Justice League Unlimited (2004–2006)
Best DC cartoon alongside Young Justice
12 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I know it has been a few months ever since I reviewed the first but the wait is finally over.

This is the best DC alongside it's predorserror (Justice League) and Young Justice.

Instead of just Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern/John Stewart, Flash/Wally West, Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl. We have even more heroes like Green Arrow, Question, Black Canary, Captain Atom and many more and a bigger league. In all honesty I had no idea who half of these DC characters were until I watched this show.

We even have guest characters like Green Lantern/Hal Jordan, Speedy, Batman/Terry McGinnis, Captain Marvel and much more.

The only flaws to the show was that we don't always see the original league together in every episode like we used to, the episodes aren't always two parters and some episodes can get a bit mature compared to the previous series but still safe for both kids and adults. Also I wasn't too happy about the fact that Supergirl left the League to join the Legion of Superheroes and some of the league members like Etrigan, Vibe, Crimson Avenger, Nightwing (cameo in the episode: Grudge Match) and Creepy had very little or no screen time. But that couldn't be helped because of the amount of episodes this show had: it could have lasted for another season or so.

I am just glad the incident with Hawkgirl towards the end of the previous series was fixed and that she was a member of the League again.

The voice acting, animation, art style and character development was good. I really wish today's superhero shows had all of these qualities. But instead kids are stuck with garbage like Justice League Action, Ben 10 2016 and Teen Titans Go!

My favourite episodes are For The Man Who Has Everything, Kids Stuff, Hawk and Dove, Fearful Symmetry, The Return, Dark Heart, Wake the dead, The Once and Future Thing Part 2: Time Warped, The Doomsday of Satisfaction, Clash, Question Authority, Flashpoint, Panic in the Sky, Divided We Fall, Epilogue, Shadow of the Hawk, Flash and Substance, Dead Reckoning, Patriot Act, The Great Brain Robbery, Far From Home, Alive!, Ancient History and Destroyer.

I liked how in the episode The Great Brain Robbery when Lex Luthor swapped bodies with Flash who was voiced by Michael Rosenbaum (the actor who was Lex Luther in the Smallville series) got to voice Lex Luther but in Flash's body.

The ending was good when they had all of the heroes come together to fight the invasion of Apkolipse and the return of Darksied but I honestly never expected a key character in that episode to die.

If you haven't seen Justice League Unlimited, then what are you doing here? Go and watch along with it's predecessor you don't know what you are missing out. Trust me you won't regret it ;)
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