The Fare (2018) Poster

(I) (2018)

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Is like a longer Twilight Zone episode. 7/10.
GanjiekIMDB1 December 2019
This feels alot like a longer Twilight Zone episode. I didnt have high expectations going in to it but was pleasantly surprised. At less than 90 minutes long, you dont need to invest alot of time to watch it. Brinna Kelly is beautiful and really made the movie for me. You as the viewer can almost fall in love with her character. There was one special effects like 3D rendered shot of the cab going through the desert that that stood out as bad, but all the rest of the effects were fine. Being so short and a bit thin, this could have easily worked as a tv epiosde too. Id recommend anyone giving this movie a chance if you like Twilight Zone.
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Surprised me
Sergiodave6 October 2020
A Time loop movie where a Cab driver picks up the same passenger again and again. Simple movie with, for the most part two actors, but kept me entertained and got better as the movie went on. Felt empathy with the characters and enjoyed the film. Very good low budget movie.
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wow... unique movie that surprised me
natcalgary20 November 2019
Great acting, great story and not as predictable as I thought it was going to be going in. This kept me intrigued the whole time as I continually tried to figure out what was going on. Been a while since I watched a movie like this. A good romantic date movie

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Melancholy little two person drama.
jayg_5820 November 2019
It seems to start like Groundhog Day with the same cab 'ride' repeating and repeating, but it spirals off fairly quickly to something that you'd never guess. The ending was a little off the charts, as there were other directions it could have gone, but it didn't go Hollywood. That's a good thing. It was very melancholy at the end. Kinda almost wished for Hollywood. Two unknown actors, he was the better of the two, but she was very pleasant to look at. Whereas Groundhog Day you can watch over and over for the comedic bits, this had almost none, and for me was a one time watch - but not wasted.
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Get in the cab already
Kamurai2527 March 2020
Good watch, would watch again, and can recommend.

It always fascinates me when you can get a whole movie out of basically a single setting.

And this is quite the interesting premise. It's also impossible to talk about without spoiling.

Give it a watch: If you like mysteries or time travel then give this a shot.
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Price to pay
kosmasp13 October 2021
Cab drivers ... I reckon they have certain deja vus. They take a passenger and they feel like they've had them before. In this case, the movie goes a bit further - no pun intended.

Interesting approach and very well acted. If you like B-movies with high concept, you could do a lot worse. I do not want to go into details, because the story is quite easy to spoil. You will get into it rather fast ... while at first maybe bewildered and questioning what you see - it all will be made clear. Slowly ... but surely.
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Weird, But Not Bad
gwnightscream23 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This 2018 thriller features a cabbie, Harris (Gino Anthony Pesi) driving across the desert to pick up his next fare, Penny (Brinna Kelly), a beautiful woman whom he finds romance with. In the process, he is caught in a time loop and starts to remember certain moments prior. This is weird, but not bad and obviously has a "Groundhog Day" plot point, both actors have good chemistry and I like the score. Give this a try if you're into romantic thrillers or dramas.
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well thought and well explained
lifelinespublishing20 November 2019
I like how this movie was well explained and the ending was appropriate with how the story goes, all I can say is this is a must watch, great acting by the 2 main characters...

I rated this an 8/10 because all the holes in the story was explained and it does leave you satisfied and entertained which is what a movie should give you.

a recommended one from me.
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Surprisingly good
dar041717 November 2020
Surprisingly good. I didn't have high hopes for this but the story is very interesting and the twist at the ending worked really well. The acting is great as well. By the end of the film you start feeling for the characters.
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Drawn out student film
chojamesc3 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Are these reviews real? This was like an ok student film, a lot of cliches. Interminable music, montages that are twice as long as they need to be. The ending is abrupt, basically a big reveal that it's a retelling of Greek mythology (again, student film). Pacing is uneven and weird. So much droning music. Like a Hallmark version of a Twilight Zone episode.
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When you say I am going to watch just 10 minutes.........
georgi-gfl21 November 2019
This movie should be in all screenwriting classes as the finest example of high concept idea. If something so simple could put me on my seat and make me forget about the time I have been watching, it deserves an Academy award! Recomended for anybody with ability to think!
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Not What I Was Expecting
Foutainoflife24 November 2019
This is an interesting story. It is well constructed so even if it starts to feel tedious, it doesn't feel that way long. The actors did a great job and I'm glad I decided to take a chance on it.

