be too hardcore for most, keep your eye on Nicole Lecky she has an incredible voice. Also, Frankie Wilde makes two appearances as a dork.
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Had an authentic feel, ended up binge watching
plasmatika21 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever compared it with Euphoria and Skins totally missed the point. This is about a 25 year old Londoner trying to find her way in life and get over an event from her past. It felt authentic, almost autobiographical. If I was going to compare it to anything, iit would be to "I may destroy you'. It's set in London and it is a modern story which could take place in any big city.

I was really impressed that it was written, starred and sang by the same person. Kudos to you, bitch!!!! Cold and sick 😎
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Not perfect but fun and interesting
At first, I gave it 5 stars but as I watched the episodes, I've realized it's not a bad show. It shows a reality of a life that might be weird to all of us but it exists. That's why I find it surprising that people comment they don't like it cause they can't identify with Sasha. But, do you identify with characters in Succession, Game of Thrones, Black Mirror? All those shows that we are watching.

Sometimes we do, but what we love is a good storyline, production and cinematography.

This show is not perfect but it offers fun and interesting stories characters and that's what matters TO ME, at least.
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Reviewers aren't looking hard enough...
kinkeaddeven7 March 2022
I've seen the reviews mentioning women empowerment and the need to identify with Sasha's situation to appreciate the show.

Everyone can identify with this series. It's about being lost. Finding your identity. The battle between what you don't want to do and what you are willing to do to find a way to where you want to be. Losing who you are along the way and trying to find your way back to the person you used to be.

It's about a broken home and finding the love in other people due to the lack of love by people who were supposed to love you. The people who break your heart trying to find it and the people you thought you could trust, but can't.

It's about peer pressure and the dangers that come with giving in to it. It's about our obsession with social media and forgetting that people are people and not just numbers to add to your following base.

Mood is the kind of show that expresses toxicity in such a profound way that makes you feel so uncomfortable. In the best way. Because it's a warning for those who are on the cusp of going too far and cathartic for those of us who've been in terrible situations.

Everyone can find something in this show.
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Not for me
somethingreal817 March 2022
I appreciate what they're trying to do here and I look forward to seeing future projects from this star and creator. But I also agree with the other review that said you really have to identify with Sasha in order to appreciate this. Unfortunately, I didn't identify with Sasha or with anyone else in this show so I decided not to continue past the first episode.
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Great, gritty... plus catchy music
daxxafreeman5 March 2022
Spotolmy or whatever they're called clearly hasn't watched a moment of this. Stuck in their "angry white person" mood and clearly bothered about POC being on TV, so is therefore trying to generalise and stereotype. There is literally nothing "woke" about this TV show, nor is there anything to do with gangs.

It's about a girl who wants to make it in the music industry and falls into the darker side of being a social media influencer.

It was a really good watch.
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frukuk7 March 2022
Sasha, a 25-year-old wannabe singer and rapper, is going through those difficult teenage years. It seems like she has had too much sugar or too many energy drinks.

Some good production values, but I think this only really works if you can identify with Sasha. (Reviewed after watching the whole of the first episode.)
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The best series on iplayer I've seen in a while!
izzykfield6 March 2022
I binged all the episodes in one sitting and now rewatching! Such a great story and the songs add more depth to the overall storytelling.

Not sure why there are some really harsh reviews on here, maybe it's because they don't necessarily relate to the story.

Nicôle Lecky is definitely someone to watch out for, to create, act and sing in this series is super impressive, a true talent.
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Good enough message, poorly executed
Stop_making_sense9917 March 2022
Struggled to get through this show. The script is terrible, completely unrealistic and out of touch, I don't think any real 25 year olds actually talk and act like this. It honestly plays like a made for teens educational film about the dangers of being a 'bad girl'. Performances are terrible across the board, every character feels like an exaggerated caricature. The portrayal of sex work is confused, inaccurate and somewhat degrading.

Don't understand the need for musical performances when the music is this terrible. Just like the writing for the script the songs are horribly written and badly performed.

