One of the most outstanding movies ever
2 February 2000
Saving Private Ryan is, without a doubt, the best war movie ever made and one of the best movies of all time. I wasn't sure what I would think of this movie before I saw it. I heard the gore and carnage was too much, and I heard the story and action was great.

When I finally did see it, I loved it. The gore wasn't as bad, in my opinion, as everyone said it was. I thought the battles scenes were fantastically done. They were entertaining to watch, but with a certain sadness to it. I also think the moments of reflection among the soldiers was very good too. You got to hear their thoughts about the enemy, the soldiers and the war itself.

The acting was great, especially by Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks certainly deserved the Academy Award for best actor, even though he did not get it. Matt Damon also did a great job as Private Ryan. Watch for a great cameo-like performance by Ted Danson.

The storyline was interesting. Most of all, it showed what the war was like and how horrible it was. Some of the American soldiers were killed before they even entered the battlefield, some before they could even fire back, and some went down in a blaze of glory. Either way, you felt pity for the Americans and hatred for the Nazis.

The mission the soldiers were on was to find a single man, Private Ryan, and bring him home, because all of his brothers were killed and he was the last male survivor of the family. You, along with the soldiers in the movie, will always be thinking about whether it is worth it to risk eight lives to save one man. Many things happen through the film that will keep changing your mind about it.

If blood, guts and gore bothers you, you really should not watch Saving Private Ryan. Otherwise, I recommend going out and buying it right away. You will not be disappointed.
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