Typical sensationalized documentary with wrong stock footage
25 January 2020
1. It is an interesting documentary to watch but sacrifices clearness of information for a more interesting presentation. E..G. The Battle of Midway starts by mentioning the cryptographer suspecting Midway will be attacked but is not believed. Then after the documentary starts narrating events, it goes back to explain how the cryptographer found someone to believe him and how they positively determined the target was Midway.

2. Worse is the typical war documentary put together by uninformed producers looking for nice videos. They often include video of something completely unrelated to the present narrative--probably guessing the viewer doesn't know any more about the subject than they do. Unfortunately that leads to confusing material and the lack of credibility in the whole message. E.G. During the Battle of Midway, the narrative is discussing the B-17 (heavy 4-engine bomber) attack, but shows video of C-47 (two-engine transports) and some other mid-size two-engine bomber that clearly did not participate in this battle. Another example is including video of Japanese two-engine mid-bombers during the Pearl Harbor attack--only single engine aircraft were launched by the Japanese in this attack.
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