A Whitewater Romance (TV Movie 2024) Poster

(2024 TV Movie)

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Stuck in a Busby loop
MickyG33319 May 2024
5.7 stars.

Poor girl. She has been stuck in the same film for the past 6 years. I will start by saying things were looking pretty good when she was in the Darcy stories, the first one was not bad, but they ended it in 2018 with 'Marrying Mr. Darcy', which was a flop. She has appeared in a couple good Christmas stories, the past several years, but that's about all.

Her Hallmark choices have been a bust since then. 2020: 'Love in the Forecast', felt somewhat fresh, but I had no idea the direction her "wilderness" career would be headed. That was the first taste of her outdoorsy characters, and like I said, it was not too bad. But then they copycat it with 'Chasing Waterfalls' in 2021, which was actually an improvement, but then 'Warming Up to You', same song, third verse, 'Marry Me in Yosemite'-fourth verse, 'Love in Zion National...'-fifth, and now 'A Whitewater Romance'-sixth. Please make this the final attempt at the same character. I actually thought she might actually be the same character, literally, which would have been more agreeable for me. At least it would contain some cohesion and a rational explanation for the repetitive out-of-doors theme. Give Busby a break guys and let her expand her options - out with the outdoors and in with the indoors.
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chipotlelover20 May 2024
I'd give this movie zero stars, but unfortunately that's not an option, so one star it is. I watch every new Hallmark movie that comes out with my 98 year old grandmother whom I care for. So being a 41 year old man, Hallmark movies aren't so much my thing, but I've come to start enjoying them. Well, most of them. This movie without a doubt, is the most cheesy unbelievable one I've watched in years. Grandma who loves absolutely everything Hallmark and smiles the whole time she watches them hasn't even grinned once, lol. Yes, it's that bad. Busby (spelling?) is playing the same character she plays in every role she has ever played, but it's even more cringy this time some how. There's no chemistry whatsoever between her and the lead male. Her character is so unlikeable, yet he somehow falls for her, of course. The entire story line is poorly written, and the acting from the other characters matches it. I get Hallmark movies aren't always believable, that they're supposed to be kind of out there and uplifting and fairytale-ish, this one fell well short of even that. On somewhat of a separate note, Hallmark rub some dang dirt on your actors! People don't camp out in the wilderness for days at a time without a spec of dirt on them or a hair out of place. I'm basically just ranting at this point so I'll wrap it up, I wouldn't wish the viewing of this movie on my worst enemy. Save your self the time and skip this one! There are much more productive things to do like staring out the window and watching your lawn grow or watching paint dry.
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Give it a miss
akiwigirl12 May 2024
So I have watched this movie for 40mins, that's 39mims too much. I just couldn't do anymore.

The backdrop was stunning that is the only positive I have.

Hallmark generally want us to suspend belief so I did expect a ridiculous storyline BUT so many holes in this story plot - number one who goes on a wilderness trip on one day's notice! With no research! And without appropriate gear! And why would Matt find anything attractive about Maya - she's stupid judgemental and hello you are out in nature tie your hair back!!

The main problem with this film is the lead. Cindy will always only be a Hallmark actress she only has a limited range she always acts the exact same way in every role she acts in. Dull and predictable.
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Ugh. Scenery's pretty.
JerseyGirl5012 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
She's a businesswoman in line for an executive position? So glad I never had to work for someone like her. She gives women a bad name - she acts like an idiot. No one would show up on a trip so utterly unprepared - regardless of the short notice (and seriously, no outing would be set up on that time schedule giving their employees so little time to clear their schedules so they could be gone for 4 days). Who in their right mind thinks a manual can opener is a good substitute for a Swiss army knife, or perfume a substitute for bear spray? I mean, even if you've never heard of either of those things what she came up with would be so far out of the realm of reality.

If it weren't for the scenery, this movie would be unwatchable. And this is coming from someone who loves Hallmark movies. Sorry, Hallmark. Do better. Make stories about competent wormen. This behavior isn't cute, and it doesn't make the movie a 'rom com' because there's nothing funny about it.
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Love Hallmark....but
gamecocks12 May 2024
Absolutely the worst plot and the cheesiest acting I've ever seen from Hallmark. Cindy Busby seemed very trite and fake the entire movie. The overall plot and theme of this show was confusing and never really explained well. There was no real chemistry between Busby and Hollingsworth. The other actors were just as bad with no real direction or believability. The only star was given for the scenery. I noticed Busby produced this movie and I hope that's not the reason it's so bad. She is normally well liked by me in most rolls she has had especially in Heartland. There is a lot of repetitive storylines on Hallmark. This definitely wasn't that but failed miserably at trying to find an alternative to those repeats.
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Dishwater Romance
jlbsword12 May 2024
Even the cute and likeable Benjamin Hollingsworth could not save this dreary and boring effort. Having to accept the premise that a woman that apparently has an important job and is good at it would be forced to participate in an activity that is uncomfortable, and then be so completely out of her depth is just ridiculous. And she alternates between being quite rude and overly friendly to the others there. Hallmark needs to stop using Cindy so much. Her last few movies have been disappointing. Her dialogue and way of interacting seems very stilted and not believable. The rest of the actors added little to the story and were not even all that likeable. All in all, just not a good effort and not worth watching more than once, if you can even get through it the first time.
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Terrible Dialog
friesena14 May 2024
Please writers...stop insulting women by creating scripts that require them to act like they are 2 yr olds. Have deleted too many Hallmark movies that feature women behaving like less than intelligent human beings...which fits in with the laughs you sometimes get when you say you watch Hallmark movies. The plot lacked any believable logic. Could only stand a half hour of this. Scenery was beautiful but could not save this show or entice me to continue watching. So if Hallmark wants to appeal to a larger audience, require your writers to present adults as adults and create realistic plots. Thankfully, many Hallmark movies meet this criteria.
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What were they thinking
slniteowl12 May 2024
I love Hallmark movies and get they are not realistic but this movie is ridiculous. No business event would invite you to a retreat with a day's notice. And if it's a team building event for a national company, there would be more than 4 individuals. Plus they have never worked with each other and don't appear they will be working side by side afterwards. The concept of expecting such an inexperienced person to participate in camping, whitewater rafting, and other outdoors events with no guidance is absurd. How did this show get approved and make it all the way to production? I couldn't handle it any more agter 40 minutes.
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Terrible acting, horrible plot, lame dialogue
Jackbv12314 May 2024
I am just surprised that the aggregate IMDb rating is so high. As of this writing, there are 8 other 1 star reviews and the highest review is a 2 star. It's well deserved.

