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Baseball by the numbers
moviemanMA24 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Moneyball tells the story of the 2002 season of the Oakland Athletics, a team that rose to notoriety because of its low payroll and unorthodox player selection. Billy Beane (Brad Pitt), a former player turned general manage, grows tired with the ancient, inefficient ways of the game he has committed his entire life to. When a transaction goes awry he stumbles across Peter Brand (Jonah Hill), a Yale, economics graduate who believes he has a system to rating players based on numbers.

Billy and Peter begin trading, signing, and grooming the team based on data, not scouting, something that other members of the team are not fond of, including Art Howe (Philip Seymour Hoffman), the team's manager. Billy and Peter's system defies current baseball logic, but when the club starts to win games with players like Scott Hatteberg (Chris Pratt), David Justice (Stephen Bishop), and Chad Bradford (Casey Bond), the eyes of the country turn to Oakland, where only seeing is believing.

What happened in Oakland back in '02 was incredible. It shouldn't have happened if you ask the right people, and other people will tell you it means nothing. Well, it did mean something it has changed the way people think about the game for good. You couldn't just go out and look at a kid to see if he would be a star or not. There were more stats to consider than home runs, strikeouts, and batting average. The game was expanding and becoming more and more a battle of logic.

The film's structure is centered mostly on Billy Beane, but the most exciting parts for me were about the system. Writer Aaron Sorkin, who a few months back accepted a slew of awards for his screenplay The Social Network, tosses out jargon that baseball fanatics go crazy for. For the general audience, that's where Billy helps out. Peter explains the system and has to break it down more for Beane (i.e. the audience) so everybody on screen and in the seats is on the same page.

Pitt's portrayal of Beane won me over. He completely caught me off guard. I know Pitt can act but I remember him for performances that were very complex on the outside. Aldo Raine (Inglourious Basterds) with his pronounces chin, squinty eyes, and thick accent. Benjamin Button (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) who grew younger as he got older. Jeffrey Goines (12 Monkeys) who couldn't sit still let alone focus on one subject in a conversation. Yes, he was nominated for all these performances, but in a performance like this there is something bubbling under the surface. All of his characters to an extent have something going on underneath, only this character, Billy Beane, is so normal and calm on the outside, yet when he is alone we can see pain and frustration.

His supporting cast of Hill, Hoffman, and the slew of ball players and colleagues, help turn this baseball team into the world of Oakland Athletics. Hill and Hoffman especially play perfect compliments to Pitt's sunny exterior. Hill is quiet, timid, and very smart. Hoffman is cold, weathered, and stubborn. Pitt is able to play off of both temperaments and make their scenes together pop off the screen.

The one thing that this movie has going for it is the lack of actual action on the diamond. There are some great scenes of actual baseball, one at bat by Hatteberg in particular struck a chord with me, but for the most part the action is behind the scenes. There is enough for a sports junkie to get their fix and enough drama and with Beane and his family to entice any average viewer into the theater. I can't think of many target groups that wouldn't find it interesting, except for children, due to language and complexity of some of the dialogue. All in all this is one movie that will please a lot of people, and more importantly a lot of different people, sort of like The Blind Side, only the movie is actually really good.
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Much more than just a baseball film
TheLittleSongbird30 November 2016
Despite being a non-sports fan, let alone a non-baseball fan, there are still a lot of great sports films out there...of which 'Moneyball' is an example of one.

It is not going to be for all tastes. It is wordy with a lot of talk and not a whole lot of baseball, which may be a disappointment for fans, but to me that was not a bad thing at all. It saw a different side to the sport and how sports films are approached and portrayed, and it was done wonderfully, apart from a couple of scenes that were a touch too talky.

'Moneyball' is a very well made film, not one of the most visually beautiful films of the year but still beautifully shot and the scenery is very handsome. Bennett Miller does a fine job directing, keeping the film engrossing and the drama alert and easy to follow. The music complements very nicely, never over-bearing or too low-key.

Aaron Sorkin's script is smart and intelligent, filled with humour and heart, while the storytelling is well paced and enthralling, managing to make something exciting out of a potentially dry subject matter or a film that could have suffered from sluggish execution in lesser hands.

Brad Pitt's lead performance is full of daring enthusiasm and he wins one over with his charisma. In contrast, Jonah Hill is superbly understated and Philip Seymour Hoffmann steals every scene he's in.

Overall, a great film that is more than just a film about baseball. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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More than a game of numbers
napierslogs1 October 2011
It has long been said that professional sports are more a game of politics than an actual game. Major League Baseball is not just a game of money, but in "Moneyball" it's a game of numbers versus a game of people. It's callousness at its highest when general managers trade away people as if they're objects with little regard for them or their family. Brad Pitt as Billy Beane, the GM of the Oakland As, seems to take that even further, treating people as if they are only numbers, and yet there was something refreshing and humanistic about the whole thing.

It's 2001 and Oakland has just lost to the New York Yankees in the playoffs, not surprising, seeing as their payroll was 76 Million dollars less. The humour of "Moneyball" starts in the off-season when the team can't afford to keep their top players and Beane and his experienced scouts start tossing around some free agent ideas. One guy is no good because he frequents strip clubs too often, another guy is no good because his girlfriend is ugly, and on down the list they go. But then Beane meets Yale-educated, economics-, mathematics-, and computer-whiz, baseball fan, Peter Brand (Jonah Hill). He has no experience and he doesn't know these players. He doesn't know if they stand funny or if they swing ugly. He only knows their stats and their salary.

A lot of people took offense to Beane's approach of degrading players down to the sum total of their on-base percentage and runs-in potential. But I liked it. Since the game of baseball isn't changing any time soon and players will always just be elements that can help win games and make more money, why not view them as numbers rather than as people with ugly girlfriends? Like Peter Brand, I like numbers.

It's a movie about doing more with less, so I think we're just supposed to ignore the irony that they needed an excessively high budget to make it. In fact, it cost Sony Pictures more money to make this movie than it cost the Oakland A's to field their entire team for a season. Oh well, only one lesson for Hollywood at a time, and I still liked the movie.