I say check it out.
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If this was an acting class they would receive a C-grade
rags84715 April 2022
I cannot believe all the high ratings. This is a horrible film with cheap made-for-tv production quality and even worse student-level acting. The woman who plays Penny in particular looks like she's 24 but reads her lines as flatly and immaturely as a fourteen-year-old.
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Agatha's tagline: "Harris"... just replace one letter (some explanations)
emgotm1 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Tha name of the cab driver is "Harris". Replace "i" with "o" & it becomes "Harros". This is the greek name for Charon the ferryman. When his ID is given to Penny, you can spot also his surname which looks like "Charon". The water that Harris drinks is from Lethe (one of the the underworld rivers) & it makes you forget everything.

Then we have Penny for Persephone, the spouse of Hades (God of Underworld). In the movie Penny is married to Death. According to mythology Persephone does not leave Hades & goes "up" for just some minutes per year, but for a much longer period. So, partly based in greek mythology, we have here a sheer Fantasy/Romance story that Persephone falls in love with Charon.

My opinion: It is a good try. Not bad, but I will never sit to watch that again some time in the future.
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Greek mythology
baunacholi-8615910 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
... Knowing about it helps a lot to understand the actual story. Harris (Charon) is the ferryman to bring the dead to the underworld. Penny (Persephone) is in the original tale the wife of hades. She can leave him - in spring - but has to come back every year which actually creates winter time on earth. In The Fare, they took the creative freedom to create a love story around this... emotional, charming, suspenseful but also tragic and bittersweet. In any case, unusual and deffo not mainstream. What a refreshing movie !
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payasoingenioso12 April 2021
This movie is a cute mystery romance (drama).

This film is NOT a thriller. At all.

It is well written and explained. The actors do great considering they carry the movie at large.

This concept could easily and successfully be remade for decades.
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Well-made Low Budget Fantasy Romance Film.
This is not horror, or even really sci-fi, if it is catergorised as such, don't believe them. Though it first seems as though it will be horror or sci-fi, it defies that within the first 20 minutes. Yes, it gets slightly tedious in the first half, and yes there are a few small questions left at the end, but I think those writing negative reviews are not giving credit where credit is due. What held my interest was the relationship between the cabbie and his fare, and there is some fantastic chemistry going on between the two.

The acting, on the whole, is well done. At first, I thought the acting would be awful, but it got past the initial clumsiness at the beginning. Without good acting this film would fall flat on it's face, it is set almost entirely in a cab with tons of close ups, give credit where credit is due. It is extremely hard to pull off a film set in such a tiny space, but while it has a few issues, it does indeed pull it off decently due to it's solid cinematography, direction, and acting. The script is not amazing, there are sometimes too may vagaries for it's own good, and that is probably it's biggest weakness, but if you can handle a bit of tear jerking and like romance, you will like this film.

I would probably watch it again, or recommend it anyone who loves romance films. We rarely see good low-budget romance, and I would put it up there with "11 Minutes Ago" as one of the best sorely under seen low-budget romance films that is either sci-fi or fantasy as well.

God Bless ~Amy
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Great lead actor, weak lead actress
thesuthernman20 May 2020
To enjoy this film, you really need to like the characters and the actors that play them. And while Gino Anthony Pesi is really great, his co-star is really weak. He's so good that it makes her, Brinna Kelly, look even worse. I was puzzled at how she got the part. After looking it up here on IMDB, I saw that she was the writer. If only she had let a better, more accomplished actress perform the role, the movie would have perhaps succeeded. I was really impressed with Pesi, and it's almost worth watching just for him.
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Definitely NOT 5.5
thestorycircle22 November 2019
Watch this till the and and tell me why this should be anything lower than a 7. Given the budget constraints, this will keep any viewer interested until the reveal and until the credits.

