
677 Reviews
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After the Flood (2024– )
Jumping in here
2 June 2024
I thought this series was incredibly good. I see some reviewers left poor reviews after watching just one or two episodes but it keeps getting better and better as the tangled threads of the story get woven together and the tension keeps building.

There is a reason the rookie cop starts finding more and more clues so please stick with it.

And all the plot points come together in the end and then the dilemma, which remains unanswered is: who comes clean.

Scenes of the flood are really, really well done.

The acting is great apart from the the French girl who was, I thought, uneven in her performance.

But many were the stalwarts of other UK shows.

8/10 from me, I could hardly breathe with the tension of the last episode.
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Maryland (2023)
Five for Eve Best
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Mixed feelings on this. Howth Head in Ireland was substituted for the Isle of Man, the first let down.

The story dragged in places. The horror of Canning's plastic face was a complete distraction, What has she done to it? And she came across as completely unbelievable - a healer with a face like that?

Suspension of disbelief was my constant, how on earth did the mother get away with all of her vanishings. And the dad was over the top, a sometimes befuddled and sometimes sharp old geezer. The secrets that never felt like secrets at all. Contrivance only.

Suranne was the real disappointment. I hate it when an actor starts to irritate me every time she appears on screen. And I have liked her in her past roles.

The ending was a huge disappointment, all tied up with a bow like a box of chocolates. Very unbelievable.

Romantic scenes felt forced as well and the relationship of animosity between the sisters which was the thread running through it all was never quite believable. Off in fact. And what sister calls the husband of his wife getting drunk and singing in a bar?

Another forced plot point. A shame really. Eve Best stole the show with a limp script.

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Unfrosted (2024)
6 May 2024
I was looking forward to this. Assumed it would be clever and witty. But I couldn't stop thinking, ok there's got to be a joke coming up, just wait for it.

Nope. Not one joke, not one clever satirical moment. A huge cast of talent wasted on what looked like a self-indulgent party thrown by Jerry himself for his friends. It has the sheen of the Barbie movie but not one bit of depth or nuance. The kids are tropes of the usual kind, far too clever and know more than adults and the bit about the ravioli is, frankly, awful.

I had to stop, accelerate to the end and then see the cast all laughing (at us?) having a great old time at our gullibility - and Netflix's - for financing this bomb.

I wanted to scream: Stop the Noise already!

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Memory (I) (2023)
Selective dementia
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This seems to be a trope of many films depicting some kind of brain damage/injury.

Saul's dementia is all over the place. He remembers Sylvia but the not the waitress of the restaurant he visits all the time or his "favourite".

She accuses him of rape and then backs off when she finds out he was not even at her school when it took place. She mistakes a rapist? Never explained.

I was massively uncomfortable with the consent issue. And thought if the sexes were reversed and it was a woman impacted with dementia would it have been OK for the male to have sex with her? A resounding NO was my response.

I understood his brother being upset as he was the responsible adult and concerned for Saul. And then oddly, Saul remembers he paid for the house, out of the blue. Saul has no backstory to justify this. Whatsoever.

Sylvia's incest by her father is revealed but then again, her brother in law is angry about her talking about incest. What's with him?

An oddly disjointed film, begging more questions than it answers.

For instance how can Sylvia, a single mother treat her job as if it's just a hobby she can waltz in and out of at leisure?

The cast is great doing their level best with the uneven script. Hence the 5/10.

An abrupt ending. As if no one knew what to do when it was time to wrap it up. And two impoverished people (no source of income?) shack up together.

Waste of time.
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Extraordinary doc
21 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
At the end of this documentary, I wondered why it didn't get the Oscar.

The film making is extraordinary on every level, telling this horrific story of the gang rape of a thirteen year old girl in India woth respect and care.

Misogyny is a way of life in rural India and the condemnation of rape victims is par for the course. In fact rape victims are encouraged and urged to marry their rapists to protect their honour.