For a movie about people trying to change the game of baseball, it's only fitting that they are changing the sports genre. This isn't about the team and how many games they're going to win. As in all cases, they win some and they lose some. And we really only meet one player, the rest are just names thrown in the air. The movie is about Billy Beane, a real person, and a multi-dimensional character. At first he realizes that he is going to have to play the game with more than just money, and then after he makes it about numbers too, he finds a balanced statistical and personal concept.

"Moneyball" says that the game is about money, but the movie is about people. Writer Aaron Sorkin knows how to write people, and as evidenced by "The Social Network" (2010), he also knows how to turn computer-programming into riveting cinema. We find humour in the least-expected of places, we find heart in the least-expected of people, and 'Moneyball" gives us a completely enjoyable movie that becomes so much more than numbers.
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Worth admission even if you care squat about baseball
allmyrebs-td11 September 2011
Just caught this at the Toronto Film festival. It is undoubtedly one of the higher quality dramas in 2011. At its heart is a baseball-centric docu-drama, but even folks with zero baseball knowledge/interest can enjoy and be moved by this movie.

Jonah Hill's performance in the film is phenomenal, and this may be the break that that young actor has been joshing for. His portrayal Peter Brand, a Yale Economics major and full time computer nerd is beyond believable, you practically swear that you know him personally a few days after the movie.

The role of Billy Beane, played by Brad Pitt, is an incredibly demanding one. While there are tons of dialog, hack arguments, display of physical rage, etc; it is the silent story telling, emotional turmoil, change-of-heart reflections, pupils-triggered catharsis, and so on that are the toughest to convey and requires a well-seasoned character actor. This is easily Brad at his widest acting range - and you see all of it in a little over two hours.

To be totally honest, I have not been tracking Philip Seymour Hoffman's acting career until this film. His portrayal of the ready-to-exit Oakland A's coach Art Howe, caught between "the for-sure old money" and the "crazy senseless new reality", convinced me that they couldn't have casted this part any better. Hoffman delivers on every single scene and you literally sweat his frustration along with him. This foil to Brad Pitt's character is actually effective enough to save several heavy- drama exchange where Brad's delivery falls slightly short of the mark.

This is an "onion" movie, constructed purposely to be entertaining on many levels. It can be watched purely as an entertaining account of modern baseball history - how player statistics became one of the most important factors determining financial success in modern baseball.

For more sentimental audience it tracks the journey of a man, forced to embrace change and disappointment as he fumble aimlessly through life etching out an unremarkable career first as a failing professional player, then small-time scout, and washed-out General Manager; only to finally wake up - and find himself becoming one of the greatest living innovator of the modern game.

Finally, for the abstract-at-heart, and those who knows or cares little about the game of baseball (like yours truly), this is a tale of an industry under irreversible change; a documentary of the conflict between innovators who brave the slings-and-arrows to map out the new ways, and the old stalwarts who goes all out to protect their crumbling turf.

At this historic moment in time, the message really hits a home-run! Other than baseball, we've recently witness similar changes and conflicts played out in public across the automobile, music distribution, movie distribution, book distribution, home computer, banking , and many other industries. Every unemployed in a vanishing industry can easily identify with the old Billy Beane, it is how Billy leverage his disappointment and experience, to turn his life around that we can all aspire to.

A worthy note is the soundtrack for the movie, grass-root simple and heartfelt, it sent me looking for the album on itunes - only to realize that the movie has not been officially released yet.
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Pitt is at the top of his game
Legendary_Badass21 September 2011
I have another rare chance to catch a film more than a day before its national release. Usually when this happens there's a horde of folks queued up. When the doors to the theatre open, phones are sequestered, and a rush is put on to find prime seating. Those were movies starring a bunch of… well less than household names. Surely a sneak to see a Brad Pitt movie would be even more chaotic. Unfortunately the waning popularity of America's pastime is as much of a deterrent as a movie star and free entertainment are agents of attraction.

Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) is a former major leaguer turned general manager of the Oakland A's. After losing in the playoffs to the Yankees, the A's lose their stars to free agency. Billy is tasked with rebuilding despite a payroll that leaves the A's trailing the competition.

While going through the usual motions, Billy happens by Pete Brand (Jonah Hill), an economist who may have found a way to scout baseball with the efficiency the A's need. The two delve in head first, and despite some tough outings they never back down.

Pitt is at the top of his game. As an everyman—or at least one that isn't played up as wealthy, a man struggling to keep his job—frustration is clearly seen in Pitt's face. Pitt brings humanity to the ominous job of a general manager. Flashbacks of his stint in "the show" surmise his entire life, be it his divorce or relationship with his daughter Casey (Kerris Dorsey).

Moneyball is not the action-packed sports outing one may be expecting. Director Bennett Miller spends very little time focusing on the game of baseball, or even the personalities of the players. Moneyball is a movie about management. Its deadpan, forthright approach is fresh compared to the typical underdog story filled with home runs and stolen bases. There's no electrifying music or thrilling speeches, but the excitement found in a phone call is realized as well as one could imagine. I don't think any actor other than Hill could pull of his slowly clinched fist.

Like the good sports films, Moneyball shares a deeper meaning than simply winning. Immediately the value of loyalty comes to mind. The sports genre is changing, much like how the crew of this story changed talent scouting. Just last year a movie rose up about the struggle to manage a boxer, and now here's the struggle to manage a team.
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I Don't Even Like Baseball
cdjh-8112526 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I hate sports, I really do but I love movies and this one peaked my interest and I decided to watch it and I was thoroughly impressed by what I saw. The filmmakers To a really good job of making you care about the success of The Oakland Athletics because they take the time to show you just how bad a state they are in. They also take the time to build the characters so that you understand how important it is for them to succeed. Brad Pitt was fantastic in this film not only did he have some really great one liners but he had a great heart to him you felt sorry for him through seeing his last failings and I really loved his chemistry with Jonah Hill who was also great in this film up until The Wolf of Wall Street this was his best performance ever, I loved his character because he was easy to relate to, that new kid quality does that and I thought Hill did a great job with some of the more emotional scenes. The baseball scenes are filmed terrifically there done in a very documentation style which makes them feel more life like. The relationship between Pitt and his daughter was a really nice touch it made you care more about him and gave you a sense of who he was as a person not just a manager. I liked the fact that they made this film feel real, you completely understand how bad the odds are against this new system, you see them be put down, get angry at defeats and face dismissal and it makes you care all the more about this team succeeding. The late great Phillip Seymour Hoffman was in this movie and he did a great job, I really liked his character he didn't agree with this system and it let you get the series of events from the players perspective and added a more personal touch to the games. I do have a few flaws with this film, for one Chris Pratts character was very wasted, at first it seemed as if they were setting up a good arc for his character but they don't give it the time required to make you care and just ends up being unnecessary. I also thought that they should have taken the time to see the teams success instead of simply shown it in a montage as it didn't give the victories any emotional weight and was an unsatisfactory conclusion to such a good story arc.