Spellbinding, satisfying and melancholic. The Fare is a gem and will definitely be a classic with a cult following in the coming years. It better be.
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You know...
GreyHunter16 February 2020
I'm actually glad I took the plunge and decided to go ahead and give this movie a shot. I'm always looking for hidden gems, especially ones with interesting-sounding premises, but I generally avoid low-rated ones with hundreds of votes and high-rated ones with only dozens. Not the most intellectually-rigorous approach, granted, but I think I avoid more bad ones than miss out on good ones with this approach. A 5.8 with 450+ votes stood just on the edge of what I was willing to risk wasting time on, but a quick glance at the reviews gave me a couple keywords that pushed me over into taking the chance.

First things first, in case others are doing what I did and glancing over the reviews: this is very much not an action-packed movie. Indeed, most of it occurs inside a single location, with dialogue being the primary way to pass the time. So if that sort of thing bothers you, I'd suggest moving on.

That said, I rather enjoyed the movie. Aspects of it were sort of telegraphed by the dialogue (In a weird irony, I actually figured out part of the twist because I momentarily got a name wrong, which turned out to be who the person was after all. Sometimes we all stupid our way into the right answer. I'd be more specific, but that would definitely be spoiler territory.) While the acting was uneven on occasion, it never went too far off base to be a distraction. And the basic plot had a certain charm about it, even if you're not into rom-com (which this movie was, in part) and I found the resolution fairly satisfying, if a weeeeeee bit sappy/overwrought. I consider this 82 minutes well-spent, and might even watch it again someday. What more can you ask of a movie, especially a low-budget indie? It had a solid conceit, an interesting mystery, and just enough gas to keep it running smoothly the entire time.
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When separate elements don't come together to make a film
contact-28215 April 2020
Like a dish made from highest quality ingredients that end up tasting like nothing after being cooked, this movie fails to materialize... as a movie. Fantastic atmosphere, great actors, the idea, cinematography, everything is great... and yet, it's almost unwatchable.

There's a lot of tedious grind about the way the movie progresses, and you can guess what will be happening for the next 5-10 minutes for a good half of the movie. Then it tries to introduce some story but does it in an awkward, confusing, disjointed way, and then simply jumps to an ending trying to tie everything together and explain itself but this way it turns a mystery into some absurdity and ultimately falls flat on its face.
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Actually a good movie
BogdanH19 November 2019
I'm surprised this movie practically got no attention and me being the first writing a comment. Yes, the story isn't really that new. And the cast.. well, it's actually two actors only -both quite unknown (at least to me). Hopefully I won't be bored to death -was my thought when I started watching it. Btw. I have a rule: if movie doesn't catch my attention in first 15 minutes, it's dumped. I try to keep it short.. Both actors did their job excellent and made the story believable. Penny and Harris, both pleasant to look at, are natural in showing just enough emotions. Ok, maybe I'm biased because I find Penny very cute... Story itself maybe isn't that special. Still, it's never boring and keeps your attention all the time. As always, the end is very important for such kind of movies, as it can (and often does) ruin the whole experience. The end is different than I expected during watching the movie.. is better than I thought it will be.
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Repetitive but not bad.
deloudelouvain26 January 2021
Considering the low budget for this movie it's actually of pretty good quality. The cinematography was simple but effective, nice coloring of some scenes that added to the mysterious vibe throughout the movie. Although it's a repetitive story, a bit like Groundhog Day but without the comedy, it's still entertaining and that's mostly due to the mystery that keeps you wondering what's happening. The cast is basically two actors, Gino Anthony Pesi and Brinna Kelly, and they both did a good job. The rest of the cast is just screen and story filling and don't really add something to the movie. For two unknow actors, at least to me, a low budget and a repetitive story The Fare is worth a watch.
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6.1 star is a lie
plasssaskia23 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dumb i regretted watching this and I finally was able to understand what happened all the way at the end of the film. the beginning is literally about them talking for least an hour or more.
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Good acting and chemistry, twist ending, worth the time
vonna-056241 January 2022
Overall, I liked it. To pull off a film like this, the actors need to be strong actors, and they need to have good chemistry with each other, and both the leads had it. There were times where it was just a bit slow, yet my attention and interest was still held. Some of the script I didn't care for. Other reviews mention that it is like a twilight zone and should be a short instead of a full movie, and to that I could agree, though I think the scenes are important to set up the relationship and chemistry between the two main characters. It has a neat twist that I didn't suspect, so it was not predictable. If you enjoy sci-fi mystery types of movies with a twist, go for it.
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