Not bad but writers need to try harder
4 November 2006
The twist and reveal plot is definitely entertaining but all in all, it feels like a lesser effort trying to ape non-linear action-thriller hits like Pulp Fiction, Lock Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels, etc. The way this film reveals important pieces of the puzzle through flashbacks is inferior to the above examples because they feel more like 'the butler did it' cop-outs instead of integral story moments... again, these are signs of a not-so-well thought out script.

Another element that isn't strong enough to warrant a 'keeper' rating of 7 or better: weak dialogue. It's all very mundane and nothing really makes you feel the characters are interesting individuals with their own motivations. Nothing really dark or menacing to drive up the tension (the set-up murder was OPERATIC in the victims' hysteria and emotional), and hardly any comedic moments, except those meant to play off Mr Slevin's "I'm a nice guy, why are you doing this to me?" schmuck facade.

This one does better than the other try-hard movie in my book - THE BIG HIT - purely because the director and actors are more confident and capable. They saved the writer(s), really.
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