Despite hating sports I really enjoyed this movie, I loved Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill, you really got invested in the characters and the team and the sporting sequences themselves were very well done.

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I don't like baseball. I don't like math. However, I still liked Moneyball.
cricketbat20 July 2018
I don't like baseball. I don't like math. However, I still liked Moneyball. They could have easily shaved off a half-hour from this film and it's completely inaccessible for those who don't have a fundamental understanding of baseball, but it has solid writing, solid acting and even though it's primarily a crash course in statistics, it's still interesting.
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A high quality crowd pleaser
KnightsofNi112 October 2011
America's pastime has returned to the big screen and it is more witty and elegant than ever. Moneyball is the inspiring story of the Oakland A's, a team that was all but bankrupt but managed to beat the odds through intelligence and perseverance. Brad Pitt plays Billy Beane, the team's general manager who has run out of ideas on how to make his strapped for cash team successful. This is until he meets Pete Brand, played by Jonah Hill, an economic major from Yale. Brand devises a formula that analyzes players in a way nobody else does, thus revealing statistics about players that no one else can see. Beane and Brand use this formula to build up their unlikely roster of misfits. The themes of this film run deep through our aspiring minds. It's a film about beating the odds, going against the current, and standing up for what you believe is right. It is a moving and inspiring film that really only uses baseball as a backdrop for its deeper and more universal themes. It's a moving film and you don't have to be a baseball fan to love it.

The strongest element of Moneyball is easily Aaron Sorkin and Steve Zaillian's incredibly sharp script. Moneyball brings up fond memories of 2010's The Social Network in which Sorkin pulled out all the stops in his intellectual screen writing ability. The dialogue in Moneyball moves at the same pace as any Sorkin or Zaillian script does. It has a driving cadence to it that keeps a film entirely dominated by dialogue very exciting and entertaining. Their script is lively, energetic, and diverse. Moneyball has intensely emotional scenes that compel and inspire, but then it has its lighthearted and much funnier moments that have the exact same affect. There's a lot to be said for any film that has the capability to make its audience laugh and cry in the same two hour span. Moneyball is a film like that and it all begins at Sorkin's fantastic script.

However, it is helped by the film's superb cast. Brad Pitt leads the film perfectly, creating a very interesting protagonist and driving the film in a way few leads can. He attacks his role as Billy Beane with the utmost care, respect, and sincerity. Despite all of Pitt's good looks and always recognizable celebrity face, you will have a hard time remembering that Pitt is the one acting, not Billy Beane. But, as always, where would such a strong lead be without his supporting cast? Moneyball has that supporting cast, and it finds its immeasurable talent in the most unlikely of places. I'm talking, of course, about Jonah Hill. Hill has built his career on being a comedy caricature with over the top flicks such as Superbad and Get Him to the Greek. But all that changes when Hill takes on the role of Pete Brand. His performance is stellar. He proves himself to be a true up and comer who won't find himself restricted within the confines of teen comedy.

Overall, Moneyball is your typical crowd pleaser, but it is incredibly high quality. It is so well directed, so superbly acted, and Sorkin and Zaillian's script is practically flawless. Personally this isn't the film I will go crazy about. Rather, it is a film that I will enjoy so sincerely and with all my heart. I really did love this film and my respect for it is eternal. It may be typical and straightforward in its overall themes, but the quality of the film outshines this. Moneyball is just an excellent film.
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7.5 solid
baywoodarborist15 October 2020
A solid film. There really isn't any negative things that come to mind. Pitt is always good and they told the story well.
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Moneyball isn't focussed on just playing Baseball but instead the inner workings of building the greatest team.
TheMovieDiorama28 February 2018
Hundreds of sports films, hundreds of them. Pretty sure Hollywood has tackled every type of sport, including Baseball several times over. Why should this one be any different? Well, this is the true story of the Oakland Athletics to which their General Manager at the time used a new technique of deciding a team: the Moneyball model. Using statistics and logic to pick the most effective players at the cheapest price, therefore building the ultimate economical team. Such a model could change the Baseball industry and negate years of traditional intuition. This is not so much about changing Baseball, but a personal journey for Billy Beane. He himself was chosen to play professionally, ditching his chances of further education. It didn't work out, and so he desired to change the system and defy the industry as a personal vendetta against them. Completely unconventional, having a computer system pick the most suitable players as opposed to listening to veterans who have something that algorithms do not: experience. Thoroughly enjoyed this film, and I can say I have no interest in Baseball (not particularly huge in the UK). A screenplay by Aaron Sorkin was destined to keep me captivated. Every script he writes is filled with sharp, concise dialogue that keeps you hooked on the characters. Brad Pitt looked effortlessly natural, owned every scene he was in. Jonah Hill...get ready guys...I actually liked. Finally!? A film I like him in. Cool, calm and calculated, was perfect at playing a graduate economist. Bennett Miller's direction was clean with a great mixture of old footage of Baseball games with the reconstructed acting. There's a scene towards the end where the result of a game relies on Chris Pratt hitting the ball. When he does...silence. I felt the tingles, was beautifully executed. Whilst the sport of Baseball does not interest me in the slightest, I loved the focus on the team building and thought it was brilliantly acted by everyone.
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Sabermetrics in the Grand Ole Game
ferguson-614 September 2011
Greetings again from the darkness. While reading "Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game" by Michael Lewis, I never once considered what it might look like as a movie. And I am the kind of guy who looks at a mailbox and wonders if a movie about a mailman might be interesting (Costner proved me wrong). If you are a baseball fan, you should see this movie. If you are not a baseball fan, the movie works very well as a metaphor for any business maverick who takes a risk and analyzes their company or industry from an entirely new perspective. The game of baseball was over a hundred years old when Oakland A's GM Billy Beane turned the institution on its ear.