Ranjit and his daughter Kiran fight for justice all the way to the courts in spite of threats from the villagers who side with the rapists.

Ranjit's love for his daughter shines through, he supports her every inch of her steadfast and courageous way, the look in his eyes is heart breaking at times, he conveys so much devotion and respect, never doubting her for one minute.

Co-incidentally, the film makers happened to be there at the time of this terrible act and were able to follow the story through from beginning to end over a period of years.

Not to be missed. Uplifting in its final resolution and Kiran was so brave to come forward and reveal her identity to help others in her country who are cowed by the onslaught of further victimization.

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And the abuse of these children continued....
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In the courts. I was appalled watching this series and the further victimization of the children who were traumatized by the horrific abuse and possible manipulation of their abusers.

The whole focus was on the adults - supposedly wrongly convicted - the completely egregious magistrate in charge of the case who went on to great glory - and the mixed bag of adults who were accused.

All of it would be a laughable skit of a series only that the children, the after affects of the horror, their testimony of a murdered little girt, is given short shrift in the efforts to exonerate the perps.

Netflix did a terrible disservice to these children as no follow-ups were instigated and only one child was ever interviewed at length in this whole miserable mess of a 4-parter.

The traumatized children must have suffered terribly in the aftermath. Where was their story?

It would make anyone's blood boil.

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Priscilla (2023)
19 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An appalling treatment - by Sofia Coppola no less -of the pedophile Elvis and his child-prey Priscilla.

Murky images, film jumping timelines like a bunny rabbit, no character development whatsoever and actors looking like they don't know what to do with the appalling script and inadequate direction.

It begs more questions than it answers. Why on earth would two responsible appearing parents pimp out their daughter to a man like creepy Elvis? (And yes, before I knew all this I was a fan of his, being of an age with him). They should have been charged with child neglect.

Not one whit of Elvis music is offered to dispel this absolute drivel.

Just this Svangali Elvis controlling every petty move of Priscilla's while he has multiple liaisons with every woman on set.

A tired Priscilla finally leaves him but nothing is shown as to how she gets to that point or how she secured an exit with adequate wealth for herself and her daughter.

A travesty of a film and one to avoid.

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Did not expect such brilliance
22 January 2024
Melissa McCarthy and Richard Grant are stunning as the two leads in this.

Melissa McCarthy I viewed as a light rom-com presence but here, sans makeup, she shines as the fraudster Lee Israel, a writer who has seen better days, alcoholic, with no attachment to anyone apart from her cat. I do hope her career expands to these kind of roles as she was amazing.

I have no idea how this was made as there are none of the usual tropes and fixations on sexy stars. Here the two main characters are basically deadbeat scammers.

Richard Grant is also a powerhouse as her ally, a gay man. They could be classified as losers as neither have a loyalty to the other or to anyone else.

But somehow they are appealing and they make the viewer care about the ultimate disaster they are surely heading towards.

It's a roller coaster of a ride and the pacing is excellent, script, direction and cinematography are also bang on.

For fans of the offbeat this is a winner.

9/10 but nudging on a 10/10.
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The Lovers (2023–2024)
Bingeable fluff
21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The characters are engaging and believable at the outset and funny too. But believability was stretched far too much in the public storming off the set scene as this trope is more overdone than burned toast.

They are both likeable and engaging and the script is good and the scenery itself is breathtaking at times.

The characters are completely at odds in every aspect of their personalities and the overall feeling is they would never make it in real life.

How long can one be amused at the other's foibles (and ignorance) and as the old saying goes, how can one build a relationship on the heartbreak and deceit of another?

Overall they missed the mark of a good romcom.

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Unforgotten (2015– )
A 10 out of 10
15 January 2024
I have watched all episodes (to date) and though I'm not a fan of Walker, the script kept me engaged, well written, no plot holes and fully developed characters.

I love the scientific aspect in the detail offered in analyzing corpses, finding stray bullets and blood stains and the whole detailed process of the forensics in coming up with solutions to the mysteries of old corpses and graves. The lives and connections of these ded people giving up their secrets in painstaking ways.

