In the loop
9 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I liked this, though it's not great, by Jane Goldman's standards (Kick-Ass, Stardust, Kingsman, X-men : 1st Class).

But then, I liked the tremendously unpopular 'Dark Shadows', which was also adapted by Tim Burton.

It takes its time unfolding its not-too-dense narrative, doesn't do much with the time loop paradoxes (almost a crime of sorts, since, in my head, there's a treasure trove of possibilities to examine), criminally wastes artists of the calibre of Judi Dench, Eva Green & Samuel L Jackson, not to mention Terence Stamp, and yet, there's a lot to like.

+ Loved the way it took it's time to build to the 1st action set-piece. & the next, I & the final one.

+ Loved the underwater set special effects set-pieces, & how they're not just used for effect, but are contextual in nature.

+ Enjoyed the rapport between the young adult leads, though the not too apparent age difference, and almost irregular nature of the connecting relationships is left unexplored. Quite a bit of dark territory to mine into. This would have definitely benefited from having been visualized more as an R-rated romp. Why have the lady from Penny Dreadful if you're not gonna utilize her talents in this delicious role?

+ The final action set-piece! A whopper of a surprise, to say the least. Worth the price of admission on its own.

+ The background scores/themes, especially in a few sequences where characters' powers are being discovered/examined/utilized, is quite unique, for what's purportedly a been-there-done-that kinda mainstream exercise. Refreshing. And the trailers didn't give it away for me, which is always welcome.

Wish I'd watched it on IMAX or in cinemascope. This would've benefited greatly from either/both of those viewing options.

Watching it in 3d is definitely is treat. Tim Burton owns his framing, like he's proved time and again, especially in terms of 3d, he's outdone his work from 'Dark Shadows', imho.

Eva Green, Judi Dench, Samuel L Jackson have done better though, and this is a paycheck movie for them. The young adult lead pair though, are better served by having this on their resume, although Asa Butterfield has had a better movie in Marty Scorsese's 'The adventures of Hugo Cabret'.

Not to be missed on the big screen. Hope others are luckiest than I was with their fellow audience members.
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