Mr. Lewis spent most of the 2002 season with the Oakland team and had full access to GM Billy Beane, Asst GM Paul DePodesta, and their process in putting together a team that would contend for the American League title ... all under the severe handicap of ridiculous salary constraints placed by team owners.

In this movie, Brad Pitt is spot on as Billy Beane - the cocky, tobacco spitting former jock trying desperately to put his stamp on the institution of baseball. Due to some lawsuit of which I know nothing, the DePodesta role is renamed Peter Brand and is played by Jonah Hill, who looks absolutely nothing like Mr. DePodesta (who played baseball at Harvard). Despite this, Mr. Hill does an terrific job of becoming the statistical whiz who can analyze data and place value on players ... a skill he is obsessed with even 10 years later.

Watching Beane trying to communicate the point of change to the old school scouts is simply priceless and painful. Years of scouting based on body type and girlfriend ranking is replaced by statistical data spit out by Brand's computer. The real fun comes when the team's field Manager, Art Howe (Phillip Seymour Hoffman), flashes his bah-humbug attitude, bucks Beane's system and continues coaching old school ... from the gut. It's not until Beane takes away all other options that Howe is forced to follow the new plan.

Baseball fans know that Bill James is the godfather of sabermetrics in baseball. For years his formulas and calculations were ignored by owners, managers and scouts. Thanks to the A's success, ALL teams now utilize some form of sabermetrics combined with old fashioned scouting. Every measurable event in a game is tracked and results are analyzed. Many fans say it has sucked the joy out of the game. Others say it has provided opportunities for players previously ignored. I prefer to look at it as the same in any industry ... everyone looks for a competitive advantage. Never ignore a tool or approach that can make your company more profitable or your team more competitive.

Being a long time Texas Ranger fan, I must mention some of the ties to this story. The Rangers current manager, Ron Washington (portrayed by Brent Jennings), was an infield coach on those Oakland A's and gets a few scenes. Grady Fuson was the Head Scout for the A's and later came to the Rangers as co-GM or Asst GM (depending who you ask) but had a very limited stay. Mike Venafro was a relief pitcher for the A's who gets traded in 2002 so they can pick up a more valued reliever to take his spot. It should also be noted that current Rangers GM Jon Daniels and his talented staff have a place for sabermetrics and their formula has worked.

The director of the movie is Bennett Miller, who was responsible for the excellent "Capote", which also starred Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Bennett's DP here is Wally Pfister, who works frequently with the great Christopher Nolan. Pfister's camera work here is superb. The amazing writing team of Steve Zaillian and Aaron Sorkin provide a script with sharp dialogue and just enough baseball lingo so that everyone can follow. Supporting actors include Chris Pratt (Parks & Recreation) as Scott Hatteberg, poster child for sabermetrics, Robin Wright as Beane's ex-wife, and fantastic writer/director Spike Jonze as Wright's zenned-out new husband and the polar opposite of Beane.

I need to make a point about the performance of Jonah Hill. His movies "Superbad" and "Get Him to the Greek" are not my type of movies so I was never a big fan. That changed when I saw "Cyrus" last year. During the Q&A after this screening, Mr. Hill pointed out that "Cyrus" was the bridge that allowed him to be cast in this movie ... his bridge to drama. He went on to state that his acting heroes are Dustin Hoffman and Bill Murray because they have had successful careers in both comedy and drama. I can honestly say that it is easy to see Jonah Hill having a Bill Murray type career, especially since he has now lost so much weight - a significant weight loss after the filming of Moneyball. He is no longer the funny fat guy. He is a talented actor.
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"How Can You Not Be Romantic About Baseball?" 💯
Instant_Palmer23 July 2021
Moneyball "changed the game forever" (the baseball-movie game). No other baseball film (nor any other sports film) has achieved this level of intimate connection to the front office of a professional sports franchise (and made it this interesting and engaging), nor achieved this level of combined excellence in cinematography, editing, and story-telling.

Moneyball avoids resorting to melodramatic baseball movie cliches - the truth is often more interesting than fiction, and this is truly a fascinating tale based on real events.

Steven Zaillian, Aaron Sorkin, and Stan Chervin share screenwriting credit, and the screenplay deserved its awards and nominations.

Director Bennett Miller did a fabulous job in pulling this winning team together, and the entire cast and crew knocked it out of the proverbial park.

This is one of Brad Pitt's best film performances, and Jonah Hill and Philip Seymour Hoffman were both on their A-Game. The entire supporting cast was spot-on individually and as an ensemble.

There is simply no weak link in production, and after seeing this film a half dozen times, it earns an 'instant_palmer' 10 - a rating I don't give out capriciously on IMDb.

Moneyball sets a high bar for baseball movies and there is no other film like it.

My choice as best sports movie of all time; on my Top-100 Greatest Films list, and; moving up the rankings every year. 👍👍
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A really interesting story with a fairly good movie
WarRiderOfRuin17 November 2020
The story behind the movie is really interesting. As with any movie "based on" real events, there is some fudging of the details for cinematic effect, but the main plot gets it pretty accurate. Everyone in the movie plays there part well, including the kind of invented character for Jonah Hill. The movie is a little long and kind of slow though, without much of the usual cheering drama involved in a sports movie. I would only recommend it for people who are already into sports, especially baseball, or are intrigued by the story before the movie starts.
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Baseball By The Numbers
sddavis6331 January 2012
My first comment would be to warn people who aren't big baseball fans that this is a baseball movie. In fact, it's not even so much about baseball - it's about the behind the scenes machinations involved in building a baseball team. There's very little onfield action depicted, so unless the idea of watching the management team rather than the players really turns your crank, this likely won't be for you. Personally, I'm not a huge baseball fan. I follow the game, I know the teams and the big name players, but I'm not a fanatic. So I approach this movie from that perspective.