The team of detectives is fully rounded with their back stories and personal histories and challenges.

The slow unwinding of the salient facts is never drawn out or filler sused, it all makes sense in the end with the odd shocker thrown in to keep the viewers off balance.

Sanjeev Bhaskar is particularly brilliant in his role, his calmness and doggedness exquisitely portrayed and Sinéad Keenan (to me) is a huge improvement over Nicole Walker. I love how their slow acceptance of each other is so beautifully portrayed. Tears here.

Not to be missed by fans of this genre. It's up there with the best.

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Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer (2023 TV Special)
A very low bar
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An odd show. Full of non-jokes and lecturey bits. I was surprised, kept thinking it was going to get better.

Didn't like the strip show piece, the jealous husband spying on his own wife and low grade snipes at trans, handicapped, doing drugs with his son. The rare funny bit got a laugh but on the whole there was a nasty edge to the humour and a wandering focus with him smoking on stage and abandoning the audience at one point to change his clothes. If I'd paid for a ticket I'd have been annoyed and some annoyed audience members were quite visible.

He seemed oddly braggy too, as in anyone can be him.

I'd pass.

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Well done out of Sweden
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The ending was a bit of an eyebrow raiser, an odd (to us on this side of the Atlantic) way of handling a murder case, even odder the courtroom was so swanky and very non-threatening in its gentle environment.

But aside from that, I found the six-parter very engaging, well written and totally believable in that rapists get away with it 90% of the time as trials can be grueling and the victim is victimized once again with invasive questions and disbelief when she says she was frozen in fear and didn't fight back.

Stella is fantastic, a great actor in a first major role and her parents are believable in their angst and over projection of her after her rape.

The pacing was excellent as was the script in that everyone has secrets which can tumble out in a crisis and investigation.

A satisfying ending in that Stella's motives are completely believable.

But I have question marks around that "court" case.

8/10 overall for how engaging it all is.
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Maestro (2023)
Where's the biography?
23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, good acting, great music but absolutely no story. At all. Apart from his bisexuality which dominated the script.

Bradley Cooper was too greedy in writing, directing and starring. What did he write? Not much of a story. I'd like to have seen Lenny's childhood explicated, more meat on the bare bones offered here.

Also, why so little on West Side Story - one brief extract and not the huge explosive hit it was at the time. The adulation which followed.

The teasing bits of his Missa were beautiful and far too much of his Mahler, though lovely, had little bearing on the overall story.

Brad's prosthetic nose was distracting in that it gave a nasal whiny tone to his dialogue. And he might have done better with another actor.

Carey Mulligan, as always was amazing in her role but again, underplayed the distress she must have felt at his infidelity/. At one point he left her for a young (male) lover and only returned when she was diagnosed with cancer. (in her breast, from a broken heart? Who knows)

The great man of music was not served well here, far too shallow a treatment of his genius.

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Archie (2023)
A Total Misnomer
20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Archie" gave short shrift to the supposed star.

The actual "star" was Dyan Cannon, a feast of self--dulation for a woman who spent only 6% of his long life with him but devoted about 95% of this film to herself. Not surprising of course as she was the executive producer. So the film would have been more aptly named "Dyan".

Archie's real life was an interesting one and deserves, at some point a genuine biographical take on it, warts and all.

Many of the well based facts were erased for he was equally charmed and charming to both men and women.

Another was the fact his brother died before Archie was born and not after.

And on, and on, easily checked by biographies written about him by reputable sources and not by Dyan Cannon, one of his five spouses. Short shrift is given to his other marriages, his last appearing to be the most meaningful and long lasting.

The lead doesn't look remotely like him, and to add insult to injury doesn't speak in that uniquely clipped way Cary had and also his height is shrimp-like compared with Cary's real height which gave him that sophisticated limber walk and gravitas.

His genuine friendships with both men and women were tossed aside as well in favour of Cannon ogling and flirting.