I'm not a fan of Cindy Busby. She has no depth and usually seems to play the same flaky people. Interesting that the one notable exception for her is also with Benjamin Hollingsworth in Another Christmas Coincidence (aka Godwink: Meant for Love). Busby's performance here is bad even for her. She is so over the top, especially in the first few scenes.

Another reviewer noted that you don't send someone on a wilderness experience with no notice (less than a day). Then you blame her for being late when she had to fly over half the country to get there!!! And penalize her in a break-the-ice game as a result. If Busby's earlier scenes didn't already have me upset, this just adds on. The story continues to be bad for a while yet and it makes Mia into a very unlikeable character. Such a wimp. Mia is so lame that it might have been funny, but I didn't laugh at all. You know that will change as the story goes on.

So many of these movies have a boss ranging from annoyingly demanding to downright unethical. Marilyn is the latter. I found it disgusting that she suggests making one of Mia's colleagues lose his glasses in order to handicap him in the competitions.

BTW: such great cellphone service in the middle of this wilderness. And at least one key plot point is based on it.
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Terrible movie ...
toncincin12 May 2024
First let me say that I am NOT a Cindy Busby fan. She always plays the SAME character ... all the way back to playing Ashley on Heartland. I set my DVR for this - with VERY low expectations. My instinct was correct. I watched for 60 minutes - and deleted it off my DVR. Bad plot. Bad acting. Just plain stupid. Benjamin Hollingsworth was severely miscast in this movie. He does better playing an innocent young man (as he has done in many past roles). Believing him as an outdoorsy type was a stretch. The supporting cast was bad also. Come in Hallmark! Give us better movies with better storylines and actors. This one was just plain and simple BAD.
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What was that?
therusticapothecary12 May 2024
Seriously. What did I just watch?

This was one of the worst Hallmark movies I have ever watched. I had low expectations going into it per the previews, but wow, this one was bad.

I typically enjoy Cindy Busby and Ben Hollingsworth, especially when they were in a Godwink movie together but their lack of chemistry in this one was cringeworthy. The plot and acting were horrible. Busby's character was unlikeable, and the storyline was confusing and unrealistic. The ending was incredibly ridiculous. Surprise, I want you two in Paris. Really? Why?

Also, Busby's character came off as foolish; it was difficult to watch. The scenery was the only upside. This is definitely not a rewatch.
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Too much Busby
harrycburch18 May 2024
The premise is fine, but typically formulaic. While I'm sure Cindy Busby is very nice, it seems she's caught in the same formula and it's very tiring. After a while, all I can hear is her squeaky voice whining about some challenge she's facing.

This could have been a much better movie with a different actress, hopefully, someone that displays more bravado. The writers should work to break the formula and incorporate a little less cutesy and more drama. I don't specifically dislike the happy ending, but the route to get there seems like a hike in a flat trail, whereas a good hike incorporates hills, narrow passes, and tripping hazards. Let's see more like that.
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Another 2023 Hallmark Bomb
garyrobbins-113 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just love Cindy Busby, but unfortunate. She hasn't had many good roles recently. This movie was no exception to that streak. Cyndi is very predictable very unlikable and you never really can figure out what the actor who plays Matt sees in her. She takes bad advice. She is supposed to be a big time worker at her company but told to cheat in order to get a contract. Worst part is she's ok with that. Her action in This movie are so disgusting that you just want to turn it off, but you muscle through it so that you can see if anything positive comes to this film. Sadly, Cyndi's character chickens out of many of the events that her coworkers were doing. The CEO of the company that she works for isn't very likable at all. You never really know what her angle is in trying to get people motivated in order to do a really good job. Sorry to say this, but you're better off getting a root canal, then sitting through the two hours of this movie. As a matter of fact your time would be better spent getting a root canal instead of watching this movie.
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celts-2911913 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Please ... just no more 40 year olds trying to play the ingenue. This same story has already been done to death with different male actors in the lead. The background actors were just thrown in as filler, I think. Thank goodness for the unrelenting beautiful scenery because in the end, that's all this movie had going for it. Run through a wouded area...get lost...play children's games...get lost. Find a pocket compass.... Start pairing up with the guy you initially couldn't stand...watch a meteor shower...fall in love with said guy Have your campground torn apart by a bear in a proffessionally picked campground. And then fall in love, and forget the purpose of your trip. Awful.
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Where's Cindy?
mkeilhofer-951744 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of Cindy Busbee's movies. While some have been great, the last few were not. Take this one: It's predictable, not creative, and at times, boring.

For the first half, she's just a wimp and a runaway from her problems girl. I did not see any chemistry like I have in her older movies.

I suspect she doesn't have a lot of choice in movies selection. At least I choose to believe that. Because if she did, I suspect her movies as of late, would be a lot better.

Any way you look at this movie, it had potential but just didn't live up to it. If you like Cindy, watch her older movies from Hallmark a few years ago.
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