Eat Drink Fall Asleep.... Zzzz....
20 April 2019
Granted, I wasn't sure what to expect when I sat down to watch "Eat Drink Man Woman" (aka "Yin shi nan nv"). But because of my fascination and admiration of the Asian cinema, of course I jumped at the chance to watch this 1994 movie when I had the chance now in 2019.

So was it a good movie? No, not even remotely. The movie was weighed heavily down by a storyline that lacked interest and offered very little in terms of proper script and pacing. And the movie was unfathomably slow paced, with very little happening at any time throughout the course of the movie.

I endured a little more than an hour of the ordeal before I gave up. Although I was tempted to do so more than once along the way. There was just simply not enough happening in the movie to keep me entertained or to keep me interested in watching what would happen next.

And it didn't really help that the characters in the movie were essentially all one and the same. I am not saying that in a racial manner, given the fact that they are all Chinese. No, not at all. I am saying that because each character was every bit as pointless and indistinguishable as the next one, which made for a very mundane and dreadful viewing experience.

How this movie managed to secure such a high rating on IMDb is simply beyond my comprehension, because I was growing steadily more and more bored and disinterested in the movie as it paced on at snail pace.

This was definitely not a movie aimed at me as the target audience. I gave up shortly after 1 hour of being bored senseless, and I can with full honesty say that I am not returning to finish the rest of the movie at any given time in the future.
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