Jimmy's Hall (2014)
Slow paced, but important.
20 February 2017
This certainly isn't Loach's finest film, and certainly not his best film that portrays Irish life in the 20th century. However, it is important for a number of historical reasons.

This film is naturally quite critical of the church's stranglehold on Irish life and policy. Jim Norton's role in portraying this is invaluable, after all who better to portray a controlling, traditionalist,angry priest than Bishop Brennan himself? Indeed, Jim's character in this film completely mirrors his character in Father Ted... but believe me, that is NOT a criticism.

While the movie may be slow-paced and seemingly dull at certain inter-sections, it's importance for history cannot be discounted. Not so long ago, it would have been sacrilege to watch this film due to it's unsubtle portrayal of the church's sometimes intrusive influence on Ireland, in fact some probably would still consider it to be so. It also deals with the rise of Fascism in Ireland in the early 20th century, something that is almost absent from cinema.

The movie deserves more credit and should have a larger influence than it appears to have. Give it a chance, some may call it propaganda... it's not. Give it a watch.
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