Lonesome Dove (1989)
Lonesome Dove set the bar.
26 January 2015
Having seen Lonesome Dove when it was aired for the first time on British TV way back it made a deep, deep impression on me. At that time for me "tele-series" meant mindless plots, cardboard by-the-numbers acting, zero surprises and predictability from the first scene. Then along came this wonderful gem with a tremendous story, powerful acting, sharp dialogue, savagery, tenderness, humor, pathos and bitter-sweet sadness. At last we had characters that we could care about, no JR's or Bobby's or the like, here we could care about what could happen next to these people. Now, Jan 2015, I am re-watching this classic on DVD and I convinced my wife (who doesn't like Westerns)to watch it with me. We finished part 1 last night and will now watch part 2...I can already sense her resistance weakening as she gets pulled into the story and realizes this is something special. I await her tears at the end and the rainbow that will appear over my sofa!!! The bar has never been raised higher than this.
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