Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
Insanely overrated
15 December 2023
Huh. I always whine about lack of realism - especially anything computer-related in movies.

Mr. Robot does hacking really, really well. Of course, it's sped up and Hollywood-magic-added, but it's a staple how they should do it in movies, now and forever. We never see the characters actually write any of those million Python scripts, but that's probably for the better. Hacking really feels like hacking.

Which is a really good thing, if your show is about hacking. But Mr. Robot is not about hacking. Some would say that Mr. Robot is about mental disorder. Which it tries to portray itself as. But Mr. Robot is not about mental disorder, neither. Mr. Robot is a social experiment called "how long until fans will see through our bs and quit?".

Similar, and arguably better experiment of this sort already exists, and it's a TV-show called "Lost". A show that just adds and adds layer of coating the more you try to see what's actually inside.

Mr. Robot does the same thing, but it lacks the exotic locations, suspenseful moments, deep mysteries and strong cast of "Lost". Sure, Rami Malek plays well, and so does supporting cast and Portia Doubleday probably ruined sleep of nerds worldwide, but it's still not "Lost". And I hated "Lost". And if "Lost" had one f-you-it's-all-a-dream disappointment, Mr. Robot does it constantly, again and again, building it up over many episodes, before exploding it all over your face. I can almost hear the director giggling like a naughty teenager.

If you take all this crap layer away, underneath is a quite poor and poorly-thought-out hacker story of a guy why took on world finance and a megacorporation while not understanding jack about money or finance, and ruined lives of millions by that. Even the big "final, redeeming hack" probably crashed world markets again and caused insane inflation (luckily, the show just ends at that point, so this misery is not shown).

It's a power fantasy of a 12-year old computer (or an A/V) club geek, and even though characters are lovely and try hard, it's sadly still all it is, with all the limitations and disappointment that come with it.
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