3 April 2018
The Piano Teacher is a film that can be best described as, with approval of the film's director Michael Haneke, "obscene". It's "obscene" in many aspects from the pervert and masochistic sexual nature of the story to the technicals that surround the picture.

Of course, the mere premise, a piano teacher, who is sexually repressed by her overbearing mother, resorting to many sexually deviant fetishes is "obscene" enough, but it goes into a much deeper level as the story progresses.

The film is presented in many long takes. They are punctuated through and through by hard cuts and a soundtrack of Schubert pieces that is diegetic and miniscule. It's "obscene" through how simple and naked the technicals are compared to many Hollywood films and blockbusters.

These "obscenities" will turn off viewers who are opposed to the film's content and structure. But nevertheless, The Piano Teacher is clearly a well-made film with a clear vision from Michael Haneke.

The acting is great, especially the teacher and the mother and the new student as they pull her back and forth. The long takes are deep and beautiful, with excellent detail to the subtle actions of the film. And the soundtrack, while being limiting, breathes air into film whenever it appears. With the film being in French, it can be a bit tedious at points to follow along with the subtitles and the subtle imagery, but all-in-all, it should be easy to comprehend.

Whether you should see The Piano Teacher or not depends upon you taste. If you don't mind, it's a good film to take in and enjoy.

7/10 (Really, it's a 7.5)
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