Avoid. 0/10.
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Good thriller/psychological study
29 November 2023
Bottom line on this is I enjoyed it. I was never sure where it was going and the uncertainty of the viewer contributed to the ongoing tension of the film.

I won't throw out spoilers. The opening scene is puzzling involving the fall of a young woman.

But the story shifts immediately to another similar young woman navigating her way between two families, her maestro husband and her boyfriend. The former with her two sons, the latter with her daughter.

The challenge comes with keeping her stories straight in each household as her job as a translator takes her all over the place (or does it?) The lead does a marvelous job in all the screen time she has and so does the supporting cast with some beautiful scenes.

The little actress who plays her daughter is incredibly good.

The slow denouement of the plot is gripping and the unexpected ending quite satisfying. And the opening scene explained.

8/10 from me.
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The Killer (2023)
Tedium from beginning to end.
24 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A complete yawnfest. I persisted because I thought there has to be a pay off, some kind of twist, some kind of perhaps possible redemption. And because Netflix told me it was a 98% match for my film interest. But no. Bomb. Big.

There is a stream of consciousness inner dialogue from the killer which borders on cliched repetitive boredom.

It shows him artfully having hundreds of identities and credit cards in storage units all over the place. But never a clue as to how he acquired all this. He breaks into wherever he chooses, again we don't quite understand the methodology apart from him flashing access cards at everything.

Tilda Swinton has a tiny part so that was a rip off also.

Honestly, I don't know how this was made without some producer rolling on the floor thinking it was a huge joke.

Michael Fassbender is always riveting but here he's an unconvincing robot riding in cars playing loud music, talking to himself and watching his pulse.

Don't waste your time.

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I get how the victims fall for this.....
20 November 2023
They are lonely and feel rejected by life and buy into the premise that their soulmate (read twin flame) is out there just waiting to be lassoed in, or wait for it, maybe if you switch gender you can snare someone.

It is incredibly sad to watch these vulnerable, often highly intelligent, people be roped into this cult and eventually work for nothing for the two most narcissistic people I've ever seen. These two would put Jim and Tammy Faye Baker to shame in their manipulation and egregious and constant abuse of their followers.

And this cult is still in business in spite of multiple complaints to police departments.

The couple are so repulsive as to make one nauseous.

Worth the look and well made to show how this can happen. My heart breaks for the parents whose children were so victimized and for the couples forced to live together as "twin flames." Evil, evil.

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The Crown (2016–2023)
Season 6 has jumped the shark,
19 November 2023
Totally inaccurate picture of Diana, Seriously. This woman craved the press, flirted with the paparazzi and squeezed in her children when she wasn't busy courting the limelight and looking for her own Onassis to maintain her lifestyle.

She might have found him in Dodi who is portrayed abysmally here. Close to racism. Particularly after her death. Where the blame shines on his family and never on the total lack of security provided to her by the RF.

But the very worst of this whole half a series is Diana as a saintly ghost counselling Charlie AND the queen.

Charlie bawling his eyes out is another figment of someone's imagination. Thin plot stretching at its finest.

Speaking of plot, it appears some pressure was put on the writers to show the RF in a more favorable light. Witness Charlie and Cam dancing the night away while he recites Jane Austen. Nope.

They trashed a reasonably good series. It's laughable.

If I have the energy rather than the ennui I will watch the December finale.

2/10 for the moors and Balmoral and Imelda Staunton.
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Payback (I) (2023)
Annoyingly inept...
12 November 2023
But I stuck it out. Challenging, as Britbox released 1 episode a week and it was hard to keep track of all the comings and goings with so little character development as to make it laughable.

Peter Mullan is always a joy, but here he is underused as the Bad Guy, making odd threats and entering the victim's home at random moments sitting down with her children grinning evilly, or trying to.

The plot has more holes than a colander and the cops are all pitifully inept and all should have been fired. They placed the victim's life in jeopardy more times than I could count.

I resist posting spoilers as there are far too many and the ending? A total bust and not worth the time invested.

