Enjoyable, but poorly researched
7 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I DID enjoy the two lead actors, and Clarke especially was superb as Potemkin.

But, as others have pointed out, the historical errors were huge. I realize that writers sometimes need to take liberties with historical accuracy for dramatic reasons, but some of the these errors appear to be just that - dumb, stupid errors!

My own favourite - the references to "Germany" and the "German Ambassador" (present in one scene). These events took place around 80 years before the formation of that state. It also predates the German Confederation. I suspect that "Germany" was used in order to avoid confusing the poor viewers with the accurate "Prussia" (Catherine's birth state).

Also, her grandson (the future Alexander I) was around 18 when she died, not the child portrayed.

Of course, if the viewer cares little for history and facts, it's a great show.
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