While I think some of the messages of the show are important and will connect with a younger audience in the same way as something like 'Skins' or 'Euphoria', two much better shows from which 'Mood' borrows heavily, the messaging feels much more hollow and vacuous.

Just a tip, you have to make your audience care about your characters, this fails completely and left me not caring at all about what happens to any of the characters.

Avoid avoid avoid.
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Superb writing. Empowering drama
FilmFreakForLife7 March 2022
Binged this empowering female lead drama in one extremely satisfying sitting. There is some disturbing subject matter dealt with here but it is handled with such sensitivity and understanding, that it's never a hard watch. The writing by Nicole Lecky is utterly compelling. It's hard to imagine this material being handled half so effectively by another writer. The show is also beautifully directed and produced with the most brilliant music.

Absolutely blown away by Mood. 10/10 without question.
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sunxmoonxstarsx5 March 2022
Not sure if sptolomey has ever even watched part of an episode of this show as it literally doesn't feature gangs at all?? 🤔 It's about a singer and influencer. Pretty strange and sad to see such a vicious critique without... well, the critique part. Boomers hey 🙃

Moving back to the topic at hand.

This was a binger for me, I watched it all in one enjoyable Saturday afternoon.

Nicôle absolutely smash(er)ed this in her writing debut. Biting social commentary, likeable but human & flawed characters and a great soundtrack. If you enjoyed I Will Destroy You then try this!
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For narcissistic, self absorbed little monsters who want to live vicariously?
iSkiDV27 June 2023
Talk about a completely unlikable, narcissistic main character. I'm utterly astounded that Mood is as highly rated as it is.

A wanna-be singer who lives with her mother, stepfather & sister is bent out of shape that they finally have had enough of her BS and stepdad tells her they will be moving... without her. As she's 25 & doesn't appear to have a job, has set fire to her now ex-boyfriend's front garden, comes in drunk and high at 3am and then has a crap attitude when called on her selfish, obnoxious behaviour, one wonders exactly what viewers see in such a person that makes them compelling.

Of course said 25 year old with no marketable skills & looks like she's pushing 40 meets an influencer... because god knows we absolutely needed more content about influencers... and of course, said influencer introduces a wannabe to a world of more wannabes.

Honestly? I could not finish this show, even while utterly bored. I'm not that much older than the main character, but I felt like I was living on a different planet. Nothing about this made me like anyone involved & if anything, I was wishing everything would just implode more quickly. I've no clue who thought this show was a good idea. Clearly it found an audience, but Christ only knows who they are.

If you're a teenager, I'm guessing you may like this. If you've actually done anything at all exciting with your own life, I can't imagine this being entertaining. Maybe it gets better, but I don't hate myself enough to waste hours of my life trying to find out. Hard, hard pass!
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Brilliant show
amanhorton5 March 2022
Really impressed with this one. Excellent actress/writer, a sensitive topic beautifully and carefully told. Really great songs in this too, loved the concept.
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What´s the purpose?
David012031 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show was advertised as being about the aspiring female singer / rapper Sasha and the obstacles she meets on her way. In the first two episodes we learn about her family issues, a broken relationship and the financial struggle to succeed in the music business.

Then it turns into a series about webcam girls, Only Fans and prostitution. All of a sudden we see her at parties with rich punters and now her problems are abusive sheiks or being defrauded by her friend / pimp.

When the series ends, she has only been to the music studio twice and performed a song in a bar in front of a few people. No album, no collaborations, no music videos, no record label. It´s only six episodes and a muddle of topics. The only thing I enjoyed were the musical / rapping parts and some songs were actually good.
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An important message
cheesy-dutchess15 March 2022
In a world where influencers and Instagram has taken over, this powerful drama exposes the danger and reality of falling into the trap of social media.

As well as tackling child abuse, this series portrays how easy it is for young, vulnerable girls to be lured into OnlyFans, prostitution and even trafficking for the sake of an Instagram image and a PLT sponsorship.