Scottish scenery was beautiful so I gave it a four for that.

But hell, my time could have been far better spent than on this mess.

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Nyad (2023)
Good film.
12 November 2023
What was really fascinating to me was that the two leads, Benning and Foster looked their ages. A totally refreshing appearance from all the botox and cosmetic surgery of most actors of their ages.

Nyad was shown warts and all, her massive ego and narcissism well portrayed.

But most of all the plot was about the friendshhip between the women, and the acting was superb, particularly by Foster. A tour de force. Bening is also good, a difficult role but we catch the humanity beneath her dominating personality.

The supporting cast is also well done, and the ending, triumphant, would bring tears to a stone.

An extraordinary feat by an extraordinary woman.

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Pain Hustlers (2023)
Quite a romp
30 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched the docs on the Sackler Family and their horrendous responsibility of hiring young women to pimp out drugs to doctors and clinics causing the deaths of millions. Still in court I believe with a huge settlement on the horizon.

Emily Blunt and Catherine O'Hara are a feast of good acting and the supporting cast are excellent.

I am familiar with the story line but here it is told from the point of view of one salesperson (they were all attractive, sexy drug pushers) hauled into the marketing by force of her poverty and inability to make ends meet.

The story unwinds well and a story of rags to riches to rags is always entertaining.

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Rebus (2000–2004)
Could not finish episodes
30 October 2023
I watched the first two and was baffled as to the storylines which generated not a whit of tension or even sympathy for the characters, including the lead, John Hannah playing Rebus.

The two episodes were drawn out, and well boring in the extreme as it was really difficult to care about any of them. Hannah portrays Rebus as out of control, flaunting authoritiy, running off half cocked in all directions without any kind of disciplinary action whatsoever, even involving himself in a crime committed against a family member without reprimand.

Far too much suspension of disbelief, it all felt like hard work.

1/10 for wasting my time.
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Worth the look
11 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A very revealing, well made and interesting documentary about one of Britain's worst ever killers, Nilsen. It's so unusual in that much of what's being said is from the voice of the man himself, it's chilling.

Good on Netflix for not dragging this documentary out to breaking point. It's remarkably well constructed, short and concise and hammers home the points from all involved, the press, the police the surviving victims and Nilsin himself via the mutliple tapes he recorded.

Like many serial killers, Nilsin targeted a marginalized group: "rent boys" in the eighties in London. Sadly among the at least 17 boys he strangled to death only eight have been identified. These poor displaced boys and men were never missed by families. Such shame attached to who they were in that discriminatory era.

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Enemy (2013)
Pretentious Twaddle
11 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really can't believe the reviews given this - film is such a high falutin' word in this context - utter twaddle.

For a while I thought I was losing my sight as everything takes places in shadows and inept lighting.

Squinting at the screen gave me a massive headache.

There is no plot, just the pained anxious face of Jake ambling through most scenes along dim murky corridors, purposeless.

Is it a dream? Is it his alter ego?

I decided I didn't care a whit for the outcome or the passionless sex or sad Jake at podiums talking nonsense at an empty lecture hall.

I gave up. Jake? Seriously! This is not art. It's not anything. It's pretence at art house or whatever.


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A Waste of Time
4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a doc that could have been over with in an hour. Instead it runs for 3 excruciating episodes.

I had the thought that the producer could have been guilty having received a lashing of cash into his account a few days before? Why? Her generosity? He was never questioned as to his jealousy over her new lover/fiance.

But the suspects who were left off the hook were a mystery. We were never informed of their alibis.

Also a key question was never asked - who stood to gain the most from her death?

The police were text book incompetence all the way.

That so-called intellectually challenged suspect who was first convicted and then released (that wasn't fully explained either) was a violent brutal rapist with convictions as long as your arm. Why was he presented so sympathetically? And not interviewed properly?

I was literally gobsmacked at this going nowhere repetitive pointless doc.

Avoid 1/10.
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