In 2001, the Oakland A's went 102-60, but then lost in the playoffs. They then had several of their best players leave after the season, because they didn't have enough money to pay them, and General Manager Billy Beane (played by Brad Pitt) was forced to try to keep the team competitive on what would be generously described as a shoestring budget. Without the money to pay for the best players, Beane recruits a young executive from the Cleveland Indians named Peter Brand (played by Jonah Hill) and together they try to craft a winning team strictly by the numbers - using in depth statistical analysis to determine not so much the biggest names but the best fits for their particular team, and we watch as the 2002 season unfolds.

There are things about this movie that I liked. Brad Pitt for one. I thought his performance as Beane was very good and very believable. What I also found believable was the tension that rose between Beane and the team's scouts as well as manager Art Howe (Philip Seymour Hoffman) - all of whom were "old school" baseball people who didn't understand what Beane and Brand were trying to do and weren't especially co-operative. The behind the scenes look was as interesting as it could be, I suppose - especially the glimpse at how players are rated and evaluated and treated.

But I have to admit that this movie still didn't really appeal to me. First, I'm not a baseball fanatic, and in my opinion this is a niche movie for a niche audience. I appreciated that Beane kept the team winning, but to be honest they didn't actually win anything of importance (and still haven't.) Yes, the team pulled off an amazing 20- game winning streak in 2002, but they lost in the playoffs and as Beane himself said, nothing matters if you don't win the last game of the season. That's true. I'm enough of a baseball fan that I'm sure I noticed in the summer of 2002 that the A's were on a massive, mega- winning streak, but I don't actually remember it 10 years later. I guess in the end that's what really makes me scratch my head over this movie. It's just not especially important. As much as this was supposed to be a new way of building a team - frankly, it doesn't work. With no salary cap, baseball is about money. Yes, the movie suggests that the Boston Red Sox used the system Beane and the A's developed, but it leaves out an important point - the Red Sox used the system - AND MONEY! The title is accurate. Baseball is about money. The American League especially is divided into 3 groups - the Yankees and the Red Sox (one or both of whom will be in the playoffs because they have a lot of money and can buy the best players); their division rivals the Rays, Blue Jays and Orioles, who (aside from a massive upset periodically) can't compete with them over a full 162 game season and who start every season knowing that they're going to end up on the outside looking in; and everybody else, who compete to be the best of the rest and hope to be able to beat the Yankees or Red Sox in a 3 of 5 or 4 of 7 series.

This isn't a bad movie, but I for one thought it was massively over- rated. It's neither overly interesting nor overly important, and why anyone would have thought of it as a nominee for Best Picture I have no idea. (5/10)
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Intriguing, investing, with a great screenplay and a fantastic performance at its core
Red_Identity15 November 2011
Sports films... Not a huge fan of them, and don't see them much because of the predictability of them. However, one cannot deny the impact that some have, like for example in recent years The Fighter and Aronofsky's The Wrestler. Moneyball can now join them and is among the best films of the year.

The film is always intriguing, and Aaron Sorkin (whose screenplay for The Social Network was last year's best) is to be congratulated for this. It's his wonderful script that gives the film the energy. What also helps is the lack of predictability. Sure, one can't seem to hope for an 'experimental' sports film, since this is based on a true story. However, Sorkin, as well as the director, always keeps things refreshing and interesting without becoming repetitive and stale. The dialogue is brilliant of course, and the lack of 'field' action makes it even more involving so when the important ball scene comes along it makes an impact. The other big driving factor is Brad Pitt, who has had an incredible year. His performance in The Tree of Life is already among his finest work, and now this joins it as well. He portrays all of the character traits with such versatility and charisma. A great and satisfying protagonist.

Overall, I was incredibly pleased with this. It is to this day the best adapted screenplay of the year, and not surprisingly Pitt is my win in both categories for both of his films.
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Who thought Baseball and Economics would make an interesting movie?
estebangonzalez109 January 2012
¨There are rich teams and there are poor teams, then there's fifty-feet of crap, and then there's us. ¨ Moneyball was among the best films I've seen this year. It really caught me by surprise since I'm not a big baseball fan and wasn't expecting much considering the subject matter. Baseball and economics seemed like a bad combination for me, but since Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman were all starring in this film I had to see it. It's impossible not to fall in love with the Billy Beane character and the relationship he had with his young assistant Peter Brand. They are really the center of this movie so if you're doubting wither or not you should see this worrying about the subject matter all I can say is go see it anyways because it is much more than simply another baseball movie. There are some very strong and emotional scenes where I couldn't help but get goose bumps over a team and a sport I really didn't care for. That is how good this film is. Moneyball is directed by Bennett Miller, who also directed Capote in which Seymour Hoffman won an Oscar for his lead performance as Truman Capote. Miller has proved he can make some great films. The movie was adapted from the book written by Michael Lewis (Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game) which focuses on the true story of the Oakland A's General Manager, Billy Beane, who managed to put together the 2002 team on a very low budget by using computer-generated analysis to draft his players based on a formula which was perfected by his young assistant. This would change the game forever. Steven Zaillian and Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network and Charlie Wilson's War) did a great job at adapting the screenplay for the big screen.

The movie begins with real footage from the last 2001 divisional series game between the Yankees and the A's. The A's were winning the series two games to nothing, but the Yankees came back to win the final three games and leave the A's out of the Championship Divisional game for a second year in a row. The bad news for General Manager, Billy Beane (Brad Pitt), is that he's going to lose his three star players for the next season. The A's don't have the kind of budget that other rich teams like the Red Sox or the Yankees have. It's just impossible to compete against those teams, so it's time to think outside the box. Billy meets with his talent scouts to see how they can replace these key players without any money, but finds no solution. He decides to hire a young Yale Economic graduate who was working as an adviser for the Cleveland Indians. His name is Peter Brand (Jonah Hill) and he uses statistical data to analyze each player and decide which one has a better value based on their batting average and price. Beane and Brand go against all odds and decide to build their team entirely on these computer statistics. The scouts are outraged by the decision, but Beane believes this is the only way he can compete with the big budget teams. Beane also has some arguments with manager Art Howe (Phillip Seymour Hoffman) over whom he should start, but the main focus of the film relies on the relationship between Beane and Brand. There are also a few scenes dealing with Beane and his relationship with his young daughter Casey (Kerris Dorsey) who lives with her mom Sharon (Robin Wright) in California as well.