Other reviewers are clearly missing the bigger picture here. A very layered and thought provoking piece. I hope many young girls give it a watch and second guess the appeal of the insta-famous lifestyle. A much needed series for the new generation.
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Enjoyed it
dhughes_nl4 March 2022
But found it a bit scarey as I have a daughter of that age and is an influencer and cares about her on line.

Good storyline and well acted, gripping to the end.
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It is a universal theme
cathyisa3 August 2022
It is well known that as human beings we all are searching for our place in the world and our true worth. This is about that. About the complications a self-destructive attitude can put in our way. It is about a lost woman who finds herself alone facing her choices and her traumas. It is a wonderful show with so much truths, hard truths. I don't need to identify with Sasha, because Sasha is part of me as a human being I can relate to her struggles and poor choices. It is a well-written, well-played and wonderfully musical show a rare object made for the strong hearted and empathic people out there.
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An accurate reflection of what the UK has becomr
jakfame9 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved this, one of the best shows BBC has given to us in years!

I've seen a lot of comments calling this a bad social media drama, trash and over sexualised TV. We've had many shows over the years which reflect some parts of the nation and this is one of them.

We have young people in this country continuously hustling to make ends meet. If you don't get this show I have to assume you are pretty well off financially with no idea how the majority really live. We have a gigging economy, 0 hour contracts, rising costs of living, multiple tennant households and stagnant wages.

The main lead in one scene seeks helps from the job centre as she has no where to live and is not on speaking terms with her mum. As in real life....the job centre will ask 'have you written a letter' rather than provide financial help. We are a number in a corrupt system. 'get a job'...most people who have a job still need access to some benefit to help make ends meet because those in power prioritise shareholders first.

This show goes on to explore how a lot of people are living lavish lifestyles to ensure they are no longer left behind. It shows the truth about sex work and that it's not all glamorous, it shows the danger some young women are getting into in this country but how easy it is to get involved.

This show also shows how the war on drugs has failed. Illegal drugs in the UK is now as common as ordering a pizza, this show also goes into how this has become accessible and normalised.

The acting and music is superb.

I really can't stress how well this show represents some of the young people and the lives they live today. It really does show the gigging economy we have become and what people are willing to do... not necessarily to become rich (although this is some of it) be simply to keep afloat.
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Fresh and new.
trishflynn-3207922 June 2022
What a great find, we are loving this format, great singing and a believable plot. Well acted, well written and a great series. It gives you an insight into influencers, social media and the club scene. What a marvellous talent to write, act and produce this fresh new series. Well worth 10 stars.
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Better than I thought from the reviews
Justforthisoneonly10 March 2022
Good production quality, good acting generally, especially from the lead actress. Music was good too. Generally found it mostly entertaining although it slowed down a bit in the last 2 episodes. Really deserves a 7, but going to give it a 10 to offset all these negative ratings. Not bad.
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Such a great watch and gives you an insight of social media
jadebay-0205013 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I found this actually sad in seeing how girls who have no money do turn to social media like instagram as influencers or only fans to get easy money and how their life can completely change. Just to see this story of a talented girl going down this dark road and what she went through and would go so far just for money. The turn around of it all was amazing and the twist was interesting as was very unexpected. It was like an emotional rollercoaster watching this but such a great watch. It also makes you realise how much social media gets to the generation and it's all good earning the money but it's out there for everyone to see. I did at first thought it was promoting social media in being so great and such a earning opportunity but glad it showed what it can involve and how it can change someone's life for the worse. Also loved the music and singing in this.
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Must See
shinesmyspace9 March 2022
Don't know why they gave this a 5 its just as good as Euphoria or any other teen drama! The music is fire as well! If you have access go watch it for yourself. These critics don't know sqat!
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louisadosanjh18 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline was quite dark and not everyone's cup of tea. However, I thought the acting was superb, the characters rounded and real, and the series dealt with some serious issues sensitively, showing both sides to many of the themes featured and not making characters too one dimensional, or the actions and decisions too black and white.

The songs and singing were also fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was rooting for Sasha throughout, and even Carly at the end.
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