Moneyball works as both a sports film and a biographical movie, but it is really much more than that. It works thanks to a very strong performance from both Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill who shine in every scene they are together in. Since Beane doesn't like to watch the games for fear of jinxing the team we don't really get to see a lot of baseball. There are several conversations revolving around baseball, but it really isn't that central to the film. The true heart of the film is Beane who we all want to see succeed and silence the critics. We want his system to work because he is such a charismatic character and he believes in what he is doing. The scene where the streak begins is very inspiring and one of the best moments in sports film in my opinion. I really got a lot of goose bumps during that twentieth game winning streak. I also enjoyed the side story revolving around Billy and his daughter Casey. Kerris Dorsey has little screen time, but she is great opposite Brad Pitt. As for Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Robin Wright they really don't have much to work with and don't bring anything to the story really. It's a shame because Hoffman is a great actor and he could've had a better role in this film. In my opinion the ending is perfect as well and the soundtrack was also great. Moneyball was one of the most emotional experiences I've had with a movie all year and I really recommend this inspiring film.
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Art vs science
dfle314 November 2011
As an Australian, the thought of seeing a movie like this a few years ago would have been inconceivable...watching a movie about baseball would be on my "things not to do" list...but watching a movie about statistics and baseball? Even more inconceivable! What changed? In the wake of Sri Lanka beating Australia (I think) in the one day cricket World Cup final many years ago (a form of the game that cricket 'purists' would no doubt deride as 'baseball' and not the 'real form' of the game...heaven knows what they now make of of the Twenty20 form of the game!), I did happen upon an article which argued that Sri Lanka had revolutionised this shortened form of the game with their batting tactics. That story intrigued me...I doubt if Sri Lanka's batting strategy was created from statistics or maths, but it was persuasively argued in the article that it had mathematical or statistical logic to it (no doubt with a big helping of common sense too).

Furthermore, I had dabbled with free, customisable N.B.A. fantasy basketball leagues, where I had created two leagues with opposing one league, unsporting conduct was astronomically punished, whilst in the other league it was nicely rewarded. This created drafting conundrums...someone like Kobe Bryant could be a star in the fair play league...but would be a star in the foul play league. He was definitely a gamble in the fair play league one year he could crush the coach's hopes, and in another year he would be a surprising star. I did get the distinct impression that coaches' who did well did so with the help of crunch the statistics...which is what this movie is all about. Before I start the review proper, I'll just mention that I may have been roped into joining someone's fantasy baseball league as a quid pro quo for them joining my league...just found the whole language of baseball gobbledygook...and never really hung around that sport for long. It's a good thing that this movie was not geared to those fans who love the gobbledygook (be it something called ERAs or whatever it's called).

Based on a true story, this movie outlines the revolutionary approach to selecting a baseball team for the major league in the wake of having your star players bought for large sums of money by cashed up teams. That's a major theme of the movie...the underdog against an unfair system. The approach taken contrasts that taken in Australia for the game of Australian rules football (AFL), where a form of 'socialism' was instituted over a decade ago, I think, with 'equalised' drafting, priority picks and salary caps. This 'socialism' has seen a diversity of teams win the sport's major trophy. Perhaps the main character in this movie, Billy Beane, might have been content with such a system.

Brad Pitt plays Billy Beane, and it is striking how much Brad seems to be growing into Robert Redford's face as he ages. Billy is the general manager of an underfunded (by cashed up teams' standards) baseball team, the Oakland Athletics. As in many sports where distorted markets rule (e.g. European soccer, where American multi-billionaires borrow huge sums of money and buy famous teams and load them up with debt...which is fine...until the bubble burst and the teams might face bankruptcy...or, where Russian oil billionaires buy teams and eat into their own cash reserves, paying insane salaries for stars. In both cases, there really is no business model, apart from paying crazy money which you either do or do not have for purpose of winning trophies), Oakland has developed some players into stars...only to see them picked off by cashed up teams.

Pitt plays Beane in the charismatic/brash way that Orson Welles played the youthful and exuberant 'Citizen' Kane, and he does a nice line in sizing people up and yet biting his tongue or taking sly amusement from their ways. This is interesting due to the history of Beane...he was seen as a potential star of the game and he does carry around some of that baggage with him at times. His experience illustrates the art vs science approach to baseball...he was drafted due to the former and he has to butt heads with his recruitment department in his new role as the team's general manager in order to bring a more scientific approach to recruiting.

Peter Brand plays Jonah Hill, a smart draft by Beane, who recognises in this geek a man capable of revolutionising the thinking of his recruitment department. Peter/Jonah is the most unathletic man you could imagine...short of someone who would require a crane to take them out of their bedroom by a hole in the roof in order to be taken to a hospital. He's like me playing fantasy N.B.A...or that man in the Matrix who sees everything in terms of binary digits...even that beautiful woman in a red dress.

For people who enjoy watching the game of baseball on the big screen, the last half hour has some nice moments for them. What makes this film more interesting for a general audience though is the intriguing insight into the backroom discussions of an elite sporting team. How players are valued and reasons why they may not be valued more highly are discussed.

In some ways this story is like those horse racing stories where someone buys a horse for under a $1,000 which was destined for the knacker's yard, but it goes on to win a fortune. You do get the equivalent of horses bound for the knacker's yard in this movie, as far as the baseball players who are recruited by Beane.

There was a scene I liked in this movie, where reporters discussed who was responsible for the team's was all attributed to the coach...which was in contrast to the tale that the movie tells.

A well told story which did make me laugh on occasion.
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Not a fan of baseball or statistics but I liked this a lot
juneebuggy26 November 2014
Well colour me surprised, I went into this expecting to be bored silly despite Brad Pitt and the Oscar nominations. I'm just not much of a baseball movie fan though so I figured I'd give it half an hour (because it was on TV) and bail. But somehow this held my interest despite the fact that (yes) its about baseball, odds/statistics and v-e-r-y slow moving.

I can't even explain why I liked this? Well the amazing performances helped. Led by Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill as Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane who turns baseball on its ear when he reinvents the Oakland A's, by employing unorthodox scouting methods and statistical data to place a different sort of value on the players he picks for the team.

This did make me realize just how disposable the players are. Brutal. Oh, and apparently it's is based on a book, undoubtedly a very dry, heavy on statistics and number crunching, audience specific book. Kill me now! 09.13
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Terrific movie
gary_w_oakes21 April 2019
Inspirational, educational and enjoyable movie, the cast is superb, the script tight full of emotion with a sprinkling of comedy. If you know baseball, it's a must watch. If you don't know baseball it's an equally important must watch.

Terrific movie.
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Like a satisfying double-header
estreet-eva7 February 2012
Clocking in at 2 hours, 13 minutes, "Moneyball" requires a commitment. Beyond time, an interest - or at least a lack of aversion - to mathematical concepts and, obviously, baseball also will aid in the enjoyment of this biopic. While athletic Brad Pitt does a reasonable impression of athletic former ballplayer Billy Beane, the true star is author Michael Lewis. Lewis is contemporary literature's foremost writer on men, money and the risks the one takes with the other. His ability to illuminate the arcane economic theories the character of Peter Brand (the Oscar-nominated Jonah Hill) brings to bear on baseball player selection gives the book and the movie real heft. Hill likely does not deserve the Oscar nod for player a fairly uni-dimensional statistician who is not taxed to demonstrate any real emotion (unless awkward is an emotion). At least the wildly miscast Philip Seymour Hoffman didn't get one for the cerebral actor's misguided attempt at portraying put-upon Oakland A's manager Art Howe. Beyond these three men the other characters are largely forgettable former (mostly) baseball players. In short, if you like baseball or numbers the film is a must-see but otherwise you'll find it overlong and lacking true dramatic engagement.
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Fantastic Data Analysis Used
ezzeddinabdullah23 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm interested in the stories that use science for success. This movie shows that in a unique way of using data analysis and statistics to predict sports.
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There may be no crying in baseball, but there sure is a lot of talking
Smells_Like_Cheese16 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So last year it seemed like one of the most talked about movies was Moneyball, everyone has been screaming about Brad Pitt's performance, so I was more than enthused to rent this film. I'm also a baseball fan, it's my favorite sport, so I thought I would naturally connect to this film as well as my fiancé who just a sports fanatic in general. Baseball is a tricky sport though, some consider it very boring and some consider it thrilling. So I was thinking that people would hated baseball would not get into this film, but over all the reviews have been more than positive. I actually think this was a good film, however for the first time in my baseball life, I found it kind of dull. Don't get me wrong, this is a really good movie, but I don't find the story that fascinating. I know that it's a story that was about the way we changed how we look at athletes when recruiting for teams, however the film can drag out a bit and doesn't get really good until the ending.

Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane is upset by his team's loss to the New York Yankees in the 2001 post season. Beane attempts to devise a strategy for assembling a competitive team for 2002 but struggles to overcome Oakland's limited player payroll. During a visit to the Cleveland Indians, Beane meets Peter, a young Yale economics graduate with radical ideas about how to assess players' value. Beane tests Brand's theory by asking whether he would have drafted him, Beane having been a Major League player before becoming general manager. Sensing opportunity, Beane hires Brand as the Athletics' assistant general manager changing the way that baseball looks at athletes forever.

I liked the exploration with Billy Beane, showing him not just as a man who is trying to pull his team back up but also a struggling father. He's human, he makes mistakes and has fears like any other man. I loved Brad's chemistry with Jonah, who I must say has come a long way in acting, I thought this guy to be nothing more but a man child who annoyed me in every role he ever took. I really liked Jonah Hill in this movie, he plays off the big boy actors very well just like his character in the film sort of speak. I loved seeing the rise of the Oakland A's, almost rooting for them as they are actually winning the games and becoming a real team(even though I'm a devote Cubs fan lol). Like I said before, despite all the good, I think the film is a bit too long and talky at times. I'm not sure if this was a good way to convert those who are not into baseball onto the sport. I know that's not the film's intention, but I like to see people get excited about baseball as it is an exciting sport. Brad does a great job, I'm not sure if this is my favorite role with him, but if he gets an Oscar nomination for it, good for him! I would just recommend this movie as a rental though if you really do want to see it, but it's one of those movies I saw once and more than happy with that.

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Brilliant acting and insight into sports management.
cj_nagi26 May 2019
Based on a book with same name written by Michael Lewis about the 2002 Baseball season of the Oakland Athletics, and their General Manager Billy Beane (Brad Pitt). The film also stars Jonah Hill among some other names, such as Philip Seymour Hoffman. Both Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill put on fantastic performances in this film and are both deserved of their Academy Awards nominations. To accentuate the quality of the acting the film is very well directed and there is a fantastic script from Aaron Sorkin and Steven Zaillian. I think the film is very well edited and interspersed with some real life footage and flashback stuff to fill in gaps with the story. There are also some fantastic and interesting dialogue sequences. The film seems to offer an interesting insight into the sport of baseball and the management of sports teams. Especially the actual financial and logistical management as opposed to player management. This is another film that manages to get the audience (well, me at least) behind the team and the competitors in the sport. We definitely feel the adrenaline of the player victories. I enjoyed the performances and character interactions most in this film.
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"They Get On Base"
bkoganbing2 March 2012
I have to admit that Moneyball is one unique baseball film. Usually films are about players like Lou Gehrig, Grover Cleveland Alexander, or Dizzy Dean to name three of the most successful players that successful films were made about. But our protagonist/hero is Billy Beane here, a general manager who in his own way adopted a revolutionary approach to baseball that some consider as significant as Branch Rickey inventing the farm system.

Beane is played here by Brad Pitt and he was a journeyman player who was given a scouting job in the Oakland Athletics organization which was the last team he played for. Beane gradually rose through the ranks and was now general manager at the turn of this century. What to do in the way of competing in this day of free agency with teams who have fabulously wealthy and spending owners like the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox in the American League.

The answer comes from Jonah Hill who Pitt hires away from the Cleveland Indians organization and the key is on base percentage. However you get on base, hit, walk, error, hit by pitch or the occasional passed ball by a catcher, you're on and in a position to score. No flashy hitters with huge contracts in the Beane system, just get on base and get moved around.

Of course on screen it works and the Oakland Athletics enjoy a sprint of success in the last decade. But imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and now a lot of teams are copying the Athletics.

I could critique the system, but this is for movie reviews not a sports writer's column. And the film is a tribute to two men and the system they fashioned. Brad Pitt the visionary general manager and Jonah Hill the bean counter statistician who is an integral part of the success.

Moneyball is unfortunately not a film that who are not sports fans or even baseball fans only can really appreciate. Still that's a wide selection of viewers it can relate to. It received six Oscar nominations including Best Picture, Best Actor for Brad Pitt and Best Supporting Actor for Jonah Hill. There's a nice performance by Philip Seymour Hoffman as field manager Art Howe. Hoffman's range continually amazes. You can hardly believe this is the same man who also got an Oscar for playing Truman Capote. He disappears into roles better than any other actor since Paul Muni.

A film for baseball fans, but that's a large audience pilgrim.
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Unlikeable people plus little baseball make this a bore
FlushingCaps17 November 2013
I watched this on TV finally in November 2013. I am puzzled why anyone thinks highly of this dull film with no likable characters. The film shows how the Oakland Athletics ) won a division title in 2002, despite losing three star players after 2001. It focuses almost solely on general manager Billy Beane, (Brad Pitt) and his new assistant, a fictional character named Peter Brand (played by Jonah Hill). It is presented that Peter's chief contribution is letting Beane know that on-base average is the best way to judge the value of players.

One night the club is going for the American League record of 20 straight wins, Beane is out driving to Visalia to see their minor league club. I guess we aren't supposed to know it is a 4-hour drive, because the A's are playing a night game when Billy decides to turn back to see the A's game instead. I should imagine it unlikely the Visalia club to have a game scheduled for midnight, so why was he driving there at that time of night to see the minor leaguers?

My chief criticism of the film is they make Beane out to be rather hostile, almost rude, to virtually everyone around him. I hope the real Billy Beane doesn't behave like the movie Beane. There is one scene of Beane and his ex-wife and her new husband. For no apparent reason, Beane treats the new husband rather shabbily. I wonder why they included this scene since there was no follow-up to it, no other scene dealing with any aspect of his broken marriage. Nor was there any hint that in real life, Beane had a new wife himself. They throw in 2 or 3 scenes of him being nice to his teenage daughter. Since the film was almost totally about his work life, they would have been wise to leave out the small bits with the daughter altogether.

Just like Billy and Peter, none of the players have any character development. Unlike the stars, the players are quite minor characters.

As a baseball fan, I thought it laughable that Billy flies from California to Cleveland just to talk to the Cleveland GM about making a trade for a little-used relief pitcher. That was to set up Beane noticing Peter, leading to him being hired by Beane.

Another laugh came when the two were together in Beane's office and Peter tells Beane that the left-handed reliever he wants to get from Cleveland, could only be wanted by 1 other club—San Francisco. Beane immediately phones the Giants and engineers a quick trade to get them another lefty reliever, so Cleveland will have to trade the guy to Billy. I dare say that a good left-handed reliever would in any season be desired by more than one or two clubs.

The film tries so hard to make it seem like this new strategy of Beane's—look for high on-base average players, disdain bunting and stealing—he tells them at one point that they should never bunt, leads to Oakland winning the division in 2002. Facts are they bunted for sacrifices 25 times in 2001, 20 times in 2002. The did cut down their stolen bases from 68 to 46, but considering the center fielder they lost, Johnny Damon had stolen 27 himself in 2001, and he was replaced someone who stole only 4, the lower stolen base figure must surely be attributed to that more than anything to do with strategy. It was interesting to hear Peter telling Billy early on that he didn't want Johnny Damon, that it was good for Oakland he was gone. Many people in the game consider Damon's play huge in helping the Red Sox win the World Series two years later, and later helping the Yankees to their only post-2000 World Series title to date. The A's have one post-season series win since 1993, and haven't won 100+ in any season since 2002.

I know the A's really relied on more than OBA, but that one stat cited in the film as being key makes it worth noting that the club On-Base Average in 2001 was .345, and in 2002 it dropped to .339. Their runs scored dropped from 884 to 800. I found it troubling that the real hitting stars of the A's, Miguel Tejada and Eric Chavez, each of whom drove in over 100 runs are not featured at all.

More significantly, the key role of the pitching staff was totally ignored. The only scene featuring a pitcher, was Chad Bradford, who like a grateful kid approached Beane at the start of the 2002 season and thanked him for being the first one to give him a chance. This was rather weird in two ways. First, Bradford not only had pitched in 44 games over three seasons with the White Sox, but had worked 35 games in 2001 for Oakland. It's true he worked more in 2002, but he hardly would have known about getting a bigger chance before the season started. The other thing that was weird was the way Beane reacted. He couldn't wait to walk on past Bradford, almost like the "Go away boy, you bother me," notion of W.C. Fields.

Even though I knew the A's haven't reached a World Series since 1990, how they've stayed competitive, which they indeed have, seemed like a good idea for a movie. But Beane seemed like such a jerk who doesn't know how to talk to people nicely. Peter had almost no character other than a guy who quickly comes up with numbers. And no other person's character was explored in any way. So we got not character development AND almost no baseball action other than what took the place of the old newspaper headlines in movies from decades ago. All we're left with is some people talking about the fortunes of a baseball team during one season, plus a few random highlights.
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